=Polemonium humile= Roemer & Schultes.
A handsome plant with pinnate leaves and corymbs of pale blue flowers.
Common on the rocks at 5,000 to 6,000 feet alt.i.tude.
=Polemonium elegans= Greene.
(_P. bicolor_ Greenman.)
Similar to the preceding, but smaller and very glandular, the blue flowers having a large yellow center. Rather rare in pumice at 7,500 feet elevation.
=Polemonium viscosum pilosum= Greenman.
Very much like the preceding plant. Discovered by Allen on the Goat Mountains, No. 261.
=GENTIANACEAE.= (Gentian Family.)
=Gentiana calycosa= Grisebach.
An elegant plant with deep blue bell-shaped flowers. Abundant along the rills at 5,000 feet. The species was described from Mount Rainier specimens collected by Tolmie in 1833. Grisebach also described a variety _stricta_, based on very trivial characters.
=PRIMULACEAE.= (Primrose Family.)
=Dodecatheon jeffreyi= Van Houtte.
(_D. crenatum_ Greene.) (_D. viviparum_ Greene.)
Plentiful in wet places at 4,500 to 5,500 feet elevation. Professor Greene"s types came from Spray Park.
=Douglasia laevigata= Gray.
A handsome little plant forming broad mats and bearing blood-red flowers in corymbs. Goat Mountains, Allen.
=Trientalis latifolia= Hooker.
Gorman reports this plant as occurring in coniferous woods between Longmire Springs and Paradise Park.
=PYROLACEAE.= (Indian Pipe Family.)
=Chimaphila umbellata= (Linnaeus) Nuttall.
Reported by Gorman "on the trail above Longmire Springs, in coniferous woods."
=Chimaphila menziesii= (R. Brown) Sprengel.
In deep coniferous woods, 2,000 to 4,000 feet elevation.
=Pyrola secunda= Linnaeus.
Growing with the preceding.
=Pyrola bracteata= Hooker.
Reported by Gorman "in coniferous woods along the Nisqually River at 2,850 feet."
=Moneses uniflora= (Linnaeus) Gray.
In woods near the base of the mountain.
=Monotropa hypopitys= Linnaeus.
Common in the dense shade of conifers along the trail above Longmire"s.
=Pterospora andromedea= Nuttall.
This peculiar plant occurs along the Nisqually trail at about 3,000 feet alt.i.tude.
=Allotropa virgata= Torrey & Gray.
This queer plant is abundant in coniferous woods on the north side of the mountain, but it is doubtful whether it comes within our limits.
=ERICACEAE.= (Heath Family.)
=Menziesia glabella= Gray.
A shrub four to eight feet high, much resembling a huckleberry, but the fruit is dry.
=Kalmia polifolia microphylla= (Hooker) Piper.
In wet places at 7,000 feet alt.i.tude near Nisqually Glacier.
=Phyllodoce empetriformis= (Smith) D. Don.
The common red-flowered heather, abundant on dryish slopes at 5,000 to 6,000 feet elevation.
=Phyllodoce glanduliflora= (Hooker) Coville.
Much like the preceding, but the flowers yellowish-white and glandular. Frequent at 6,500 to 7,500 feet elevation.
=Ca.s.siope mertensiana= (Bongard) Donn.
A low shrub growing with _Phyllodoce empetriformis_, and having small pendent, bell-shaped white flowers.
=Harrimanella stelleriana= (Pallas) Coville.
On the moist cliffs overlooking the Nisqually Glacier, at 5,500 feet elevation. This is the southernmost known station for the plant.
=Gaultheria shallon= Pursh.