Mount Rainier

Chapter 25

=Epilobium luteum= Pursh.

A yellow-flowered species common along streams, 3,000 to 5,000 feet elevation.

=Epilobium alpinum= Linnaeus.

(_E. hornemanni_ Reichenbach.)

Common at 4,000 to 6,000 feet alt.i.tude.

=Epilobium anagallidifolium= Lamarck.

A minute species found on the Tatoosh Mountains by Allen.

=Epilobium clavatum= Trelease.

Gravelly slopes at 5,000 feet. Plentiful along the Cowlitz Glacier.

=Epilobium fastigiatum= (Nuttall) Piper.

A glaucous-leaved small species, on the gravel bars of the Nisqually, and up to 4,500 feet elevation.

=Gayophytum ramosissimum= Torrey & Gray.

On gravelly slopes near the foot of Cowlitz Glacier.

=VIOLACEAE.= (Violet Family.)

=Viola pal.u.s.tris= Linnaeus.

The common swamp violet was found at Narada Falls by Flett.

=Viola adunca= Smith.

Rare in rock crevices near Sluiskin Falls. Flowers deep violet.

=Viola montanensis= Rydberg.

Like the preceding, but the leaves p.u.b.erulent. Near Van Trump Glacier, at 6,000 feet alt.i.tude.

=Viola glabella= Nuttall.

A yellow-flowered species common along streams and in rich woods up to 3,000 feet alt.i.tude.

=HYPERICACEAE.= (St. Johnswort Family.)

=Hyperic.u.m bryophytum= Elmer.

A diminutive plant along rills at 5,000 feet elevation.

=ACERACEAE.= (Maple Family.)

=Acer douglasii= Hooker.

The smooth maple is common on the headwaters of the Nisqually.

=CELASTRACEAE.= (Staff Tree Family.)

=Pachystima myrsinites= (Pursh) Rafinesque.

An evergreen shrub two or three feet high, having considerable resemblance to a huckleberry. Common in coniferous woods at 3,000 to 4,000 feet elevation.

=EMPETRACEAE.= (Crowberry Family.)

=Empetrum nigrum= Linnaeus.

A prostrate cespitose shrub with yew-like leaves and black berries.

Common on the rocks at 7,500 feet alt.i.tude.

=OXALIDACEAE.= (Oxalis Family.)

=Oxalis oregana= Nuttall.

Common in rich, moist woods up to 3,000 feet alt.i.tude.

=Oxalis trilliifolia= Hooker.

With the preceding, which it resembles. It may be distinguished by its scapes bearing several flowers, instead of only one, and by its narrow pods.

=LEGUMINOSAE.= (Pea Family.)

=Lupinus subalpinus= Piper & Robinson.

The common lupine of the slopes, 4,000 to 6,000 feet alt.i.tude.

=Lupinus volcanicus= Greene.

A small species, with hairy p.u.b.escence, growing above the limit of the preceding and below that of the following.

=Lupinus lyallii= Watson.

A lovely little plant with silvery foliage. Abundant in the pumice fields at 7,000 to 8,000 feet alt.i.tude.

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