Mount Rainier

Chapter 32

=Carex arcta= Boott.

Mount Rainier, 4,000 feet alt.i.tude; Allen 271.

=Carex atrata= Linnaeus.

Collected by Allen, August 14, 1895.

=Carex laeviculmis= Meinschausen.

In swamps near the foot of the mountain.

=Carex hepburnii= Boott.

A handsome little plant common at 8,000 feet alt.i.tude.

=Carex kelloggii= W. Boott.

Along Paradise River; Piper, 2548.

=Carex rigida= Goodenough.

Allen, 269, and Piper, 2533, are referred here. The last-named specimens are from near the foot of Pinnacle Peak.

=GRAMINEAE.= (Gra.s.s Family.)

=Phleum alpinum= Linnaeus.

The "mountain timothy" is of frequent occurrence at 5,000 to 6,000 feet alt.i.tude.

=Agrostis geminata= Trinius.

Collected by Allen, in 1894.

=Agrostis aequivalvis= Trinius.

The plant referred here is common on the banks of the Paradise River up to 5,000 feet.

=Agrostis rossae= Vasey.

Slopes at 6,000 feet elevation; common.

=Agrostis humilis= Vasey.

Abundant in springy places at 8,500 feet elevation.

=Calamagrostis vaseyi= Beal.

Goat Mountains, Allen, and common on the rocky ridges north of Cowlitz Glacier.

=Calamagrostis scabra= Presl.

Not rare at 5,500 feet elevation; near Sluiskin Falls, Piper; Tatoosh Mountains, Allen.

=Deschampsia atropurpurea= (Wahlenberg) Scheele.

Common at 5,000 to 6,000 feet elevation.

=Danthonia intermedia= Vasey.

Common at about 5,000 feet alt.i.tude.

=Trisetum cernuum= Trinius.

Moist places up to 5,000 feet alt.i.tude.

=Trisetum spicatum= (Linnaeus) Richter.

Rare on the ridge near Camp of the Clouds.

=Cinna latifolia= (Trevira.n.u.s) Grisebach.

Common in wet ground about Longmire Springs.

=Poa arctica= R. Brown.

A gra.s.s doubtfully referred to this species is common at 5,500 feet elevation.

=Poa paddensis= Williams.

One of the most frequent at 5,000 to 6,000 feet.

=Poa saxatilis= Scribner & Williams.

On rock cliffs at 6,000 feet. The type of this species is Piper No.

1964, from above Camp of the Clouds.

=Poa suksdorfii= Vasey.

Rather rare in the pumice at 9,000 feet elevation.

=Poa lettermani= Vasey.

On the slopes near Camp Muir, growing with the preceding.

=Festuca viridula= Vasey.

The finest gra.s.s on the slopes. Abundant at 5,000 feet elevation.

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