Mount Rainier

Chapter 27

Common in rich woods up to 3,500 feet elevation.

=Mitella breweri= Watson.

In the shelter of trees, common at 6,000 feet alt.i.tude.

=Mitella pentandra= Hooker.

Much like the preceding and found in similar places.

=Mitella trifida= Graham.

Found on Mount Rainier and on Goat Mountains by Allen.

=Parna.s.sia fimbriata= Konig.

A plant with radical reniform leaves and one-flowered scapes. The petals are white and fringed. Not rare in moist places near Sluiskin Falls; also at Crater Lake.

=Heuchera glabra= Willdenow.

On the cliffs near Camp of the Clouds.

=Heuchera micrantha= Douglas.

Mount Rainier, _Tolmie_, according to Hooker.

=Elmera racemosa= (Watson) Rydberg.

(_Heuchera racemosa_ Watson.)

Rock crevices at the base of Little Tahoma; rare.

=Suksdorfia ranunculifolia= (Hooker) Engler.

Rock Cliffs near Camp of the Clouds.

=Saxifraga bongardi= Presl.

Common along rills, 5,000 to 6,000 feet elevation.

=Saxifraga bronchialis austromontana= (Wiegand) Piper.

Abundant on rock cliffs near Longmire Springs, and frequent up to 6,000 feet alt.i.tude.

=Saxifraga marshallii= Greene.

Rare on the cliffs near Sluiskin Falls. Also collected on the Goat Mountains by Mr. Allen.

=Saxifraga odontoloma= Piper.

A species with reniform, coa.r.s.ely dentate leaves. Common along the rivulets, 5,000 to 6,000 feet alt.i.tude.

=Saxifraga nelsoniana= D. Don.

Much like the preceding, but the petals oval instead of orbicular and clawed. Near Camp of the Clouds; rare.

=Saxifraga mertensiana= Bongard.

Much like _S. odontoloma_, but the leaves doubly dentate, and usually bearing bulblets among the flowers. North side of Cowlitz Glacier; rare.

=Saxifraga tolmaei= Torrey & Gray.

Abundant at 5,000 to 7,500 feet elevation, blooming as soon as the snow melts. Easily known by its small, thick, entire leaves, and small white flowers, solitary on scapes an inch or two high. Originally found by Tolmie, from whose specimens the species was described.

=Saxifraga debilis= Engelmann.

Found on Mount Rainier by Mr. Allen. This is the first record of the plant west of Colorado.

=Saxifraga caespitosa= Linnaeus.

Collected by Flett and by Allen. Leaves 3 to 5-lobed.

=CRa.s.sULACEAE.= (Stonecrop Family.)

=Sedum divergens= Watson.

This species is easily known by its small globular leaves. Common on the cliffs near Sluiskin Falls.

=CRUCIFERAE.= (Mustard Family.)

=Draba aureola= Watson.

A viscid yellow-flowered species, rather rare at and near Camp Muir.

=Draba lonchocarpa= Rydberg.

In pumice sand at 8,500 feet alt.i.tude.

=Arabis lyallii= Watson.

Common along Paradise River, at 5,000 feet alt.i.tude, but also occurring in the pumice at 7,500 feet.

=Arabis drummondii= Gray.

Piper No. 2065, referable to this species, is from Mount Rainier.

Collected near the Cowlitz Glacier.

=Cardamine kamtschatica= (Regel) Schulz.

(_C. umbellata_ Greene.)

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