Mount Rainier

Chapter 29

A small species of pearlwort, doubtfully referred here, occurs rarely along rivulets in Paradise Park.

=Cerastium arvense= Linnaeus.

Goat Mountains, Allen, No. 237.

=Arenaria capillaris= Poiret.

Common on the rocks at 5,000 to 7,000 feet elevation. The form with curved leaves, variety _nardifolia_ Regel, is more frequent than the type.

=Arenaria verna= Linnaeus.

Rather rare in the pumice on the east side of the mountain.

=Arenaria macrophylla= Hooker.

In dry woods at low alt.i.tudes.

=PORTULACACEAE.= (Purslane Family.)

=Spraguea multiceps= Howell.

A handsome plant, with entire spatulate leaves and dense heads of pink or purple flowers. Common in the pumice fields.

=Claytonia sibirica= Linnaeus.

Collected by Flett somewhere near the base of the mountain. The commonest lowland "spring beauty."

=Claytonia asarifolia= Bongard.

A plant with fleshy entire leaves and small racemes of white flowers.

Occasional along the rivulets at 4,000 to 5,000 feet elevation.

=Claytonia parvifolia= Mocino.

On the rocks at 3,000 to 4,000 feet alt.i.tude.

=Claytonia lanceolata= Pursh.

Common in the meadows. The tuberous root is edible.

=Lewisia columbiana= (Howell) Robinson.

Goat Mountains, Allen. Leaves fleshy, flowers rose-purple, showy.

=POLYGONACEAE.= (Buckwheat Family.)

=Oxyria digyna= (Linnaeus) Hill.

A small plant with reniform entire leaves, and flowers and fruit like those of the common docks. Not rare in rock crevices at 5,000 to 6,000 feet elevation.

=Polygonum minimum= Watson.

Common at 5,000 to 6,000 feet alt.i.tude.

=Polygonum douglasii= Greene.

On a gravelly slope near the foot of Cowlitz Glacier.

=Polygonum newberryi= Small.

Common in the pumice fields, where it is a characteristic plant.

=Polygonum bistortoides= Pursh.

Very plentiful on the slopes, where it is conspicuous by its dense white-flowered spikes an inch long, borne singly on slender stems a foot or two high.

=Eriogonum compositum= Douglas.

A form of this variable species occurs on the talus at the foot of the cliffs on the north side of Cowlitz Glacier.

=Eriogonum pyrolaefolium coryphaeum= Torrey & Gray.

Plentiful in the pumice fields.

=BETULACEAE.= (Birch Family.)

=Alnus sinuata= (Regel) Rydberg.

Sitka alder. A small alder, seldom over ten or twelve feet high.

Common along the streams at low alt.i.tude.

=SALICACEAE.= (Willow Family.)

=Salix scouleriana= Barratt.

The common upland willow; not rare up to 3,500 feet elevation.

=Salix sitchensis= Sanson.

The "silky willow" is plentiful along the Nisqually at Longmire Springs.

=Salix barclayi= Anderson.

=Salix commutata= Bebb.

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