Mountain Magic

Chapter 68

He saddled and bridled the mule, then rubbed its muzzle. The beast gave a snort of satisfaction and made a playful attempt to bite him.

"Git on up," Old Nathan said to the girl. "I reckon I"ll walk."

He hefted the rifle he had leaned against the sidelogs of the shed, then crooked it into his left arm. He glanced to see that Ellie was in the saddle, then made a cautious pa.s.s through the air with his free hand.

Nothing happened. Old Nathan sighed and said, "Gee up, mule. We"ve got a pa.s.sel uv country t" ride through afore we find airy place thet wants t" see us."

"We"ll be all right," Ellie said.

She looked back once from the road. In the shadow of the shed, there was a faint glimmer as of fairy lights . . . but very faint, and the young couple had many miles yet to ride.


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