"Master, Mr Brian is very busy, he has a tight schedule so.... "

"Hm, Ok, we"ll have plenty of chances to meet"

"And also Mr Brian has been investigating Miss"
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"Good, very good, I"ve been waiting for 8 years, now the right time finally came, Haaaa! Little Sunflower, Let"s start the game" a evil smirk appear on the person"s face.


Interview Hall

"Ms Scott, we are very happy to have you here."

"It"s my pleasure"

"We"ll inform you the other details later,"

"No problem, Have a good day"

"You too Ms Scott"

Valerie left the room and went to the elevator while looking at her phone. She didn"t realize which elevator is she taking.

When the door opened, did she realize that not just she took the wrong elevator even there was a person beside her.

She look at the person"s face and froze, the other person also have the same reaction as her.

Valerie was the first to came to herself and sarcastically said, "What a rare surprise to see Mr Fu here."

Fu Yuan didn"t know why but he feel a throb in his heart..

"What are you doing here, Vale?" Fu Yuan asked softly.

"First of all, we are not in any good terms or not very acquainted Mr Fu, and also, are you not afraid that people will think that our relations.h.i.+p is unpleasant?" She remark.

"No, I don"t t___"

He tried to explain but she cut it off.

"Secondly, what am I doing here is none of your business, you lost the chance to repent your mistakes" She said as she turned around and walk away.

Fu Yuan was dumbfounded. She never talk to him like that.

"Yes! I lost my last chance a long time ago" He mumble to himself.

After Valerie walk away she realize that she was in front of a Office door. It"s a wooden and gla.s.s styled door, giving of a elegant vibe. Nothing can be seen through the gla.s.s, She can only see her reflection.

When she was just about to leave, the door opened with a Bam.

Valerie was taken a back by the sudden action. Then she saw a girl with her teary eyes, running out. Valerie run towards her without any hesitation.

When Jedrek saw Valerie running towards the girl"s direction, he frowned.

"What is she doing up here?" he asked in his deep voice.

"I don"t know..." Secretary Mu felt the glare and blurted out, "I"ll go and look for the reason"

"Hm. Fast" Jedrek commanded.


When Valerie caught up with the girl and look at her face, she didn"t help but felt her heart was being stabbed by hundred knife.

The girl looks so cute and beautiful.

The girl was startled when she saw someone behind her was staring at her intentionally.

Before she could say anything, she was in arms of the person. She didn"t protest but blushed. The warm embrace gave her a sense of security, she sobbed even harder.

Valerie can"t help but started to console the girl.

"It"s alright, don"t cry, don"t cry, who made this beautiful girl upset, I"m gonna beat them, ok. Even though you look cute like this but aaaahh... what am I saying, don"t cry, don"t cry"

The girl chuckled when she hear Valerie.

Valerie slightly let her go then wipe the tears with her thumb. She ask her while cares her face, "What happened? Why are you crying? Who made you cry? Huh?"

The girl"s face was red when she saw how beautiful the woman is in front of her. She felt Valerie"s hand on her face and she blushed even more.

"My fiance was rejecting me for 2 years, today I came from aboard, to surprise him but he reject me again even yelled at me, I... I..." She shyly but sadly told her. She don"t know why is she telling her but she did without any hesitation. Before she starts sobbing again Valerie hugged her and comfort her, "Don"t worry, don"t marry that jerk, don"t try to please him anymore, you can have anyone you want, you are so cute. From now on, you have me ok? You can share anything with me. Ohh! How forgetful I"m, Valerie Scott."

"Meng Xae, thank you Sis Valerie" Xae said softly.

Then they went out, Valerie took her to a near coffee shop. They talk to each other, interact with each other without any difficulty. Valerie was just 1 year and 4 months older than Xae so she started to think of her as a little sister.

They didn"t realize how much time went by. It was already evening when they got up and left the coffee shop.

"Call me anytime, I"ll come to you whenever you ask me to come. And cancel your marriage with that jerk" Valerie said through her gritted teeth.

Thinking of that jerk, how he made Xae upset, enough to make her angry.

When Meng Xae saw how possessive Valerie towards her now, she felt very happy.

"OK sis Vale, I"ll talk to my parents about it, don"t worry, take care, we will meet again soon, bye." Xae said happily.

"OK Xae"er, bye bye, take care" Valerie left but didn"t forget to turn and give Meng Xae a flying kiss,then she hailed a Cab and left.

Meng Xae blush upon seeing Valerie"s action, she left happily with her bodyguards.

"At last, I made a true friend, a sister and a special relation with someone, who is loyal to her without any hidden motive" Meng Xae thought to herself.

She didn"t tell her full ident.i.ty at first but when she saw how true, kind and honest is Valerie she told her ident.i.ty. Valerie didn"t have any much reaction after knowing. Xae can tell how much Valerie cares for her from the very moment that is why she disclose her ident.i.ty.


In the office

Someone was fuming in rage while looking at the CCTV footage.

In the footage, Valerie"s one hand was caressing Xae"s face while her other hand was placed on Xae"s waist. Valerie was looking at her tenderly. They look so intimate. Anyone who doesn"t know them will gonna tell that they are a couple(Girl"s love).

Jedrek"s eyes were blood l.u.s.t.

He doesn"t know why he is so angry.

Because his fiance was s.n.a.t.c.hed by a girl or Valerie was caring someone else?

For what reason?

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