Mr. Dior

Chapter 1.1

BOOK II: The Subst.i.tute Lover of the Rich and Powerful Boss_Chapter 1.1

Jiao Qi lightly groaned and rubbed his head against the pillow. He was so exhausted to open his eyes. Making love over and over again for three consecutive days made him unable to endure much. Climbing up to his lao gong’s waist, then crawling into his arms, he yawned and asked, “Why did you sit up, President-daren?”

President-daren’s back went more rigid. He tried hard to find his own voice and as much as possible, he must speak in the same charming evil tone as the ‘overbearing president’.

“Still have the strength to banter? It seems like last night’s lesson was not enough.” That said, both of his hands unconsciously held the person tighter which made him feel better.

Hmm? Jiao Qi raised his head to look at him and gradually raised his brow.

He was about to speak when a dull pain mixed with nausea came from his stomach and can’t help but let out a sound, “Hiss… ” He lightly breathed in a bit of cool air, pushed away Zhangda Diao, and curled back into bed.

Zhang Chenfei had a scare and the ‘overbearing president character’ was immediately forgotten. He bounced over and asked his little wife, “What happened? Does your stomach hurt?”

“It’s nothing.” Jiao Qi slowly rose up and weakly waved his hand.

His stomach hadn’t been good in the past. When he just got married, his stomach frequently ached and at times, the pain makes his whole body break out in a cold sweat. Zhang Chenfei, in order to take care of him, especially went to specifically study how to cook soup and boil porridge. Provided that his stomach was filled in with food, it basically no longer brought trouble.

It’s just that if he didn’t properly eat his meal on time, or when he drinks alcohol, or eat spicy food, he will still feel unwell. Last night, not only did he not eat, but also drank wine on an empty stomach.

Zhang Chenfei touched his little wife’s pale face and felt distressed. He should go out to cook food for him. His feet just slipped in to the slippers when suddenly, he felt Jiao Qi staring at his back. He does not need to turn his head to know that there’s doubt in his little wife’s eyes.

He took a deep breath and then firmly resumed the facial expression of the overbearing president. Exposing his evil charm, he impetuously turned around and stuffed his lovely little wife back to bed as he said, “Before I come back, don’t leave the bed.”

As he spoke, he strutted downstairs just like an emperor ascending the throne. Then, he swiftly moved sideways to hide in the kitchen. He firmly rubbed a layer of goose b.u.mps on his arm as he trembled in place. The scripts were too shameful that his claws felt numb as he was saying them.

For three days that he didn’t cook, the home has some desolate feeling while looking at the cold pot and cold stove. Fortunately, ayi [1] comes in everyday to clean and replenish the dishes so he can open fire anytime. At this time, it was too late to make a complex soup. He can only use a pressure cooker to quickly cook a potful of white porridge.

{T/N: [1] 阿姨āyí –  A woman of similar age to one’s parents (usually a term of address used by a child). It could also mean maternal aunt or step-mother depending on context.}

He threw the rice into the pot and checked the stock inside the refrigerator. He took out the ingredients that need to be thawed and put it into the microwave oven. Everything was ready and it will take half an hour for the porridge to be thoroughly cooked. While waiting, he first poured a cup of lukewarm water and went to find the stomach medicine that has not been used for a long time. This stomach medicine must be eaten before meals.

Going back upstairs, Jiao Qi had already finished washing up, but his body was too tired. So, he returned to bed lazily and not wanting to move.

The air conditioning is blowing on his back. Zhang Chenfei wanted to cover him up with a quilt but his ‘overbearing president persona’ shouldn’t collapse. Readjusting himself, he first coughed and then slapped that smooth and round region and then said, “Sticking your b.u.t.t out this much, who are you trying to seduce, hm?”

Ah, ah, ah, ah! Exclaiming inside, husband Da Diao put in extra effort to grasp the carpet with his toes while he is in ‘character’. Taking a deep breath, he pulled up his lovely little wife and compelled him to take in the medicine.

Jiao Qi was well-behaved and took in the medicine. He allowed president-daren to hold him like a Category B (sort of bedridden) disabled person and tuck him back in bed before asking, “Hey, you remembered, right?”

“Wha… what?” The president slipped under his feet and his speech began to stutter.

For seven years, Jiao Qi had been facing this person day and night. Knowing what kind of demon he is, his husband must be trying to cover up his tail. Since the moment his husband woke up first, Jiao Qi had been observing him.

He narrowed his eyes dangerously and then asked, “Tell me, which account do we have to calculate first? We might as well first talk about which lover did you bring to the company, Mr. Dior Zhang?”

Boom! The president tossed his lovely little wife into the bed. His expressionless face moved back a bit and drove his head into the pile of pillows pretending to die.

“Pretending to die without taking a beating?”

“I swear by my name that I have never done anything to let you down!”

“Does your name even have a credit value … Zhang, Da, Diao?!”

“Wuu, wuu, wu …”

Zhangda Diao’s name has its origin.

At that time, the two met on a blind date in a French restaurant with a very good atmosphere. As the candlelight swayed gently, the young and handsome President Zhang handed over a gilded black business card.

The business card with a minimalist industrial design simply contains a name and contact details and is gently resting on the table. Jiao Qi reached out to pick it up, but the two distinct and slender fingers that pushed the business card down did not leave. Instead, it firmly pressed harder on the corner of the business card.

This is some kind of an obscure hint and Jiao Qi raised his head to look at him. ‘I must say that this gentleman is the most handsome blind date I have seen so far. His deep eyes reflect the candlelight and gives people an illusion of affection.’

The heart couldn’t help skipping a beat, and Jiao Qi looked down at the business card. The man still had no meaning to let go so he had to read what was written on it slowly.

Jiao Qi has a mild myopia and the environment is dimly lit so he doesn’t have any alternative but to read it roughly, “Zhang (surname) Ju (huge) … Diao (a male’s member)?”

This name was a bit shocking, so Jiao Qi rather had a deep impression on it. After he got back home from the blind date, he could not forget the man named Da (big) Diao (c*ck).

{T/N: Ho-ho! How about we compare the Chinese characters? Let’s see where the misunderstanding came from.

臣 – chen «— — » 巨 – ju  [ 大 – da, is another character that means huge or big ]

扉 – fei «— — »屌 – diao

So, how mild (or severe?) exactly was Jiao Qi’s myopia or how dim was their surrounding back then? Lol! I guess the lovely little wife cannot be blamed for this mistake. As a person who is also having challenges in recognizing Chinese characters, I sympathize with JQ.}

It was not until the third telephone call that Zhang Chenfei could not help but correct it. “That, uhh, actually my name is Zhang Chenfei.”

However, the initial impression has already been ingrained in Jiao Qi’s mind. Hence, he calls his husband Zhangda Diao until now.

Zhang Chenfei felt extremely wronged this time. He raised his head from under the pillow and said, "My name is actually very precious … wuu!”

{T/N: Chen means state official or subject in dynastic China; while Fei means a single-leaf door. Basing it on the novel’s context, Chenfei could mean a worthy person with a lot of opportunities opening up for him.}

After a good beating, president-daren proceeded to make breakfast for his lovely little wife.

Eating the warm white porridge and the soft milk steamed buns, coupled with two fresh and tasty small side dishes, made Jiao Qi’s stomach satisfied and full.

Bowing his head to reach for the meal, Zhangda Diao was scratching his head while tracing over the small hole that had already scabbed.

"Tomorrow, we will go to the hospital and have your injury checked up again." Jiao Qi is still a bit uneasy and thus, he just made an appointment with the clinic upstairs a moment ago. However, the clinic’s schedule today is already full which means that they can only wait until tomorrow to go and see the doctor.

Zhang Chenfei disapproved as he thinks that he is already well. “Never mind seeing the doctor. That Que De is lacking virtue. He only knows how to defraud your money.”

“Then, did you really buy the set of luxurious deep-sea caviar small chrysanthemum maintenance products?” Jiao Qi supported his jaw with one hand and looked at him with a sly look.

“Pfff!” President-daren choked out a mouthful of porridge.

Jiao Qi pursed up his lips repressing his laughter and pa.s.sed on the napkin to him. “The examination is necessary. Moreover, I must sue the smart brain manufacturer that’s why I need Que De’s examination report.”

"In fact, there are information about the risks of using smart brain in the manual. However, there is no clear statement regarding the specific issues that may arise from collision.” Zhang Chenfei was muttering to himself for a moment and suddenly, a brilliant idea flashed across his mind.

“Baby, don’t you think this is a huge business opportunity?”

"Umm, what kind of business opportunity?" It has been a very long time since he had heard this term of endearment which sounded cheesy. Jiao Qi felt uncomfortable, but the person who spoke did not seem to realize what he called him and was still minding his own business in a.n.a.lyzing a potential business opportunity.

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