Mr. Dior

Chapter 2.4

BOOK II: The Subst.i.tute Lover of the Rich and Powerful Boss_Chapter 2.4

After the buffet reception concluded, Zhang Chenfei accepted the invitation of his acquaintance to play squash [1] at the club. Jiao Qi refused to go with him and drove himself home alone.

{T/N: [1] Squash is a ball sport played by two (singles) or four players (doubles squash) in a four-walled court with a small, hollow rubber ball. The players must alternate in striking the ball with their racket and hit the ball onto the playable surfaces of the four walls of the court. Source}

Inside the villa, it was absolutely empty. The afternoon sunshine came in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, but did not bring in a trace of warmth. The butler was accompanying people to repair the fence, and the pounding became the only sound of activity.

Jiao Qi sat on the single-seater sofa in the bas.e.m.e.nt and stared at the tightly shut door in front of him. This is the storage room that he never opened. It is Zhang Chenfei"s private s.p.a.ce, a depository where he hid all the secrets of his youth.

He knows that Zhang Chenfei"s environment while growing up was not very good, and there were some things that he didn"t want others to know.

Jiao Qi has always respected him. They"ve been married for seven years and not even once did he enter this room. But now, he very much like to go in and have a look at what"s inside.

He did not eat at noon today. As such, his stomach was now hurting. Jiao Qi"s face turned deathly pale and he curled up on the sofa. He could not help but cry as two teardrops fell and rolled down his cheeks.

If the tenderness Zhang Chenfei showed him these years is just a scam, then how will things end up for them?

Money can be paid back and time can be calculated, but how about the love he received? Can it be taken back?

Jiao Qi"s fingertips trembled as he traced over the combination lock on the door. The small storage room was like a Pandora"s Box. The consequences after opening it are unpredictable. Jiao Qi took a deep breath, wiped his face, and clenched his teeth before keying in the pa.s.sword.

He honestly does not know the four-digit pa.s.sword to unlock the door. He tried a few of the commonly used four-digit pa.s.swords in their family but they"re all incorrect. However, when ‘0826" was entered, “click” … and the door opened.

“…” The room, where the secret of “White Moonlight” is hidden, has his birthday as the current pa.s.sword of the locked door. This fact gave him an odd feeling.

Jiao Qi drew out the corner of his mouth to put off this matter for now and pushed the door to go in.

It was somewhat messy inside the room, and it is full of clutter. There are obsolete old computers, a bicycle without handles, a fruit knife without a notch, and also, a bail slip of Zhang from a detention facility.

On the only neat table, there"s a photo of Zhang Chenfei as a child with his mother, and a Rimowa aluminum magnesium alloy suitcase. The suitcase is custom-made, and a line in German was engraved outside which says – “My Love”.

{T/N: “My Love” in German is “meine Geliebte”. This German phrase may also mean my lover, my sweetheart, my beloved, my loved one, and so on depending on its usage. To my German-speaking readers, please correct me if I"m mistaken. Danke!}

The suitcase has no lock and can be easily opened.

Jiao Qi pressed the lid of the suitcase and did not lift his hand for quite a while. He doesn"t know what was inside, but it must be something he doesn"t want to see. And that"s the truth.

Perhaps, it"s over a hundred love letters that weren"t mailed. Maybe, it"s a photo of that “White Moonlight” or perhaps, it"s something that"s even more unbearable. The originally beautiful life, seemed to suddenly transform into a suspense horror movie, and the birdsong and fragrant flowers [2] could collapse anytime and anywhere into a piece of mire.

{T/N: [2] A Chinese idiom which figuratively means the intoxication of a beautiful spring day. Spring is usually a.s.sociated as the happiest, most beautiful, or most vibrant moment in one"s life.}

“Click.” And the suitcase was opened.

Inside the suitcase, there"s no “evidence” of crime that"s spicy in the eyes, but some irrelevant stuff. For example, a broken fountain pen, an eraser with a missing part, an old photo alb.u.m with a cartoon cover…

The fountain pen and the eraser are a bit familiar. Jiao Qi opened the photo alb.u.m and saw his own picture inside that were taken during his high school days.

This picture is obviously a cut out from the poster in the school"s official website. There is also a missing piece next to it.

Jiao Qi then recalled. There was a time in high school when the school needed two students, a boy and a girl, to take publicity photographs for the school"s official website. He was mysteriously selected and took a photo side-by-side with a female student he did not know and was said to be the school"s prettiest girl.

That silly picture is still posted on the school"s official website. The part that was missing in the picture was the girl on his side.

A nearly absurd and unreal feeling rushed up inside Jiao Qi. He continued to turn the pages. Surprisingly, the entire photo alb.u.m only contained his pictures.

Some were pulled down from the school"s honor roll, some were magnified graduation photos, and in addition, there were sneak shots taken during sports compet.i.tion, at the basketball courts, and so on.

Jiao Qi finally called to mind on what happened to the fountain pen. It was used by him during his soph.o.m.ore year. Because it was extremely pretty, the girls in his cla.s.s fought over to see it. As they were not careful, it accidentally fell down from upstairs and the pen"s shaft broke. A fountain pen is nothing to him, but the girls in his cla.s.s were very embarra.s.sed and felt guilty so they went down together to pick it up. But strangely enough, it went missing.

“Ha? Hahahaha!” Jiao Qi doesn"t know whether to laugh or cry [3]. In other words, Zhangda Diao, this guy, already knew him since high school. His so-called first love, his high school male G.o.d was called Jiao Yan at that time. That person was none other than him, Jiao Qi.

{T/N: [3] A Chinese idiom which means both funny and extremely embarra.s.sing; or between laughter and tears,}

After all these years, this guy has been so watertight that he never mentioned about it. He is quite formidable.

Jiao Qi stood up and walked about inside the room. While doing so, he discovered more interesting things such as the homework he wrote, the school uniform he had thrown away because it was stained with muddy water, and a high jump pole…

Picking up the red and white high jump crossbar, Jiao Qi"s face suddenly blackened. This slightly bent pole, he remembers very clearly. A school sports compet.i.tion was held and during that time, he was compelled to partic.i.p.ate in the high jump sports event. He made a dashing leap but he was not able to pa.s.s over. Riding on the crossbar, the pole hit his crotch, making him unable to get up on the sponge high jump mat for a long time.

Zhangda Diao, this guy, even collected this thing. He even used a marker to draw two crying eggs in the middle of the pole!

“All right, Zhangda Diao, I"ll wait for you to wake up."

In the evening, the president-daren, who drank wine, staggered back to the villa. He saw his lovely little wife sitting on the sofa and sulking.

“Baby, I am back.” Zhang Chenfei exploited an opportunity and drove his big head towards Jiao Qi"s bosom.

Jiao Qi tightly gripped his lao gong"s wrist and said meaningfully, “I know who is the White Moonlight in your heart.”

Hearing this, the president"s facial expression changed abruptly.

“That person, isn"t he called Jiao Yan?” Jiao Qi said with a smile yet not a smile.

“Shut up!” Mr. Da Diao jumped up in an instant, as if he was a wounded beast. “Don"t mention his name! This name, only I can speak!”

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So, yeah, that"s basically it. Cheers!

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