Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1175: Take It That I Owe You a Favor!

Chapter 1175: Take It That I Owe You a Favor!

Fang Yan and Yun Liuli both watched while standing behind them, listening as the director and s.h.i.+ Hanchu discussed the scenes filmed today.

s.h.i.+ Hanchu was different from the director. Director Hu was used to rewatching the scenes repeatedly, whereas s.h.i.+ Hanchu would simply watch once before going to the lounge and looking at his script.

Yun Liuli asked Fang Yan if she could look for s.h.i.+ Hanchu to ask him some questions…

Fang Yan nodded. “s.h.i.+ Hanchu is very nice and easygoing, and he’s also very willing to help juniors. Go ahead and ask him questions! Just show a more humble att.i.tude…”

Yun Liuli nodded, not at all wishy-washy like other girls. She took her notebook and a little stool with her and sat down next to s.h.i.+ Hanchu.

s.h.i.+ Hanchu’s a.s.sistant had wanted to chase Yun Liuli away and ask her not to disturb s.h.i.+ Hanchu while he was reading his script, but considering Yun Liuli was brought there by Fang Yan, the a.s.sistant didn’t dare.

s.h.i.+ Hanchu looked at Yun Liuli, who was sitting beside him and had her notebook opened. He asked, “You’re a reporter?”

“No!” Yun Liuli shook her head and tossed the pot over to Fang Yan. “Just now, Sister Yan asked me to learn performing from you.”

What Fang Yan meant was for Yun Liuli to learn from s.h.i.+ Hanchu by watching him on the monitor, not by directly going over to s.h.i.+ Hanchu and asking him for advice.

s.h.i.+ Hanchu asked with a smile, “You’d like to learn how to perform?”

Yun Liuli nodded.

s.h.i.+ Hanchu wasn’t someone who h.o.a.rded secrets when it came to acting. Usually, when newcomers acting in the same movie came to him for advice, s.h.i.+ Hanchu would answer them generously.

s.h.i.+ Hanchu saw the dense and delicate handwriting on Yun Liuli’s notebook, so he took the notebook from her and glanced at it. Indeed, she was serious about learning how to perform.

Director Hu saw Fang Yan looking at s.h.i.+ Hanchu and Yun Liuli from his peripheral vision, so he looked towards them as well. He saw s.h.i.+ Hanchu taking Yun Liuli’s notebook from her, and he was saying something to her. Director Hu’s heart stirred.

“I’m not a teacher of the performing arts in school, so I can’t teach you in a professional manner. But I can share with you what I learned from experience…”

Yun Liuli nodded. She obediently looked up at s.h.i.+ Hanchu.

“Such as the role I played today… Xie Xun. When the script supervisor hit the clapperboard… I had to forget who I am and transform into Xie Xun! Do you get what I mean?” s.h.i.+ Hanchu’s voice was deep and calm and very pleasant-sounding.

Yun Liuli blinked, slightly perplexed.

s.h.i.+ Hanchu asked, “Do you know who you are?”

“Yun Liuli…” Yun Liuli replied cautiously, an intelligent look in her eyes.

s.h.i.+ Hanchu nodded, guiding her gently. “Then why are you Yun Liuli instead of someone else? Why aren’t you Fang Yan, Director Hu, or s.h.i.+ Hanchu?”

Yun Liuli, who knew very little about acting, was a little lost.

“The reason I’m s.h.i.+ Hanchu is that I’ve been s.h.i.+ Hanchu ever since I could remember. My childhood… my youth, how I made it to where I am today. I have memories that belong to s.h.i.+ Hanchu because I am s.h.i.+ Hanchu!”

Yun Liuli was still somewhat lost.

“Then, when I act as Xie Xun, I need to have Xie Xun’s memories. Childhood… youth, how he made it to where he is today. The script contains none of these! Now that I put it this way, do you understand?” s.h.i.+ Hanchu asked.

Yun Liuli thought about it, then raised her head and asked with uncertainty, “You mean, if I want to act as someone, I need to transform into that person. The script won’t detail the character’s memories and experiences, so I need to make up and delve into the fine details in order to make it real?”

s.h.i.+ Hanchu had said these words to those people who came to consult him before too, but the only ones who could understand… were Su Manman and Yun Liuli.

s.h.i.+ Hanchu smiled at Yun Liuli. “Then, there’s nothing I can teach you! You’re very bright… and talented!”

Yun Liuli was more enlightened by s.h.i.+ Hanchu than she was with her acting teachers. She noted nothing in her notebook, but it was clear in her heart. She stood up and bowed at s.h.i.+ Hanchu. “Thank you..”

Yun Liuli then obediently went back to Fang Yan.

“Learned something?” Fang Yan asked.

Yun Liuli held her notebook to her chest tightly and nodded. In her heart, she had started fabricating the experiences of the MV’s vampire queen growing up. After all, filming would start tomorrow, so time was a little tight for Yun Liuli.

Fang Yan raised the coffee in her hand and toasted s.h.i.+ Hanchu. s.h.i.+ Hanchu smiled and toasted her back with his thermos cup.

She used coffee to exchange for a lesson for Yun Liuli from s.h.i.+ Hanchu. What a worthwhile deal. Fang Yan smiled.

“Do you want to let your girl try out a guest-star role?” Director Hu asked Fang Yan.

“Is there a suitable character in the script?” Fang Yan asked, then added, “Or… are you planning to replace someone with her? It doesn’t seem very nice…”

Fang Yan felt a little embarra.s.sed, but it was evident from her gaze that she was tempted by the suggestion.

“When I saw your girl just now, I suddenly had a vision in my mind. I feel that the addition of this character will make Xie Xun a fuller character.”

“Let me make it clear upfront. Apart from her beauty, my girl knows nothing. She only started learning about performing!” Fang Yan gave Director Hu a “preventive jab” in advance.

“Mm… it’s sufficient that she’s pretty! The character needs to be very pretty! Your girl has a pretty good disposition, so she can simply act as herself.”

There was this one scene in the script where Xie Xun’s good friend told others the reason Xie Xun chose to serve in the army!

Xie Xun was a young master from an aristocratic family and was childhood playmates with Princess Mingcheng. Xie Xun had been fond of Princess Mingcheng since he was young…

Princess Mingcheng was reputed as the top beauty in Liang state, so she was forced to enter an alliance marriage with Nan Yan. However, she was and died on the way there.

Xie Xun had made a vow before the princess’s tombstone that he would rather die in battle… than ever let a girl in Liang state enter an alliance marriage again.

Director Hu hadn’t been able to find a suitable candidate for the role of Princess Mingcheng and was originally planning on letting Su Manman take on the role. After all, Su Manman’s beauty was considered top-notch in the country. But Su Manman said she didn’t wish to act as s.h.i.+ Hanchu’s deceased lover in a movie, for it was inauspicious. Director Hu wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry after hearing that… He had no choice but to make Princess Mingcheng a legend and not have her appear in the movie at all.

But this time, seeing the incredibly beautiful Yun Liuli, Director Hu decided to cast her…

Anyway, it was only several scenes without lines. It didn’t matter if she couldn’t act. It would do so long as she was beautiful!

“Okay then!” Fang Yan accepted the offer on Yun Liuli’s behalf. She patted Director Hu’s arm and said, “Take it that I owe you a favor!”

To be able to show one’s face in such a ma.s.sive production was a dream come true for newcomers.

Fang Yan was clear that Director Hu only offered Yun Liuli the role because of Yun Liuli’s beauty and on her account.

“In that case, get Lin Nuan to take part in my next movie!”

Director Hu joked about the matter he previously mentioned to Fang Yan… and was rejected.

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