Mr. Pim Passes By

Chapter 23

GEORGE. Then you will come up to London to-morrow?

(_She nods_.)

And if we should see a carpet or anything else we want----

OLIVIA. Oh, George!

GEORGE (_beaming, rising and backing away to_ L. _a little_). And lunch at the Carlton, what?

OLIVIA (_nodding eagerly_). Oh!

GEORGE. And--and a bit of a honeymoon in Paris?

OLIVIA. Oh, what fun!

GEORGE (_hungrily_). Give me a kiss, old girl.

OLIVIA (_lovingly_). George!

(_She holds up her cheek to him. He kisses it, and then suddenly takes her in his arms_.)

GEORGE. Don"t ever leave me, old girl.

OLIVIA (_affectionately_). Don"t ever send me away, old boy.

GEORGE (_fervently_). I won"t. (_Awkwardly_.) I--I don"t think I _should have_ really, you know. I--I----

(DINAH _enters from up_ L. _and crosses at back of writing-table and round down_ R. BRIAN _follows her_.)

DINAH (_seeing the embrace, surprised_). Oo--I say!

(GEORGE _looks and feels rather a fool_.)

GEORGE. Hallo!

(OLIVIA _sits, resumes sewing_.)

DINAH (_coming down centre and going below settee_ L., _impetuously to him_). Give me one, too, George. Brian won"t mind.

GEORGE (_formally, but enjoying it_). Do you mind, Mr. Strange?

BRIAN (_a little uncomfortable_). Oh, I say, sir----

GEORGE. We"ll risk it, Dinah. (_He kisses her_.)

DINAH (_triumphantly to_ BRIAN _and standing above_ GEORGE). Did you notice that one? That wasn"t just an ordinary affectionate kiss. That was a special "bless you my children" one. (_To_ GEORGE.) Wasn"t it?

OLIVIA. You do talk nonsense, darling.

DINAH (_crossing quickly below and to_ R. _of_ BRIAN). Well, I"m so happy now that Pim has relented about your first husband--(GEORGE _catches_ OLIVIA"S _eye and smiles; she smiles back; but they are different smiles_.)

GEORGE (_the actor_). Yes, yes, stupid fellow, Pim, what?

BRIAN. Yes. Absolute idiot, I think!

DINAH. And now that George has relented about--(_with a significant look at_ BRIAN)--_my_ first husband----

GEORGE. Here, you get on much too quickly. (_Crossing below_ OLIVIA _to_ BRIAN.) So you want to marry my Dinah, eh?

BRIAN (_with a smile_). Well, I do rather, sir.

GEORGE (_to_ BRIAN). Well, you"d better have a talk with me about it--er-- (_with a sly look at_ OLIVIA)--Brian.

BRIAN. Thank you very much, sir.

(GEORGE _goes up and_ BRIAN, _imitating his walk, accompanies him_.)

GEORGE. Well, come along then. (BRIAN _looks at his watch_.) I am going up to town after tea, so we"d better----

DINAH (_moving up to_ R. _of_ BRIAN). I say, are you going to London?

GEORGE (_with a sly look at_ OLIVIA). Yes, a little business.

DINAH (_cheekily_). Eh?

GEORGE. Never you mind, young woman. (_To_ BRIAN.) Come along, we"ll stroll down and look at the pigs.

BRIAN. Right-o!

(_They are going off to_ L. _when_ OLIVIA _calls_.)

OLIVIA. George, don"t go too far away; I may want you.

GEORGE. All right! I"ll be out on the terrace. Give me a shout if you want me.

(GEORGE _and_ BRIAN _go off at windows up_ L.)

(DINAH _follows up_ R. _and watches them off_.)

DINAH (_watching them off_). Brian and George always discuss me in front of the pigs. So tactless of them. I say, are you going to London, too, darling? (_Coming down to table_ L.C.)

OLIVIA. To-morrow----(_Rising and shaking out curtains_.)

DINAH. What are you going to do in London?

OLIVIA. Oh, shopping and--one or two little things.

DINAH. With George?

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