Mr. Pim Passes By

Chapter 25


_Stage cloth down_.--Parquette stage cloth with marble pavement piece attached at back for terrace

_Persian carpet_ laid up and down R.

_Persian carpet_ laid up and down L.

_Settee_ set across down L. (Jacobean settee upholstered in tapestry).

_On settee_ L. Two tapestry cushions.

_Occasional Jacobean table_ to R. of settee down L.

_Stool_.--Upholstered in rose R. of table.

_Semi-grand piano_, with keyboard down stage, _down_ R. below double doors.

_On piano_.--Dinah"s musical instrument.

Silk pink brocade piano cover.

Photo of Olivia in frame.

Photo of George Marden in frame.

Photo of Dinah in frame.

Photo of Brian in frame.

E.P. mirror.

Blue china bowl containing flowers.

Quant.i.ty of music.

_Occasional Jacobean chair_.--Below piano.

_Settee_ (small Queen Anne cane-backed) upholstered in tapestry set up and down stage against and to L. of piano.

_Cushion_--dark gold brocade--on settee.

_Table_ (occasional Jacobean) above settee to L., of piano.

_On table_.--Ill.u.s.trated papers.

Rose-coloured piece of brocade.

_Chair_ (occasional Jacobean with rose-coloured squab) L. of occasional table above settee.

_Sideboard_ (Jacobean) up R. against back wall.

_On sideboard_.--Metal bowl (with flowers) Match stand.

Matches (safety).

Ash tray.

Tobacco jar filled.

George"s pipe filled.

Photo in frame.

Cigarette box (with cigarettes).

Vase lamp with shade.

_Arm-chair_ (Jacobean with rose-coloured squab)--L. of sideboard facing out of windows.

_Curtains._--Pair of rose-coloured corduroy curtains with tie backs for centre windows.

Single rose-coloured corduroy curtain for archway up R. hung on upstage side of arch.

_Stairs._--Painted canvas ataircloth.

Bra.s.s stair rods.

_Occasional chair_ (Jacobean with rose-coloured squab).--L. of windows and against back wall.

_Table_ (occasional Jacobean).--Up L. against back wall.

_On table._--Metal bowl containing pink azalea plant in pot.

_Writing-table._--In front and below C. windows (leather topped).

_On writing-table._--Specimen gla.s.s with flowers Writing materials.

Matches in stand.

Ash tray.

Paper and pen rack.

Small bookcase.

_Arm-chair_ (Jacobean) below writing-table C.

_Large cabinet_ (Jacobean Court cupboard) with three cupboard doors and on short legs--up L. against L. wall above fireplace.

_In cupboard._--Very p.r.o.nounced _yellow and black curtains_ with webbing arranged _for Olivia_ to st.i.tch on rings.

_Work-box_ for Olivia containing needles, thread, quant.i.ty of rings, scissors.

_On top of cupboard._--Metal bowl with palm in pot.

Pair of scissors (extra as an emergency for Brian"s business).

Large gla.s.s with flowers.

_Waste-paper basket._--To L. of writing-table.

_Fireplace (L_.).--Bra.s.s dogs and antique fire tongs.

_Combined bra.s.s switch and bell pushes_ on wall down L. below fireplace.

_Bra.s.s spill-box_ above bell pushes on wall L. below fireplace.

_Table_ (small Jacobean round cane topped) in angle of fireplace and wall down L. below fireplace.

_On table._--Match stand and matches (safety).

Ash tray.

_Arm-chair_(Jacobean with rose-coloured squab) down L. and to R.

of circular table L. facing up stage.

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