Chapter 22
Chapter 22: Evil Mother In Law Came to “Catch”


Here’s your last chapter! Please stay tuned for next week’s chapter!


Overnight, the efficiency of the drug receded, and everything was finally over.


Tang Xin Luo long ago has woken up, she did not know where she was now, but looking around, reckoned she should be in a hotel room. She did not dare sit up as she did not know if the man was still inside the room.


Tang Xin Luo’s mind was still wondering how to to leave, she was not wearing last night’s dress, inside the bathroom suddenly came the sound of water.


That man was inside the bathroom?


Now knowing that the other person was not around Tang Xin Luo’s guts grew and she sat up and looked around.


Unfortunately, even after looking for long time, everything was still blurry.


“I knew I should not have worn contact lenses, bad things happen whenever I wear them.”


Annoyed she continued lying on the bed, her whole body had a slimy feeling, it was very uncomfortable.


At this moment, there was a sudden conversation outside the door.


Although that voice is not loud, but Tang Xin Luo knew exactly who was speaking.


Gong Xue Mei’s sharp and arrogant voice came from outside the door: “She must be in this room, all the rooms on the second floor has been searched… … only this room is locked.”


“But Mrs. Lu, steward only allowed you to search the other rooms to find your daughter-in-law, if you rush into this room this time you will disturb the other guests, that is not good. “After a period of silence, outside the door came the sounds of messy footsteps.


“Housekeeper Meng you came right on time my daughter-in-law is absolutely in this room, may I trouble you to get the key to help me open the door … … I am not afraid of losing this old face today, when my family gets rid of such a woman, our old Lu family will be in your debt! ”


“Mrs. Lu do not worry, the old lady just got up, I have sent to inform the old lady. If the old lady agrees, I will naturally open the door, but if the old lady do not agree … … I am sorry but I am helpless.” Housekeeper Meng is Mengze’s father, and has served for many years in the Lu family.


He naturally knows the affection that Old Lady Lu has for Tang Xin Luo , and he also knew that Ms.Tang Xin Luo was the daughter in law of Gong Xuemei.


But, he never expected for that woman to cause such trouble in the Lu mansion to “Catch” her daughter in law. If Gong Xue Mei was correct then Tang Xin Luo is a very good actress, if not let Gong Xuemei come in, and let her see for herself her unwarranted accusations of Miss Tang.


Because of this, he allowed Gong Xue Mei to search the second floor.


Housekeeper Meng continued insisting to wait for the old lady’s reply, Gong Xuemei became even more anxious, but did not dare to act wantonly in the Lu family.


Tang Xin Luo was clearly in this room, knowing that Gong Xue Mei came with people, she anxiously grabbed a male s.h.i.+rt casually and put it on.


Must wait for that man to leave now.


Her brain was disorganized and her eyes were not clear. She wore a white s.h.i.+rt from top to bottom. Her white legs were exposed from under the s.h.i.+rt and looked straight and slender.


The bathroom door was finally opened, and a cloud of mist exited, the body of the man was looming at the doorway.


The man seemed to have just finished bathing, his waist wrapped by a white towel, before turning around to face her.


“You … …” Tang Xin Luo froze for a moment, then quickly to seized the man’s arm.


It was fortunate that she could not see anything right now  if her vision was perfect then she would have s.h.i.+ed away and yelled for the man to put on some clothes.


“You go away, the situation is very dangerous … … no time to explain to you, you can escape from that window over there.”


Seizing the man’s strong arm, Tang Xin Luo pulled hardly a few more times, but the person still stood motionless standing on the firmly on the ground


   She pushed him in a hurry and said: “You … why are you not moving, but also doing this!”


The man stared down at her, his eyes revealed a touch of coolness: “I can not go into the window.”


“That … … then you hide … hide under the bed … …” Her words were not not finished, when the man that was standing still walked outside of the restroom.


“Hey, are you going to hide?”


Lu Yu Chen after hearing her words suddenly paused, and turned around to face her, his eyes filled with interest.


“Go open the door.” He finished and walked out of the bathroom with his big legs.

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