[Ill.u.s.tration: _c.o.c.kney Macbeth (a trifle "fluffy" in his words) bellows out:_ ""Ang out our banners on the houtward walls! The cry is--"Let "em _all_ come!""]

[Ill.u.s.tration: _Hedwin._ "Hangeleener! Won"t yer "ear me? Wot "ud yer sy if I told yer as I"d "took the shillin"?"

_Hangelina._ "Sy? Why--"halves"!"]

[Ill.u.s.tration: _Man Cleaning the Horse._ "Naa then lazy, w"y don"t yer do some work?"

_New Hand (loafing)._ "I"m agoin" to."


_M. C. H._ "Wot are yer goin" ter do?"

_N. H._ ""Elp you."

_M. C. H._ "Come alorng, then."

_N. H._ "All rite. You go orn, I"m agoin" ter do the "issing."]

[Ill.u.s.tration: "BACK TO THE LAND."

_Old Farmer Worsell (who is experimenting with unemployed from London)._ "Now then, young feller, "ow long are you goin" to be with that "ere milk?"

_Young Feller._ "I caunt "elp it, guv"nor. I bin watchin" "er arf an hour, and she ain"t laid any yit."]

[Ill.u.s.tration: ""Ere, just "old my broom a minute. I"m just goin" up the street. If any of my regular customers comes, just arst "em to wait a bit!"]

[Ill.u.s.tration: ART IN WHITECHAPEL.

"Well, that"s what I calls a himpossible persition to get yerself into!"]

[Ill.u.s.tration: _Loafer (looking at a hundred pound dressing-bag)._ "I wonder wot sort of a bloke it is as wants a bag of tools like that to doss "isself up with?"]

[Ill.u.s.tration: "Comin" up to "Yde Park to "ave a bave, "Arry?"

"Yers--an" "ave all me cloves run orf wiv. Not if _I_ know it!"]

THE c.o.c.kNEY"S ADDRESS TO THE SEA.--"With all thy faults I love thee _still_."


Bill Coster said, "See them two fish?

Them there"s both females, mister; A pilchard she in this here dish: That "ere"s her errin" sister."

FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS.--(_By a c.o.c.kney._) Why should not Dr. Watts"

poems be read by youth?

Because they contain _Hymn-morality_.


(_For hairdressers who recommend a wonderful "Restorative," and are careless of the aspirate._)

"An everlasting wash of air."

A c.o.c.kNEY CON.--When may a man really be supposed to be hungry?

When he goes to Nor-(gnaw)wood for his dinner.

[Ill.u.s.tration: SO VERY CONSIDERATE.

_Stout Coster._ "Where are ye goin" to, Bill?"

_Bill._ "Inter the country for a nice drive, bein" Bank "Olidy."

_Stout Coster._ "Same "ere. I sy! don"t yer think we might swop misseses just for a few hours? It would be so much kinder to the hanimile!"]

[Ill.u.s.tration: _"Arry (whose "Old Dutch" has been shopping, and has kept him waiting a considerable time)._ "Wot d"yer mean, keepin" me standin"

abaat "ere like a bloomin" fool?"

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