[Ill.u.s.tration: _Lady._ "Half-a-crown, indeed! Your fare is eighteen-pence. I looked it up in Bradshaw."

_Cabman._ "Well, to be sure! Wot a good wife you _would "ave_ made for a pore man!"]

[Ill.u.s.tration: BACK TO THE LAND.

_Farmer"s Wife (who has told the new lad from London to collect eggs)._ "Well, Jack, have you got many?"

_Jack (who has raided a sitting hen)._ "Rauther! One old "en she"s bin and layed thirteen, and I don"t think she"s finished yet!"]



_Addressed to A Young Lady, but dropped by some mistake into Mr. Punch"s letter-box._

Sweet hangel, whom I met last heve Hat Mrs. Harthur"s "op, I "ope that you will give me leave A question now to pop.

I mind me "ow when in the "all Your carriage was hannounced, You hasked me to hadjust your shawl, Hon which with "aste I pounced.

Then heager to your Ma you ran, She anxious to be gone, I "eard "er call you Mary-Hann, Or helse "twas Mari-hon.

Now, Mary-Hann"s a name I "ate Has much as Betsy-Jane, I could not bear to link my fate With such a "orrid name;

But Mari-hon I like as well As hany name I know; Then, hangel, I emplore thee tell, Dost spell it with a Ho?


_First "Arry._ "Hay, wot"s this "ere Rosebery a torkin" abaat? Bless"d if he ain"t a goin" to do awy with the Lords!"

_Second "Arry (more of a Don Juan than a Politician)._ "Do awy with the "ole bloomin" lot o" Lords, if he likes, as long as he don"t do away with the lidies!"]

[Ill.u.s.tration: "AND _SHE_ OUGHT TO KNOW!"

"That"s supposed to be a portograph of Lady Solsbury. But, bless yer, it ain"t like her a bit in private!"]

[Ill.u.s.tration: "ARRY"S AUNT UPON THE CLIFF

A study in perspective done by "Arry with a "and camera.]


_To a c.o.c.kney Inquirer who consults her concerning the inevitable Annual "Outing" and its probable issues._

_Inquirer._ What subject sets me worrying and doubting?

_Echo. "Outing._"

_Inquirer._ My wife suggests for family health"s improving?--

_Echo. Roving._

_Inquirer._ What"s the first requisite for taking pleasure?

_Echo. Leisure._

_Inquirer._ The second (for a slave to matrimony)?

_Echo. Money._

_Inquirer._ You say that woman of all founts of mischief--

_Echo. Is chief._

_Inquirer._ What is this close agreement of _my_ women?

_Echo. Omen._

_Inquirer._ I fear for me they"ll prove a deal too clever?

_Echo. Ever._

_Inquirer._ What is the manner of my buxom Mary?

_Echo. Airy._

_Inquirer._ And what"s her goal in every hint and notion?

_Echo. Ocean._

_Inquirer._ How recommends she Ramsgate, shrimpy, sandy?

_Echo. "Andy._

_Inquirer._ Whereas _I_ hold it at this season torrid?--

_Echo. "Orrid!_

_Inquirer._ And hint, with a faint view to scare or stop her?--

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