Much Darker Days

Chapter 12

_The Confession of_ Basil South, M.D.

"I begin to understand it all at last. The key which I took from Philippa on the night of the storm and supposed murder had not been taken by her from Sir Runan.

"She had brought it with her from the house of Mrs. Thompson, with whom she had been residing.

"When I threw away a key, which I believed to be the one I had taken from Philippa, I made a mistake.

"I threw away a key of my own. When I thought I was giving William Evans the key of my cellar (with fatal intentions and designs, hoping that he would never survive the contents of that cellar), I really gave him the key I had taken from Philippa.

"Consequently the key would not fit the cellar lock.

"Consequently William Evans never tasted the fatal fluid, and so escaped his doom.

"I have nothing to add to this confession, except that I am deeply penitent, and will never again offer a thoughtless public a Christmas Annual so absurd, morbid, and incoherent."

This last statement made it unnecessary to interview William Evans.

All the other persons in this dismal affair are detained during her Majesty"s displeasure.

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