I was racking my brain wondering what to say to them since I never thought I would be stopped at the gate..
Should I tell them the truth?
"Hi, I"m a person from another world and I don"t have any identification but could you somehow let me through?"
Like I would say that!
They would put me in jail the second that slips from my mouth..
And I"d forever be labeled as a weird and suspicious criminal..
I don"t want that kind of bleak future so I try to find a way out of this..
Yosh, let"s bribe them!
I mean crooked cops do it every time in those movies I used to watch..
As I was about to sweet talk him into a deal, someone interrupts between us..
"Ah, this guy is my friend from the east and he wanted to register as an [Adventurer] in this town.."
It was Rose-san telling a blatant lie with a somehow convincing face while handing over her card..
Or is it a poker face, I don"t know the difference..
"A demi-human [Explorer] huh? Well, why didn"t you say so from the start..Oi, remind them of the rules.."
He turns towards another guard who seems to be younger than him, he must be his subordinate..
Ah, that reminds me of the senpai-kouhai relationship from high-school..
Don"t be mistaken, I wasn"t actually part of them since they ostracized me, or the term "pretended I didn"t even exist" might be the right wording for it, but I observed the freshmen getting bossed around by the seniors sometimes..
When the younger man heard him, he went up to us and said..
"Yes, if you don"t have identification papers yet, we can issue you a one-day permit to pa.s.s through the gates."
"Really, so I can enter the city using it?"
"Yes, but to issue it, we need you to pay 1 silver coin and place your hand on this crystal ball."
Eh, 1 silver coin huh..
"Ah, sure, here you go.."
I dig through my pockets exaggeratedly to show that I"m searching for something while I"m actually using [Aura Pocket]
And then I hand a silver coin from my hand into his.
I just hope it"s still valid..
Oh no..
"Wha-what is it guard-san?"
"Oh, no need to be nervous, I just wanted to know if you had an exact silver coin so I don"t have to give change.."
Huh? Change? But I thought I only gave one silver coin..
My thoughts get interrupted by Rose-san"s next words..
"Hey, Orion, by any chance, did you mistakenly hand a large silver coin instead of a normal one?"
Ah, now I understand..
"Huh, no, sorry, I don"t have any silver coins on me right now.."
I try to make excuses with sweat beading down my neck and into my lower back..
"Is that so, that"s what he said, guard-san."
"Well, it"s fine, no big deal, I"ll come back with the change while my superior watches over the test."
"Yes, now good luck!"
He said as his figure disappeared inside the walls into the barracks..
Yes, I can see that far if you still haven"t noticed..
"Oi, what are you waiting for?"
"Ah, um, what am I supposed to do exactly?"
"(sigh) This is troublesome, all you need to do is place your hand on the crystal and wait.."
Does this guy hate his job or something?
Well, let"s do as he says for now..
I place my hand on the crystal and..

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