Hua Ming Zi was surprised that her Father was able to talk so much at once but then she remembered what other people had said before about "Reflection of the Sunset"s Radiance"*.  Thinking about this, she sensed that this could be the last words of her Father and involuntarily her tears flowed.

(Reflection of the Sunset"s Radiance is the short period of time [it may be a few hours or a few days] that a critically ill person shows a surge of energy before he finally dies.)

"Don"t worry, I am aware of her good points.  I will show tolerance in everything she does and I will take care of her for the rest of her life."  Ying Yan Long said while holding Hua Guang Ren"s hand.

Hua Ming Zi was crying as she looked at her Father and she almost could not see him clearly.  

"I won"t be able to live long enough to see both of you get married."   Hua Guang Ren pulled his daughter"s hand and Ying Yan Long"s hand, and used all his strength to hold their hands firmly together.  "You have to take care of my daughter for me."

When Ying Yan Long"s hand touched Hua Ming Zi"s cold hand, he immediately covered it with his hand tightly. 

Her tears dripped on to the hands of the three people that were clasped together and she choked.  " have to get better......." 

"Ming Er......"  Hua Guang Ren looked towards her and smiled faintly.  "Father never regretted not having a son.  You are better than ten sons......."

Hua Ming Zi"s body trembled and suddenly she could not hold back anymore.  She let out a loud cry, pounced on her Father"s body and burst into tears.

Hua Guang Ren caressed his daughter"s head and half closing his eyes, he smiled with satisfaction. 

Ying Yan Long took a step back and when he saw her crying like a child, a sour feeling rose in his heart.

"Help her up."  Hua Guang Ren said to his son-in-law.

Ying Yan Long helped her to stand up and feeling her body had gone soft he hugged her tightly.

Hua Ming Zi"s knees turned weak and she leaned on his chest for support.

"I want to sleep for a while."  Hua Guang Ren said with a smile.

"We will sit here to keep you company."  Ying Yan Long said. 

He turned around and gave instructions that a stool be placed beside the bed.  Then he ordered.  "Tell my men to bring in the medicine box that is in my carriage."

Hua Ming Zi sat down on the stool and watched as her Father slowly closed his eyes.  She hugged her arms tightly and her body trembled.  She just sat there and watched her Father without even daring to blink.

She understood that if her seriously-ill Father is to live for one more day, it would mean one more day of suffering for him but her Father is all she has.  She did not even dare to think of what will happen if her Father is to breathe his last......then she...........

She shuddered and felt a cloak rest on her shoulders. 

"Have you eaten anything today?"

When she looked up, she saw Ying Yan Long standing in front of her and leaning over to look at her.

She stared at him and knew that he was talking to her but she did not comprehend what he had said.  Naturally, she did not know what to reply to him.

"When Dangjia went out this morning on inspection rounds, she hurriedly ate some cakes in the carriage.  After returning, she had only drunk a cup of ginseng tea and after that, she drank another three pots of strong tea."  Cui Yuan stared anxiously at the pale face of her Dangjia.

"When you have to handle a lot of matters, you have to pay more attention to your health.  Otherwise, how are you going to take care of the Hua Ji Restaurants and the people of Hua Mansion?"  Ying Yan Long looked into the eyes of Hua Ming Zi.

 After he had finished speaking, he turned around to instruct the maid standing beside them.  "Serve up some hot soup and hot food."

"Yes!"  Cui Yu immediately hurried away.

Hua Ming Zi shook her head and her body swayed a little.  Instantly, Ying Yan Long leaned forward to let her lean on him. 

"I......"  She gulped and involuntarily looked towards her Father.

"Life and death are predestined."  Ying Yan Long"s big hands rested on her shoulder.

"I know......I just can"t bear it.......I don"t want him to stay alive and suffer.......but I don"t want him to leave either......."   She stared at the lapel of her dress and struggled hard to calm her emotions.  As soon as her eyes rested on her Father, her tears involuntarily slipped down her face again.  When Ying Yan Long saw her struggling fiercely with her tears, he wanted so much to share and lighten her pain. 

"If he can suffer less, it is also good for him."  He said softly.

"I know......I know......."  She whispered and leaned forward weakly to rest on him.

She was unaware of her actions and he naturally, did not intend to push her away.  He let her leaned against him and looked down at her.  She did not notice that Steward Wu had quietly left the chamber, leaving only Cui Xuan behind and she also did not realize that his men had brought in the medicine box.  After receiving the box, Ying Yan Long instructed the maid in the bedchamber to prepare an incense burner and to light the Calming Incense.

After a while, Cui Yu brought in hot soup and some food to serve her Dangjia.

"I don"t want to eat."  Hua Ming Zi shook her head.

"You need to eat."  Ying Yan Long did not allow her to refuse and pulled her up on her feet.  Then he led her to the table to sit down and placed a pair of chopsticks into her hand.  "If you don"t eat, how will you have the strength to take care of your Father?"

She looked at the food for a long time and finally, she slowly moved her chopsticks.  After eating a few mouthfuls, she put down the chopsticks again.

Ying Yan Long held up a spoonful of golden-colored chicken soup and placed it next to her lips.  "Drink!"

She frowned and did not want to drink but she also knew his words made sense.  In his black eyes, there was a domineering light that demanded submissiveness and so, she obediently opened her mouth to drink the soup.

Finally, both Cui Yu and Cui Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.  By the time Hua Ming Zi realized how intimate she and Ying Yan Long were, she had already eaten half a bowl of rice.

She knew she should have the shyness of a woman but at this time, her mind was unable to process anything.  The matter of him feeding her and other people feeding her was not any different.  The only difference was.........she would never listen to other people........but why then did she listen to him?

She looked up to stare at him and he was adding a piece of fish to the spoonful of rice to feed her.

"I will eat again later."  She shook her head.

"Um......"  He did not force her because he already heard hurried footsteps coming from outside.

"Doctor Qu is here."  Steward Wu pushed the door open and ushered in the doctor.

Ying Yan Long and Hua Ming Zi stood up at the same time.

The doctor nodded at Ying Yan Long, then walked over to the bed and picked up the other person"s wrist.

Hua Ming Zi stood at the side and did not even dare to breathe heavily.

"What did he take?  The One-Day Immortal Pill?"  The doctor put down the patient"s wrist and looked up at Ying Yan Long.

"Yes."  Ying Yan Long replied.

"No wonder.  With this kind of pulse, he should have long gone."  The doctor shook his head and his black long hair swayed with his movement.

"My Father had consumed the Pill, his illness......"  Hua Ming Zi asked anxiously.

"Your Father will not get better.  After all, the "One-Day Immortal" Pill is a medicine concocted by human.  After taking the Pill, he can only become G.o.d for a day which means his life is prolonged for only a day.  After a quarter of a sichen, he should wake up.  This time, what last words he wants to say and what final instructions he wants to leave, he should take this opportunity to let you know everything."  

Then Doctor Qu pulled out a medicine bag from his sleeve and took out a few silver needles to apply acupuncture treatment on several large veins of Hua Guang Ren.  After that, he took a deep breath and said. 

"It is good that the Calming Incense is being lighted in the chamber.  When he leaves, he will feel physically and mentally relaxed as if he is falling asleep."

"Is there really no way my Father can live a little longer?......"  Hua Ming Zi asked in a whisper.

"You already have obtained the "One-Day Immortal" Pill and the Calming Incense.  What else do you wish for?   Everyone will have to die."  The doctor said in a serious tone.

Hua Ming Zi"s body trembled and she clenched her hands into fists.  She forced herself to inhale and exhale and forced herself not to think of how to face her life in the future.  She forced herself to just accept the fact that her Father is about to leave her and accept that her Father will pa.s.s away peacefully in his sleep......

"I understand.  Thanks to Doctor."  Hua Ming Zi stood up and bowed to the doctor.

"If you want to thank anyone then you should thank him."  The doctor waved his hand towards Ying Yan Long.   "Another must not let anyone know that your Father had consumed the "One-Day Immortal" Pill.  Usually, the use of this medicine is decided by the Emperor.  In the country, there are only a few of this pill remaining."

"This......."  Hua Ming Zi knew the medicine was expensive but she did not know the actual value of it.  She looked towards Ying Yan Long and understood that this favor that she owes the Ying Family is extremely big.

"What is most important is that the medicine had been used appropriately.  I don"t mind and you don"t have to take this to heart.  Just keep this a secret."   Ying Yan Long said to her.

"If there is nothing else, I will take my leave.  It"s seldom I can leave the palace and my family is waiting for my return."  Doctor Qu walked away without a backward glance.

After Hua Ming Zi instructed Steward Wu to send off Doctor Qu, she gave a respectful bow to Ying Yan Long and said. 

"The favor that Ying Dangjia extended today, Hua Ming Zi will never forget.  In a moment of confusion, I rejected the marriage between your brother and me and I sincerely apologize.  After all the matters in my home are settled, I will personally pay a visit to the Ying Mansion to thank you and continue with the marriage discussion."

Ying Yan Long frowned.  "All future matters will be discussed in the future."

"Thanks to Ying Dangjia."  She was still in a bowing position and she knew she could not afford to owe him any favor otherwise in future, it would be a burden for her.   

"My Father is seriously ill, so I can"t send you to the door........"

"You don"t have to stand on ceremony."  Ying Yan Long held her elbows and helped her to stand up straight.

Hua Ming Zi breathed in the medicinal scent on his body and suddenly she felt an abnormal feeling of security surge up in her.

"I will take my leave.  You have to take care of your health."  Ying Yan Long released his hand and said to the maid standing at the side.  "Make sure she takes her meals."

"Yes."  Cui Yu replied respectfully.

"I will be alright."  Hua Ming Zi looked at Ying Yan Long and then she straightened her back.

"I know you will be fine.  It"s just that ......."    .....I am concerned about you.

Ying Yan Long looked at her but he did not finish his words.  Then he turned and walked towards the door.  Without turning his head back, he said. 

"While you still have the energy, you should start preparing for the funeral beforehand.  If you need my help, you can send word to Ying Mansion to look for me."

Hua Ming Zi looked at his back view and felt a little reluctant to let him leave.  Suddenly, she had the urge to call him back.

Of course, she did not call out and just bit her lip.

She had been working alone for such a long time and she really needs someone by her side to support her.  This is the first time that she agrees with her Father"s advice.  She should arrange for her marriage as soon as possible.

She did not allow herself to remain in a daze for too long.  She instructed Cui Yu to summon Steward Wu and several other Stewards to make arrangements to start preparations for her Father"s funeral.  To delegate the numerous matters that she handles daily, she wrote down her instructions on paper to inform the Stewards of their duties during the time of mourning.

After a short while, she returned to the table to continue with her meal.  Then she sat down on the edge of the bed and held her Father"s hand until he finally woke up.

Hua Guang Ren smiled and talked to her for a little while.  He advised her to get married soon and told her that she should not let the Ying Family"s incense be broken off*.  They also talked on various other matters and then slowly with a smile on his face he slipped into a deep slumber......

(Incense broken off means the line of descendants of a family is cut off i.e. no children to carry on the family name.)

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