It"s painful.......very painful........very painful..........

Except for the feeling of pain, Hua Ming Zi did not have any other feelings.  No.......she felt as if a fire was burning her if someone was holding a knife cutting off her flesh and then used a stick to beat her.  The pain was so bad that she did not even have the strength to tremble and was even willing to die than to suffer any more of this........

But she cannot die.......  There is still Father in the Hua Family.........  No, Father is no more........ Then what else does she have?.........  Hua Ji Restaurants...... Cui Yu, Cui Xuan, Steward Wu.........but she still feels the pain..........  Can she just let go of everything?

Maybe she can call upon Ying Yan Long to manage for her.......

"I know you feel the extreme pain but as long as you can hold on for the next few days, you will be healed completely.  Your maids and your stewards are all here to accompany you.  They are waiting for you to get better.  You must hold on, do you understand?"

Hua Ming Zi breathed in the scent of medicine together with the voice that was always present in her delirious mind. 

That familiar scent of medicine......but when she is in pain, she cannot remember clearly.

" hurts........"  She groaned.

"Bear with it........."

She felt someone put a pill in her mouth.  The medicine spread out like honey in her mouth and then it let out a cool sensation.  After that, someone used a cloth to wipe the sweat from her forehead and then placed another cool cloth on her face.  The burning feeling on her face and body began to subside and her wounds seemed to be less painful.  Then she groggily slipped into deep sleep again. 

She was oblivious to the fact that Ying Yan Long had sat down at the edge of the couch to accompany her for more than a sichen.

Ying Yan Long looked at Hua Ming Zi"s pale face which frequently frowned and was glad that she had survived the most difficult two days. 

The first two days after Xue Wen rescued her were the most crucial period.  Luo Ji Cai had stabbed her three times.  One stab was plunged deep into her chest while the other two stabs were pierced into her abdomen.  Although the knife had missed her heart, her internal organs were damaged.  Coincidentally, at that time, the Divine Doctor* was in the capital otherwise, it was afraid she could not be saved. 

(In ancient times, Divine Doctors were doctors who traveled from place to place to treat and heal people either with or without monetary gains.  Some Divine Doctors were so famous that even when they lived as a recluse in remote areas, people would still look for them.  These gifted doctors were so-called because of their expertise in the art of medicine just like Dong Fang Tang in the story the Divine Doctor and His Heroic Companion.) 

That night after the Divine Doctor closed up her wounds, she ran a high fever. 

If Doctor Qu had not taken care of her and helped to monitor her by taking her pulse every two sichen and gave her acupuncture treatment........

If the "Double Autumn" Pill was not completed in time.........

If the tremendous amount of unlimited medicine was not given to support her......

If her maids, Cui Yu and Cui Xuan, did not take turns to take care of her day and night and consoled her in her moments of pain, telling her to stay alive for the sake of everyone.........

Her life actually could not be saved........

As Doctor Qu had said, if the Heavenly G.o.d wanted to save a person, this similar method would have been used.  There were so many people helping Hua Ming Zi, undoubtedly she was lucky but why was she so unfortunate to encounter such an incident?

The Divine Doctor said her internal organs were so severely damaged she would never be able to bear children for the rest of her life.  The Divine Doctor had even said that Hua Ming Zi would never function as a normal person again even after she is completely healed.  She must not do strenuous work, she needs long-term rest and even the food she takes must be ground and softened, similar to the soft food fed to children.  In that way, she may be able to live for another two or three more years.

Two or three years.......  She and Xue Wen are the same age so it means she is younger than him by seven years.......

When Ying Yan Long thought about this, his chest tightened in pain.

He did not know how he should tell Hua Ming Zi about this when she wakes up.  He had instructed her maids not to tell her anything and leave it to him to tell her personally. 

But how can he not know the way Hua Ming Zi would handle this matter once she knows about this?

She will grit her teeth and say it does not matter and then continue to run her family business.  She will make the best arrangements for everyone before her time is up because he himself is also a Dangjia, and so he understands how hard it is to let go.

When he was young, he understood that as the eldest son in the family, he had to shoulder the responsibility of carrying on with the family business.  At least, he has his mother and Xue Wen with him.  But Hua Ming Zi was forced into this position because her Father was cheated by her Stepmother and she was forced to run the family business.  Although she did it with excellent results which was out of expectation and now her Father had pa.s.sed away.........

When he thought of the difficulties she has to face when she wakes up, he could not bear for her to wake up.

"Don"t!  Don"t come over!"  Hua Ming Zi"s body suddenly jerked and she screamed with a fearful expression on her face.

Originally, Cui Yu wanted to move forward but when she saw Ying Dangjia holding Hua Dangjia"s hand, she bowed her head and stood guard by the door.

"It"s alright.  A lot of people are watching over you."  Ying Yan Long clasped her icy cold hand. 

"Father.......I"m very scared........"

"Don"t be afraid.  I"m here."  Ying Yan Long glanced briefly at the Calming Incense that was lighted in the burner and then gripped her hand tightly.

"Will you always stay with Ming Er?"  Hua Ming Zi"s voice suddenly turned soft like a child.

"Yes, I will."  Ying Yan Long tightened his hold.

"Don"t leave me.  Ming Er is scared........Ming Er doesn"t want to be alone........"

"You will never be alone anymore."  Ying Yan Long said firmly.

She hooked up the corner of her lips and then she became calm again.

Ying Yan Long took a deep breath, suppressed the sour feeling in his nose and looked foolishly at her.

The first time when she had a nightmare, he happened to be standing at the side.  He noticed she was already very weak from her injuries and was unable to move but she was so scared that she still struggled and as a result, blood started to seep out of her wounds again.  At that time, he really had the urge to cut Luo Ji Cai into a thousand pieces and pulverize his corpse.

Currently, the Luo Family was able to call upon the wind and rain* in the imperial court.  He would not be so stupid to meet force with force and at the same time ruined her reputation.  He would have to use his method to settle this matter.

(Call upon the wind and rain means having great powers or having great influence.)

"Ying Dangjia, Second Young Master is here."  Cui Yu said.

When Ying Yan Long heard, he immediately wanted to withdraw his hand.

"No........"  Hua Ming Zi frowned and clutching his hand, she refused to release her hold.

On the day when her injuries were at the most critical stage, she felt so painful that her hands were clawing at everything and that was when he held her hand.  Then, miraculously she calmed down.  After knowing that such a move would rea.s.sure her, he just let her hold on to his hand.

It was just that every time when he sees her wearing that white jade bracelet on her wrist which was only bones covered with a layer of skin, his heart would ache incessantly.

"Ming good."  Ying Yan Long said and placed a silk pillow into her hand.

"Father!"  Hua Ming Zi flattened her lips as if she was about to cry.

"Ming Er, be obedient.  I"m not leaving."  Ying Yan Long got up and saw that although she had flattened her lips, she did not cry.  Then he took a step back.

"Is Hua Dangjia awake?"  Ying Xue Wen"s voice floated in from outside.  "Did Doctor Di come to take her pulse yet?"

Ying Yan Long turned around to face the door and when his younger brother entered through the door, he said.  "Doctor Di was here to take her pulse and she had just taken the "Golden Dew Tuning Breath" medicine. 

"Elder Brother, you are also here."  Ying Xue Wen supported his Mother as they came in.

It was not known how many times Song Qing Lian had seen her eldest son alone with Hua Dangjia in the bedchamber.  Although she was surprised, she did not say much and only showed her concern.

"What did Doctor Di say today?"

"Her pulse is getting stronger and the burning sensation together with the redness of the wounds had subsided.  I just had a look at her condition and feel that she is getting better.  Unlike the previous few days when she was still shedding tears in pain while in a coma.

"Poor child......"  Song Qing Lian looked at the sickly Hua Ming Zi lying on the bed and her eyes turned red.

"That b.a.s.t.a.r.d, Luo Ji Cai!  If it was not for Elder Brother who stopped me, I would have already rushed over to look for him to settle this matter!"  Ying Xue Wen said while gnashing his teeth.

"How many times have I told you.......Hua Dangjia is still not awake yet.   What if Luo Ji Cai says you framed him?"  Ying Yan Long said sternly and harshly.

"I will say I witnessed it!"  Ying Xue Wen was unwilling to accept Ying Yan Long"s words.

"What if he said that it was you who harmed Hua Ming Zi and you accused him?"  Ying Yan Long glared at his younger brother and could not remember how many times he had already told his younger brother this.

"I didn"t!  It was I who saved Hua Ming Zi!"  Ying Xue Wen"s voice grew even louder.

"But the only witness is Hua Ming Zi."  Ying Yan Long had a dead-pan expression.

"But what if Luo Ji Cai runs away, then........"

"Earlier, I had already arranged for people to keep watch on him."  He was not only concerned about healing Hua Ming Zi"s injuries but at the same time, he also had done a lot of things.

It is just that if one is to cast a net without being detected, one has to spend a lot more time.

"But I can"t just swallow this matter!   Hua Dangjia is lying on the bed with her life hanging on a thread but he is........"

"Xue Wen, don"t keep shouting at your Elder Brother."  Song Qing Lian sat down at the edge of the couch and took out her handkerchief to wipe off the sweat on Hua Ming Zi"s forehead. 

"The news of Hua Dangjia"s kidnapping has been spreading rapidly and they said she had already lost her innocence.  Fortunately, your Elder Brother had sent people to spread out the news that on the day she was taken away, she was rescued by the Ying Family guards who were on their journey transporting medicine.  Since then, for fear the culprits would look for her again, she is now staying in the Ying Mansion to recuperate.  Don"t you dare have a slip of tongue due to your impulsiveness!"

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