When Ying Yan Long was taken away by the imperial guards, the last warmth of the end of Autumn had just faded. 

At the same time, the first snow of early winter had arrived. 

From morning until evening, Hua Ming Zi would be busy and even her bath time was arranged by Cui Xuan because it was only during that time she would get to take a short rest, then take her medicine and eat her meal before going to sleep.  Hua Ming Zi worked hard because she knew that she had to bear responsibility for the Hua Family and also the Ying Family, so she must not fail. 

After Ying Yan Long left, there was no more news.  Steward Zhu, asked their spy in the palace to find out and he came back with the news that Ying Yan Long was kept in the palace prison due to Concubine Xu"s accusation.  As this was a matter concerning the harem, it was given to Imperial Consort Luo to interrogate first and the Emperor would personally deal with this matter later when he has the time.

Since this matter involved Luo Ji Cai"s sister who is Imperial Consort Luo, Hua Ming Zi"s heart became a bit steadier. 

At least now she knows who the enemy is.  Now she only hopes that Ying Yan Long will be able to survive during this period of time.  She hopes what Steward Zhu said is correct.......that the Emperor will take into consideration the Ying Family"s magical and mysterious potpourri of medicines and give Ying Yan Long a chance to clear himself.

However, Ying Yan Long is a person who attended to everything personally.   Since he had disappeared for the last seven days, the people outside would soon become suspicious.  After a discussion was held between Hua Ming Zi and Steward Zhu it was decided that the people outside would be given the information Ying Yan Long had gone on a trip in search of medicine.  Anyway, Ying Yan Long would usually travel several times a year in search of medicine and it would not raise any suspicion. 

What Hua Ming Zi did not understand was.........if Steward Zhu"s words are really true...... that the Ying Family"s Medical Hall had frequently produced medicine for the palace and acquired merits for their achievements and the Emperor had always treated him differently.........why is it that the people they planted in the palace said the Emperor is not free to interrogate Ying Yan Long now?   

Can it be the Emperor is still in Qingcheng Mountain Villa?  Then.......how is the situation with Brother Mei?

The moment when she thought of these matters, as well as the cruel torture that Ying Yan Long may be suffering in the palace prison......... originally, Hua Ming Zi who was looking through the account books, closed the books and clutched her chest through her clothes as if a knife was stabbed into her heart.

Four days ago, she had sent a eunuch with medicine to Ying Yan Long and the eunuch had reported back that he was still alive.  The only downside was Ying Yan Long had grown very skinny with only bones and skin left.  He had only gone in for a few days and he had turned into this. 

How do they torture people in prison?

Hua Ming Zi got up abruptly and decided to look for Steward Zhu to ask him about the latest situation.  Usually, a little after shenshi*, Steward Zhu would come to give her a report. 

(Shenshi is one of the twelve two-hourly sectors in a day and it is the time between 3pm - 5pm.)

But today, why is he still not here yet?  Can it be that something had happened to the investigation on Luo Ji Cai?  They already have all the evidence about Luo Ji Cai secretly selling off the treasures that the Emperor had gifted him, isn"t that right?  In addition, they also have the evidence of Prime Minister Luo"s wild ambition and the reason why Concubine Xu is accusing Ying Yan Long.  With all the evidence in hand, they can certainly prove that Luo Ji Cai is involved.  Now, they are only waiting for the opportunity to present all the evidence to the Emperor, ah........

She wanted to call for Cui Yu and then remembered they all went back to Hua Mansion to pick up something for her.  They still needed a sichen before they were due to return, so she got up and walked towards the door. 

Outside, a gust of cold breeze blew past and she shivered.  She picked up her cloak and put it on, then shrinking her body she walked out of the door.  Although her wounds had healed in good condition but ever since she was injured, she was afraid of the cold.  Regardless of whether it was day or night, the charcoal fire in her chamber must be kept going to make the chamber warm.  In the past, even when it was in winter, the palms of her hands would still feel hot.

On such a cold day, will anyone be there to add charcoal and firewood to keep Ying Yan Long warm in prison?   Can it be there is not even a charcoal fire for him?  How long can he survive in such conditions? 

Doctor Di and the Divine Doctor has been in the palace for a long time, surely they can say something for him, right? 

She must ask Steward Zhu to make arrangements for her to meet with them so see what more can be done.  Or she can ask whether the spy in the palace can send another batch of medicine to Ying Yan Long so that he can survive until the day he meets the Emperor.

Or......Hua Ming Zi caressed the white jade bracelet on her wrist and suddenly, she halted her footsteps.

Mei Yi Wen had once said that if she is in trouble, she can take this white jade bracelet to a p.a.w.nshop on East Street, outside the Imperial City and look for someone by the name of Jin Fu Lai for help.

Originally, she did not put the words of Mei Yi Wen in her heart.  Moreover, Ying Yan Long already had his own spy planted in the palace.  However, if there is still no news of Ying Yan Long, she will have to try everything possible. 

She quickened her footsteps.  She just wanted to go through the long corridor quickly to reach the main hall and look for Steward Zhu.

"You cried until you look like this.......later if Hua Dangjia sees you, how will you explain......."

Hua Ming Zi halted her footsteps and silently moved back to the corner to listen to the voice of Xue Wen who was comforting someone, drifting from the study.

"Impossible.......it"s impossible.......my Elder Sister is still so young."  The choking voice which was crying and talking belonged to Qian Ying Ying.  "She is still so young.......how is it possible that she can"t live for more than two years?"

Hua Ming Zi looked at the corner of the wall in a frozen state of mind and was unable to gather her thoughts. 

Is Ying Ying talking about her?  She is not able to live for more than two years?

"The reason I told you this, is not because I want you to feel sad but I just want you to come over more often to keep her company.  My Elder Brother.......told me that in the beginning, they could not stop Hua Dangjia"s bleeding, so they had to use the Double Autumn Pill to stop it.  However, although this Double Autumn Pill has the ability to stop the bleeding, there are a few poisonous herbs in the medicine that still have no antidote.  That is the reason why she can only live for two more Autumns."

So.......that is the reason.  No wonder she could survive when she was so seriously injured.  No wonder when Ying Xue Wen heard of her marriage with Ying Yan Long, he was depressed but he did not make a ruckus and only looked at her with sympathy in his eyes.

But......what was Ying Yan Long thinking about?  She can only live for two more Autumns and he still wants to marry her.  Why go through all the ha.s.sle?

Hua Ming Zi hugged herself tightly as her body trembled and she tried to fight off the threatening tears.  To be able to obtain the heart of such a person like Ying Yan Long, she did not have any regrets in life but she did not expect her life to be so short. 

Once she is gone, what will happen to the Hua Family?  What will Ying Yan Long do?  She is really unable to accept with only just so few days left.........

She slowly slipped down the wall and finally crouching down on the ground, she let her tears streamed down her face.

"Then you should find the antidote for her!  Isn"t Ying Family"s Medical Hall the best in medicine?!"  From inside the study, Qian Ying Ying"s voice could be heard faintly.

"Do you think it is so easy?!  The "Double Autumn" Pill and the other "Hundred Returns" Pill are medicines of the Emperor.  From that private collection, my Elder Brother had used one pill on her, and it is already considered a crime of deceit to the Emperor......... "  The loud voice of Ying Xue Wen suddenly became m.u.f.fled as if his mouth was covered.

"Shut up!  Can this matter be spoken so loudly?!"

When Hua Ming Zi heard the angry voice of Qian Ying Ying, her lips suddenly curved into a smile.........Ying Ying had certainly turned smarter.  It looks like she will become a good a.s.sistant to Xue Wen.

In this life, her own marriage may not become a reality but at least she had successfully made a marriage match for these two people.

For a person like her who is unable to live for more than two years, the best thing to do now is to try and keep another person alive for a long, long time.......

Ying Yan Long........

With the support of the wall, Hua Ming Zi slowly got up and walked back to her chamber.

For nearly a sichen, the snow fell heavily and then finally it slowly stopped.  Several servants came out to move around and Hua Ming Zi called out to one of them.   "Summon Steward Zhu to come over and at the same time, get a carriage ready!  I"m going out!"

A sichen later, after Hua Ming Zi went out with Cui Yu and several guards and returned to the Ying Mansion, her face was very gloomy.  The reason was that after she had completed what she had gone out to do, she had pa.s.sed by the Ying Medical Hall and heard rumors that made her feel unhappy.

She entered the main hall and ordered all the servants to withdraw except for Steward Zhu.

 "What happened to the Medical Halls?  Why is the place so quiet which is totally different from the usual?"  She asked in a heavy voice.

"Actually, I did not want to mention anything that will make you feel worried.  Who would know you will go out?"  Steward Zhu clasped both hands and held them up with respect.  "Recently, there are rumors everywhere saying that there is something wrong with the medicine in the Ying Medical Halls causing the royal family to fall seriously ill.  The Emperor wanted to mete out punishment and had taken Ying Dangjia away to be punished.  So, these few days, the business had fallen by half as compared to the past."

She tightened her lips. 

She does not need to rack her brains and is able to know who had spread those rumors.  Luo Ji Cai must have thought that since Ying Yan Long is not here now, he can destroy the Ying Medical Halls!  He can only dream!

Steward Zhu looked at Hua Dangjia as she paced around the main hall with her head lowered.

He knows that Hua Dangjia is now thinking of what to do and he is also looking forward to see if she can do something for the Medical Halls.  After all, now the enemy is in the dark and they are in the open, a situation when they were most vulnerable to a beating.  In addition, Dangjia is still in the palace prison and it is not known how long it will be before he is released.

Hua Ming Zi stood in front of Steward Zhu and said solemnly.  "If the Ying Medical Halls do not have any income for seven days, what effect will it have?"

"Do you mean to close the business temporarily?"  Steward Zhu felt a little disappointed.  His white eyebrows knotted up even more tightly.  "In this case, will this not prove that the rumors spreading outside are true?  Moreover, those who are in need of urgent medical treatment, how will they cope?........"

"My intention is not to close the Medical Halls and refrain from doing business.  I want to hold a free medical clinic for seven days.  Since the Medical Halls are not short of money, then we will take this opportunity to publicize the reputation and medical expertise of the Ying Family"s Medical Halls.  During this period of free medical clinics, all those who are poor and without dependents can seek consultation for free and also be given three days of free medication.  We will then take advantage during this period of time to find out who is spreading the rumors......"

Hua Ming Zi"s lips tightened and with a serious expression, she said.  "Although we already know it is Luo Ji Cai, we still have to find evidence so that he will not be able to refute.  Then find someone to spread the rumor that he is deliberately cursing the royal family."

"Alright.  I will do these two things immediately."  Steward Zhu said with a smile.

Ying Dangjia certainly did not hand the business over to the wrong person!

"Another thing, this seven-day free medicine will all be paid by my Hua Family.  This can be considered as my sincere contribution to cultivate merits for your Ying Dangjia.  At the same time, my Hua Ji Restaurants will also hold a seven-day free food disaster relief event.  So if the capital is busy talking about the Hua and Ying Families" benevolence to the people, the people should not have time to discuss the matter of wrong medicine dispensed by the Ying Family.

"Hua Dangjia, wait a moment.   There will not be any problem with the free medical clinics of Ying Medical Halls but the disaster relief free food event is not possible."

Steward Zhu shook his head and said.

"Why not?"

Steward Zhu hesitated for a while and then he told Hua Ming Zi what Ying Dangjia had said before he left.  He had said that before the situation is clear, the people outside are to be informed that she is only staying in the Ying Mansion to recuperate so that his matter would not get her involved.

Hua Ming Zi clenched her fists and her chest constricted.

"I......"  She swallowed down her choked emotions and said in a faint voice.  "Now I am in the same boat with him, so there is nothing to avoid."

"That is our Dangjia"s feelings and expression of concern for you."

Initially, Hua Ming Zi wanted to shake her head but suddenly she changed her mind.  "Alright, we will go along with your Dangjia"s wishes.  In this way, if he really encountered any trouble, I will not be shackled by the Ying Family.  Then I can still use the power of the Hua Family to save him."

"That"s right."  Steward Zhu repeatedly nodded his head.  "I will draft out a free medical clinic plan and then gather all the Shopkeepers of the Medical Halls to discuss the matter.  After the matter is completely settled, I will come back to give you a report."

"Then I will have to trouble Steward Zhu."

She nodded and her eyes followed Steward Zhu as he left. 

She knows Steward Zhu is a hundred times more capable than her in handling the medical business.  The part that she can do better than Steward Zhu is only just because she has the wealth of the Hua Family, so she will just let him take the responsibility of carrying out her orders.

Hua Ming Zi sat down on the couch and decided to take a rest.  With a body that can only live for two more years, how can she not take good care of her health?

However, just as she was about to fall asleep, she was awakened by someone........

"Speak!  How did you come into possession of this white jade bracelet!"

Hua Ming Zi was awakened by a loud voice and she opened her eyes in shock.  Her whole body was immediately pulled up by someone.

She widened her eyes to look at the man in front of her.........a man who is a stranger.

The man looked extraordinary but his eyes were red and his face looked haggard.  A shiny mink cloak was draped over his body and white snow was still clinging to his cloak as if he did not have time to brush off the snowflakes.

"Speak!"  The man clutched the front lapels of her clothes and his red eyes stared at her.

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