"Luo Gongzi"s family is big and powerful.  This Hua person doesn"t dare to climb up so high socially to be a friend.  Moreover, if I do really intend to beat you, I will be able to do so.  Just that, with your Father"s position as the Prime Minister of the country and if he is to find out his son is using his important status to threaten others, I wonder what he will think."

"Don"t talk to me about this!  Are you going to marry me?  If you are not going to marry me, then give me money as mediation fees.  Otherwise, the Hua Family will have to stop doing business in future!" 

Luo Ji Cai took a step nearer to her and did not intend to be polite any longer.

"Don"t you understand what I"m telling you?!  I have said it over a hundred times!  I am not giving you any money!  I am not marrying you and stop pestering me!"  She clenched her hands into fists and held them up, at the same time, she roared out loud.  "Scram! ! !"

Luo Ji Cai was so scared by her roar that he unsteadily retreated several steps and nearly fell down.  The black-dressed guards immediately rushed forward to support him. 

She threw them a look of disdain, turned around and strode away.

Luo Ji Cai who was looking at her retreating back suddenly gave a loud scream and shoved the two guards away.  With a distorted expression, he pounced forward, grabbed her veil and pulled it down......

Hua Ming Zi was caught by surprise and her veil fluttered to the ground instantly.

"Dangjia!"  Gu Yu hurriedly stepped in front of Hua Ming Zi but it was already too late.

Hua Ming Zi did not expect Luo Ji Cai to be so impolite.  She glared at the stunned Luo Ji Cai for a moment, then immediately bent down to pick up her veil before turning around to put it back on.

Staring at ber back, Luo Ji Cai thought of that fleeting glimpse of the beauty and unconsciously stood in the same spot with an astonished expression.

Who would have thought that being as fierce as a tiger, she would be as beautiful as a G.o.ddess!  Those apricot eyes, that jaded nose, that pinkish skin, that flower-like lips......even in the palace, it was difficult to find.......

"Beautiful......very beautiful......really very beautiful!   I must have you for my wife!......"   Luo Ji Cai stared fixedly at her and then chased behind her.  "I will tell my Father to immediately send people to propose a marriage......"

"This is for your impertinence!"  Hua Ming Zi turned around and with a flick of her hand, she threw on him some powdery substance which she uses to defend herself. 

"Ah! ! !"  Luo Ji Cai felt a sharp pain in his eyes and involuntarily let out a loud scream.  "You poisoned me!  I"m blinded!  Come, guards!  Hurry!"

Luo Ji Cai"s two guards quickly stepped forward to support him.

"Where is the antidote?!"  Luo Ji Cai felt so painful that he crouched on the ground and he could only feel his eyes burning like they were on fire.

"You can buy the antidote at the Ying Medical Halls.  Tell them the antidote you want is the antidote for the pepper powder that women use to defend themselves against robbers."

Hua Ming Zi looked at the two people who were supposed to be guards but who looked more like dogs and she sneered.  "I heard that if the antidote is not used within half an hour, it will result in blindness......"

"What are the two of you doing?  Hurry, get this Young Master there!"  Luo Ji Cai yelled.

The two guards immediately lead Luo Ji Cai to the carriage and clumsily supported him up.

As soon as Luo Ji Cai sat down properly, immediately he shouted out of the carriage.  "Hua Ming Zi!  I am going to tell my Father, I want to marry you!  I also want the people in the whole capital to know that whoever wants to marry you, will be opposing my Luo Family! ! !"

"That is not a problem!  Today, I will inform Luo Daren* about the shameful things you are doing outside so that you will be so busy dealing with it that you won"t have time to propose marriage."  She rolled her eyes and strode through the door of Hua Ji Restaurant.

(Daren means Lord or Master.)

Luo Family is a political family and even the daughters of merchants are not accepted into their family, not to mention she is only just a businesswoman.

However, everything in the world is unpredictable.  Who knows if the Father of Luo Ji Cai suddenly gets an attack of knotted brains, he might even agree to allow Luo Ji Cai to take her as his wife.  So, it would be better to get herself married off in the shortest time possible.

She turned back to look at Gu Yu who was still in a state of shock.  He was staring at her, unable to forget the face that he glimpsed just now.

Hua Ming Zi pursed her lips.  Suppressing her anger, she took a deep breath. 

She is only a little better looking than most ordinary people.  Does he need to have such a shocked expression on his face as if he had seen a ghost?

"Wake up!  Have you never seen a woman before?!"  In a serious tone, Hua Ming Zi said to Gu Yu.  "Get two things done for me.  One - list down the gambling debts owed by Luo Ji Cai and personally present it to his Father.  Two - send someone to inform Matchmaker Liu that I want to see her tonight in Hua Mansion because I am leaving the city tomorrow so the next few days, I will not be able to see her.  Also, tell her to shut her mouth tighter.  Later if I get to hear any news leak about my marriage no matter how small, she can banish the thought of earning anything from me!"

"Yes."  Gu Yu immediately bowed, turned around and instructed the people to do her bidding.

In the beginning, she did not prevent Matchmaker Liu from broadcasting her intention to recruit a husband because she had hoped that when Luo Ji Cai who has been pursuing her for a long time, hears the news, he would admit defeat and retreat.  Who would expect Luo Ji Cai did not retreat and now that he had seen her face, she is forced to speed up the pace.

However, what Hua Ming Zi did not know was, just as she decided to ask Matchmaker Liu to send up the first list of candidates tomorrow, Matchmaker Liu was actually making her way urgently to Hua Mansion.  Matchmaker Liu was going to offer Ying Yan Long"s younger brother, Ying Xue Wen as the first candidate on the list.

Ying Yan Long did not expect when he sent Matchmaker Liu to propose marriage for his younger brother in the afternoon, that very night, Matchmaker Liu would come back with news.  He was told Hua Ming Zi was pleased with the proposal but she had to leave the city to worship her ancestors on behalf of her father and would only return in a few days.  After she returns, she would pay a visit to the Ying Family to further discuss the marriage.

He greatly admired Hua Ming Zi for being broadminded and her forthright manner in dealing with his earlier rejection.  A woman who can deal with her marriage in such a neat and organized way without any emotions should be appreciated and if she is not a woman, he really would have like to have her for a sworn brother.

"Let this old one first congratulate your brother on being able to find such an outstanding wife like Hua Dangjia.  Next, we should concentrate on your marriage.  For a man with a family background as you, how can you be without a wife to carry on the incense* for you?    The position as Madam of the House is very important.  Following your earlier instructions, I have picked ten ladies with beauty and intelligence suitable as wives for your selection......"

(Carry on incense is to have a descendant [specifically a son who can continue the family line] to carry on offering incense to the ancestors and the parents after they pa.s.sed away.) 

"If you don"t have any other matters to report to me, you can take your leave."  Ying Yan Long frowned and interrupted Matchmaker Liu"s words.

"What is more important than marriage?!  Look at you!  You"re so busy that you have forgotten about your private life.  Your brother is about to be married, don"t tell me that it is not necessary for you to marry, ah........."  Matchmaker Liu continued to speak.

"Send off the guest!"  Ying Yan Long did not even lift his head and picked up the daily records he had instructed his staff to write down as they followed the illiterate Old Herbalist in his daily duties. 

The Old Herbalist is a treasure.  All the herbal records and the concoction methods of medicinal pills are also Ying Medical Hall"s greatest treasures.  The records had to be reviewed and then the results of each test to be meticulously recorded.

"Stop!  Stop!  I have a few more words to say!"  Matchmaker Liu quickly continued.  "I"ve already made arrangements with Qingcheng Mountain Villa......three days later, a Flower Appreciation* Banquet will be hosted there for you.  I"ve asked your Steward Zhu about the date and after he had confirmed you would be available, then only did I arrange for it.  I"ve chosen ten well-bred ladies from reputable families for your appreciation......"

(Flower Appreciation is a gathering where the host and guests will gather round to appreciate flowers.  In ancient times, there were not a lot of avenues for entertainment, so gatherings for the appreciation of paintings, calligraphy, flowers, and performances to show off skills like playing musical instruments, painting, reciting poems and writing calligraphy were held by the wealthy frequently as a way to entertain themselves.)

"Um......"  Ying Yan Long was too lazy to even lift his eyebrows.  A thought flashed in his mind that the villa is nothing more than just a restaurant.  "Is there anything else?"

"Yes, yes, yes!  All these girls are......."

Ying Yan Long raised his hand and interrupted Matchmaker Liu"s words.  He called out to Steward Zhu and after explaining in a few simple words, he lifted up his head and said.  "You can tell Steward Zhu everything about the Flower Appreciation Banquet."

"Ying Dangjia, please wait!  I still have something to tell you......"

Before Matchmaker Liu could finish speaking, Ying Yan Long, who had already picked up the herbal records and account books on his table, left the hall in a gust of wind.

Matchmaker Liu followed behind and chased him to the door but he had already disappeared.

"How will I accomplish my task like this?!"  Matchmaker Liu held up her embroidered handkerchief and pressed it to her forehead to wipe off the sweat as her eyebrows knotted up. 

"Our Dangjia had given his orders.  If you want to talk about the personalities of the ladies and their family backgrounds, you can tell me directly.  Later, I will let our Dangjia know."  Steward Zhu said.

"This......"  Matchmaker Liu was stunned.  Shaking her head, she made her way back to her seat.  "The way your Dangjia do things is the same way Hua Dangjia does things!  Both of them have whirlwind personalities and they handle marriage as if they are doing business...... but this is an important matter in their life........."

"To our Family"s Master, business matters are also important matters in his life.  Even if you keep on grumbling incessantly for a few more days, he will still not change.  It is better for you to tell me the background of the ladies clearly to make it convenient for me to explain to our Dangjia later."  As Steward Zhu spoke, he prepared paper and ink and then sat down in front of the table that was beside her.

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