Zhang Xiao raised her eyebrows, "Yes."

Er Dong Hao"s eyes narrowed even more. The danger flashed in his eyes, as if she could eat Zhang Xiao alive at any time.

His reaction caused both Zhang Hao Tian and Zhang Hao Tian to be very worried. Yi Xiu Jie subconsciously protected Zhang Xiao while Zhang Hao Tian walked over quickly with a face full of smiles and said: "Mr, it"s getting late. Let"s go, Mr, please." Saying that, he gestured towards Er Dong Hao to invite him in.

Er Dong Hao did not pay any attention to him. His gaze swept past Zhang Hao Tian and still fell on his. Zhang Xiao lifted his head and stuck out his chest. His beautiful eyes did not contain the slightest bit of fear.

Er Dong Hao raised his eyebrows, he had grown up looking at that woman"s picture. When he was young, he knew that she was his aunt"s rival in love, but the funny thing was that she didn"t even know about his aunt"s existence, her aunt had sent people to take pictures of her without his permission. His aunt just wanted to know what his rival looked like.

However, he had never seen anger in her eyes before, as if she was not afraid of death even when the sky was falling down.

In her memory, she was either smiling or wearing a worried expression. Regardless of whether she was smiling or worrying, she possessed a unique beauty. His aunt had said that she had an unbeatable love rival, so she accepted it.

Aunt didn"t really hate her.

It was his hatred!

The person he cared about the most was his aunt. Without his aunt, he would have been a.s.sa.s.sinated long ago. Watching his aunt depressed all her life, he hated that woman.

Unfortunately, she was dead.

Since she had a daughter that was similar in appearance to her, it was the same when he shifted his hatred onto Zhang Xiao.

"Congratulations Chief Zhang."

Er Dong Hao was still staring at Zhang Xiao, but his mouth curved into a ridiculing smile, and he spoke words of congratulations to Zhang Hao Tian.

Zhang Hao Tian was so baffled by his congratulation that he didn"t know where his happiness came from.

Zhang Xiao really hated the mocking smile on the corner of her mouth. Although that was given to her father, she also hated it.

Ning Zhi Yuan and Mu Chen had both said that Er Dong Hao was a strong person and very smart. He must have found out what Zhang Hao Tian was planning from Zhang Hao Tian"s reaction to him. After finding out that Zhang Xiao had actually become Mu Chen"s woman, he revealed a mocking smile, and congratulated Zhang Hao Tian.

"Chief Zhang obtaining a son-in-law is a joyous occasion, and is worth congratulating." Er Dong Hao caught the disgust in Zhang Xiao"s eyes, his face changed unpredictably, her eyes also changed, his body releasing a cold Qi.

Ning Zhi Yuan was cold enough, but because Ning Zhi Yuan had that kind of personality, everyone got used to it and didn"t think too much about it. Er Dong Hao instantly transformed, causing fear in the hearts of others.

Zhang Hao Tian immediately turned his head to look at Zhang Xiao, who ignored her cold expression, and said to his father coldly: "Father, Mu Chen and I have gone through the marriage procedures, and I am now a married woman, so I am afraid of causing unnecessary misunderstandings by moving closer to the Mr, thus I told Mr that I am married, and that I am a married woman."

Hearing that, Zhang Hao Tian"s face immediately turned green, as she glared at Zhang Xiao.

In his heart, he thought, that old friend of his did not have a strict grasp of the situation, he must have done it on purpose, Mu Chen must have bribed the other party.

Zhang Xiao took out the account book from her handbag. After accepting the certificate, she had not returned the account book back, and since she had broken through the first layer of paper, she might as well return the account book to her father.

Taking a step forward, Zhang Xiao handed the household book over to Zhang Hao Tian, and said coldly: "Father, I am an adult, I can decide my own matters. It doesn"t matter if you like Mu Chen or not, since the person who lives with him is me, I will do it without any regrets. I got my brother Zhang Ming to help me get this account book, and told him that my ID card had expired and he had to get it from the account book, so he helped me out this time. "

This time, Zhang Xiao did not add insult to injury, admitting in front of her father that she had deceived Zhang Ming, and made use of the account book that Zhang Ming had obtained.

After returning the account book to her father, Zhang Xiao turned and said to Yi Xiu Jie: "Xiujie, let"s go, it"s getting late." As she spoke, he took the lead to leave.

Zhang Hao Tian looked at the account book in his hands, then looked at Zhang Xiao who was walking away with Yi Xiu Jie, then looked at Er Dong Hao, and Er Dong Hao"s cold gaze followed him.

Zhang Hao Tian"s heart immediately exploded, he wanted to give Zhang Xiao a marriage contract. Although Er Dong Hao was a man of black and white, her power was overflowing, and in B City, shshewas the master with one hand that could cover the sky, and her Erjia was also as famous as the flame door. No matter how ruthless and merciless Er Dong Hao was, at least Er Dong Hao was not married yet, and after Zhang Xiao, he could obtain a son-in-law with overflowing power, and she no longer had to fear the flame door, and he could use Er Dong Hao"s power to do many things.

Er Dong Hao was very aggressive towards Zhang Xiao, obviously, he wanted to take Zhang Xiao from him.

Who would have thought that Zhang Xiao would secretly arrange the wedding ceremony with Mu Chen.

If Ning Tong did not die, Zhang Hao Tian would be very satisfied with his son-in-law. With Ning Tong"s death, he did not like it at all.

"Zhang Xiao, don"t go yet. Come back and explain to Dad what"s going on. How can you decide for yourself? "I"m your dad, I …"

Zhang Hao Tian ran out of the office building in anger. Before he could even reach Zhang Xiao"s car, Zhang Xiao had already stepped on the accelerator and drove the car away.


Zhang Hao Tian did not have time to stop Zhang Xiao, he stopped Yi Xiu Jie instead, he could not care about being still in the company. After stopping Yi Xiu Jie, he asked angrily: "Did you already know? I have told you many times, to persuade her not to be fooled by Mu Chen just because her head is burning. "

Even though Yi Xiu Jie was being criticized, he was not angry, and only calmly said: "Uncle, Xiao Er is your daughter, don"t you know what her personality is? What he has decided is not something you and I can change. Ever since she moved out of Zhang Family"s mansion, I had advised her countless of times to go back. Later, when her uncle came looking for her himself, would she be willing to go back? She was a woman who was soft on the outside but tough on the inside. No matter how displeased we are with Mu Chen, since she has chosen Mu Chen, she will never change it in his entire life. "

Yi Xiu Jie indistinctly glanced at Er Dong Hao who was being escorted by his subordinates, and said to Zhang Hao Tian indifferently: "If uncle is truly thinking for Xiao Er"s happiness, then don"t be controlled by some people. We still don"t know who the person with the truly evil intentions is."

Mu Chen had more power and influence than Mu Chen, and Mu Chen only had status in the T City. Because Er Dong Hao was the Patriarch, and the Erjia was a huge organization, as the Patriarch, Er Dong Hao could be considered an internationally ranked person. However, Yi Xiu Jie felt that Er Dong Hao was aggressive towards him, and not in love with him.

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