When Er Dong Hao was dodging, Mu Chen quickly swung his fist and hit Er Dong Hao"s face. If not for Er Dong Hao"s strict training, he would have received countless of punches from Mu Chen. Even if he didn"t get hit now, he would be fl.u.s.tered in a short amount of time.

I really didn"t think that the cultured and refined Mu Chen"s kungfu was so amazing.

Aunt Er watched with narrowed eyes. She could tell that the reason her nephew did not suffer a loss was because he had received strict training, and the reason why Mu Chen had always dominated was because of Mu Chen"s anger and his wisdom.

Mu Chen dodged his kick, his fist arrived, and dodged the punch. Then, he kicked towards Er Dong Hao"s lower body.

Er Dong Hao was forced by his hands and feet to the point that he had no way of retaliating, he could only avoid them.

Mu Chen moved like the wind, fast as lightning.

Aunt Er"s blood was boiling. This guy was a martial arts prodigy, but unfortunately, she was born in a rich family and was the current head of Mu. Very few people could poach him away.

If he had known Mu Chen from twenty years ago, the Aunt Er would have definitely lured him into the Erjia to be used by the Erjia.

However, there was one thing that made Aunt Er extremely unhappy.

It was because the power of Mu Chen"s punch was not considered strong, but the kick was filled with power, and was specifically aimed at Er Dong Hao"s lower body, deliberately wanting to cripple Er Dong Hao.

The only direct descendant of the Erjia was Er Dong Hao. The Aunt Er was still counting on his nephew to pa.s.s on his legacy and give birth to a direct son for the Erjia to have successors.


Suddenly, Er Dong Hao"s groan came over.

Aunt Er saw that her nephew took a punch in the mouth when he was punched by Mu Chen. In her opinion, the strength of her punch wasn"t really strong, but when it landed on her nephew"s mouth, it made him bleed at the corner of his mouth.

Aunt Er frowned, her eyes narrowed even more. Seeing that Mu Chen was no longer appreciating him, he started to emit a dangerous aura.

To be able to harm the Patriarch of the Erjia, Mu Chen is not simple.

In fact, it was just like what Aunt Er had concluded earlier, Mu Chen was better at using his intelligence than his anger. When people were angry, he could force out his endless power, and whenever Mu Chen thought of Er Dong Hao forcing his wife, s.n.a.t.c.hing his beloved daughter, and sullying Zhang Xiao"s life, he could only release an endless amount of power.

In the beginning, Er Dong Hao underestimated his opponent a little. He relied on his status as the Patriarch of the Erjia to urinate and receive strict training. He also had a lot of combat experience and did not even put a cultured and refined CEO like Mu Chen in his eyes.

Furthermore, he had just drunk quite a bit of alcohol. He was a bit intoxicated, and his movements were a bit slow even though he was a bit tipsy.

He was careless and got punched by Mu Chen. When he was groaning, Mu Chen punched him again, and it happened to be on the side of his face where Aunt Er had hit him. He groaned again, and the face there was burning pain, and more blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

Mu Chen took the opportunity to kick him.


He kicked a wine cup that came flying at him, shattering it with one kick and scattering it everywhere.

It was the cup thrown by the Aunt Er.

Err family, who had been shouted at by Aunt Er, retreated. When Aunt Er threw out her wine cup, she rushed towards Er Dong Hao at the same time to protect him, pulling apart the distance between him and Mu Chen.

It took less than half an hour for the two of them to exchange over ten moves.

"Mr. Mou."

Aunt Er stood up and called out to Mu Chen, who was still in hot pursuit.

Mu Chen stopped in his tracks, coldly looked at Aunt Er as he walked over, and sarcastically said: "Are you planning on going up together?"

"If Mr. Mou wants to cripple my nephew, I naturally won"t allow it. Dong Hao is the only person in the direct line of descent in Erjia, for the sake of my Erjia"s fire, please forgive me but I cannot just stand by and watch Mr. Mou cripple my nephew."

Mu Chen coldly snorted. "To deal with someone like your nephew, it"s time to cripple him. Without a foundation, let"s see how he will sully a woman."

Aunt Er"s smile faded as she changed her expression to a different one, and said coldly: "If Mr. Mou crippled my nephew, I would also not allow Mr. Mou to leave any roots. Mr. Mou still has a daughter, I will also cut her off, and let you be like my nephew, unable to continue on."

Mu Chen sneered, and said sarcastically: "It"s better for all of you to attack at the same time."

He pretended that no one would interfere and let Er Dong Hao and him settle the matter. Now that he was doing his best to protect his own son, the people of Erjia were all breaking their word and had no credibility at all.

The Aunt Er shook her head and looked towards Er Dong Hao. "Dong Hao drank quite a bit, and the current him isn"t a match for Mr. Mou. May I know who Mr. Mou"s teacher is? So his skills are actually this impressive. "

Mu Chen also knew that Er Dong Hao had drank quite a lot, and the reason why he could smell the strong smell of the alcohol was because he could only defeat Er Dong Hao after Er Dong Hao had drunk a lot.

"I have no master, but I learned kungfu for a few days to protect my family."

Aunt Er laughed again, "That"s right. To learn to protect one"s own parents, you have a sense of responsibility."

Mu Chen no longer cared about Aunt Er, and waved at Er Dong Hao instead, and said coldly: "Er Dong Hao, you dare to do such a thing to Xiao Er, do you not have the guts to face me? If you"re still a man, then stop hiding. "

Being protected by his own subordinates, Er Dong Hao had a face full of unwillingness. After being provoked by Mu Chen, he immediately ordered his subordinates: "All of you retreat, this is a battle between him and me, you all don"t have to interfere." He looked at his aunt. "Auntie, if you don"t want your nephew"s name to be ruined tonight, then please leave me alone."

He liked to suppress Mu Chen, and did not like himself to lose to Mu Chen.

Mu Chen had already gotten hold of Zhang Xiao. When Zhang Xiao was injured, Mu Chen was by her side, taking care of her and comforting her. This made Er Dong Hao jealous.

Aunt Er wanted to say something, but Er Dong Hao and Mu Chen had already started fighting.

This time, Er Dong Hao woke up 120% of his focus, and did not dare to underestimate his opponent. He also clearly understood Mu Chen"s strength, and the two of them who were fighting inseparably suffered a loss under the hands of the other.

Er Dong Hao was constantly slapped on the face, but Mu Chen was the one who got beaten up, not allowing Er Dong Hao to slap his face.

Because the wound was on her face, she would be discovered by Xiao Er when she returned home.

Xiao Er could not discover the injuries on her body.

He didn"t want Xiao Er to know that he had come to fight with Er Dong Hao overnight.

"old lady."

Seeing Er Dong Hao being called as a guest, the Err family called out to him worriedly.

Aunt Er pursed her lips without saying a word, her gaze fixated on the two men who were both injured and refused to stop.

All manner of demeanor, all kinds of status, all sorts of ident.i.ties had been thrown out of the sky by them at this very moment.

The two continued to fight until both of them were exhausted and fell to the ground.

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