

The two brothers cried out in unison.

They all looked towards Zhang Hao Tian anxiously, hoping that he would take back his orders.

After protecting Yi Xiu Jie"s position, Zhang Xiao was even more confident in becoming the company"s Vice President.

Now that Mu Ya was in kindergarten, she only needed to accompany her child on the weekends. She could freely arrange the rest of the time, and she did not need to worry about the wedding, Mu Chen would choose a wedding venue and arrange everything.

The Nancheng City had been working hard for a while, and was basically on the right track.

She was going back to work.

Zhang Xiao could clearly see her two brothers" anxiety and sneered in her heart.

Ling Hong Yu did her best to think that she would never return to the Zhang Family, that she would never step foot into their property. But it was Ling Hong Yu who forced her back, and started to dabble in the Zhang Family"s businesses.

The Zhang Xiao who had a different mentality was no longer the person who wanted to start her own business.

"Zhang Yu and Zhang Ming have been performing very well and have also been walking around the company for a while. They are my Zhang Family"s future hope and from today on, Zhang Yu will be his a.s.sistant and Zhang Ming will be his a.s.sistant."

Zhang Hao Tian suddenly changed the subject.

Zhang Xiao frowned.

So her father wanted to raise her, but in reality, he wanted to raise his two sons.

The Zhang Yu brothers were stunned at first, but then smiled brightly. They promised to study hard and work hard.

Everyone present was speechless for a long time.

So this was the real reason behind the rise of CEO to become Zhang Xiao, truly a drunk man.

Even Er Dong Hao found it interesting.

"Xiao Er, do you have any objections?" Zhang Hao Tian stared at his daughter and asked gently.

He still remembered when he asked Zhang Xiao to be responsible for the vacation villa"s project, to arrange for her two sons to follow him.

Zhang Xiao looked at her two complacent brothers, and replied coldly: "I have no objections."

In any case, her little brother was still her a.s.sistant. She wanted to torment her little brother, so there were many opportunities.

Zhang Xiao had never been afraid of siblings fighting.

Zhang Hao Tian looked at her deeply for an entire minute.

Zhang Xiao laughed coldly in her heart, could it be that her father was waiting for her to quarrel with him on the spot?

Or did she feel that she could not handle Zhang Ming?

It was impossible to ease the relationship between brother and sister.

When no one spoke, the impromptu meeting concluded.

From today onwards, Zhang Xiao would become the Vice President of the Haotian Group. Her office would be on the same floor as Yi Xiu Jie"s Vice President"s office, and she would also have her own Secretary as well as Zhang Ming as her little a.s.sistant.

It could be said that Zhang Xiao had officially entered the business world.

After the meeting was over, everyone left.

Everyone had a scale in their hearts.

To weigh Zhang Xiao and the Zhang Yu brothers, who would be heavier?

Who were they going to place their bets on?

Everyone knew that if they bet on the wrong person, the consequences would be obvious. If they bet on the right person, then the new king would become the king and they would be able to preserve their wealth and glory.

Zhang Xiao stood up, pulled her chair back and left.

"Zhang Xiao."

Er Dong Hao called out to her.

Zhang Xiao stopped and turned around, asking indifferently: "Do you have any advice for me, ergol?"

Er Dong Hao laughed as he stood up, he looked at her and said, "I do not dare to enlighten you, but I do want to congratulate you on your promotion."

"Thank you."

Since you have been promoted, there is always a need to celebrate. I will treat you to lunch as the host and help you celebrate your promotion.

Zhang Xiao remained as indifferent and cold as before, "I understand ergol"s good intentions, thank you."

With that, she turned and left, not wanting to interact too much with Er Dong Hao.

She was a little afraid of this man, and the thought of what he had done that night left her with a lingering fear.

If Mu Chen had not received the news and hurried over, she did not know whether he and Mu Ya would have been able to escape danger safely.

Er Dong Hao laughed, and did not stop her, but slowly followed Zhang Xiao into the conference room.

Zhang Yu and Zhang Yu were waiting for him at the door of the conference room.

The others had already returned to their posts.

Seeing Zhang Xiao coming out, the two brothers immediately blocked her path.

Zhang Xiao raised her eyebrow, and asked coldly: "What?"

Zhang Yu smirked, "I forgot to congratulate you on your promotion."

"Vice President Zhang, you should give me some pointers in the future." Zhang Ming"s words were sarcastic.

In terms of management, Zhang Xiao did not surpa.s.s them.

Zhang Xiao stared at Zhang Yu, causing his to be scared by the coldness in her eyes, and when he spoke again, he was not as confident as before.

That"s it!

Zhang Xiao sneered in her heart, looked at Zhang Ming again, and said indifferently: "Rest a.s.sured, a.s.sistant Zhang, I will definitely give you a good, good lesson."

Zhang Ming naturally understood the meaning behind her words, and spat out blood in anger.

Why did Father arrange for him to stay by Zhang Xiao"s side?

Was she going to let him be a stumbling block for Zhang Xiao, or was she going to let Zhang Xiao bully him?

Alas, his father was becoming more and more difficult to fathom.

No matter what, the Haotian Group could not fall into Zhang Xiao"s hands. If they fell into Zhang Xiao"s hands, it would be the end of the three of them.

After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, he walked past the two brothers and left.

"Pah! Do you really think you"re amazing?"

Zhang Ming spat at Zhang Xiao"s back.

"Don"t get angry at her. Dad just said it clearly, we are the company"s hope." Zhang Yu comforted his brother"s emotions.

Father placed Zhang Ming by Zhang Xiao"s side, and since Zhang Xiao hated them to the extreme, Zhang Ming would definitely be dealt with very miserably. Zhang Yu felt sympathy for her brothers, but at the same time, a bit of selfishness arose in her heart. He would definitely study hard, as long as she could compare with Zhang Ming, he would be the next CEO.

Vice President could have two, or even several people, but there was only one CEO.

Even if they were blood-related brothers, they still had to be divided equally.

Everyone has their own selfish thoughts.

Zhang Yu was no exception.

It was better for him to sit in a higher position than for others to sit. Even if he was the blood brother of one of his mother and brothers, he would still squeeze them out.

Er Dong Hao laughed coldly behind the two of them. Both of his hands were in his pockets, and not long after, he took them out. Then he saw what was on the back of the Zhang Family brothers" pants.

He was an expert, and was able to freely control his own strength. Just like that, he slashed the pants of the two Zhang Family brothers, but the two brothers did not notice at all.

After they finished rowing, Er Dong Hao walked past the two brothers as if nothing had happened. Only then did the two brothers realise that he still hadn"t left and wanted to stop him. However, he arrogantly walked into the elevator.

After seeing Er Dong Hao enter the elevator, the Zhang Family brothers started walking towards the elevator port with smiles on their faces.

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