Ning Zhi Yuan pursed his lips and looked at her gently.

After the change of relationship, he had indeed become different from before.

She too.

In the past, he always felt that she was a male nanny, treating all men as brothers, without a single bit of love. Only now did he realize that she also had the gentleness of a woman. It was just that he didn"t know how to appreciate her in the past.

Lu Yong Chun"s character was still as carefree as ever, she did not draw a clear line between herself and the other Good man s. However, whenever she met with the other Good man s, they would follow him around as her bodyguards.

Knowing that Ning Zhi Yuan had tagged them with his name, in order to live, and also in order to make the CEO of Ning University feel at ease, the other Good man s all distanced themselves from him. They all tried to talk to Ning Zhi Yuan as much as they could every time they met, so that Ning Zhi Yuan wouldn"t be jealous and cause trouble for them.

Only after Lu Yong Chun tidied up her hair did she let Ning Zhi Yuan take her hand and lead her out.

"Why did you think of taking me for a ride today?" Lu Yong Chun still felt that Ning Zhi Yuan"s invitation was abnormal, "Where to?"

"A vacation villa that Haotian Group invested in."

Lu Yong Chun raised her eyebrows, "Haven"t we started work on it yet? I remember that Zhang Xiao had just handed in his computer"s blueprint. " After Zhang Xiao"s proposal was approved, she made a drawing with her computer that was slightly different from the drawings, making it easier to save.

"We"re starting work today."

Lu Yong Chun rolled her eyes and asked softly: "Zhang Xiao has met with trouble?"

Ning Zhi Yuan tightened his grip on Lu Yong Chun, praising her family"s Yongchun"s intelligence.

"What trouble?" To make use of Ning Zhi Yuan to personally make a trip to the construction site, Lu Yong Chun started to worry, "Is it her father or her stepmother? Or her two good-for-nothing brothers? "

Lu Yong Chun was well aware of Zhang Xiao"s situation.

Yongchun, I don"t think it"s convenient for me to help you. You are Zhang Xiao"s good friend, and everyone knows that.

"Who exactly is it? When the vacation villa starts, Zhang Hao Tian and Yi Xiu Jie will both be there, so Zhang Xiao should be fine. Yi Xiu Jie will definitely protect her. "

Ning Zhi Yuan coldly snorted. "Yi Xiu Jie will protect Xiao Er, but Zhang Hao Tian is a person who sells women to seek honor. In the wilderness, it is very easy for Er Dong Hao to lay her hands on Xiao Er. Yi Xiu Jie is not Er Dong Hao"s opponent. "

Lu Yong Chun frowned, "Er Dong Hao? It"s that the patriarch of your house, he had also come to me before to talk about cooperation and we haven"t finished talking yet, but looking at that man who has a smile on his face, he seems like he can"t even spit out bone from eating people.

After stuffing his fiancee back into the car, Ning Zhi Yuan leaned over and helped Lu Yong Chun fasten his seat belt, and stole an incense"s time from Lu Yong Chun"s cheeks before straightening his body and fastening his seat belt, replying with a low voice, "It"s him. I told you before, he has a crush on Xiao Er. "

"Why don"t you let Mu Chen go?" Mu Chen was the true protector of Zhang Xiao.

Ning Zhi Yuan"s expression was a little cold, "Er Dong Hao does not put Mu Chen in his eyes." Otherwise, he wouldn"t have to hear his subordinate"s report that Er Dong Hao had followed them to the Nancheng City and taken Lu Yong Chun for a ride.

Other than the few people he trusted, even Yi Xiu Jie did not know about the relationship between him and Zhang Xiao. But since he had no choice but to appear, he could only do it through Lu Yong Chun. Lu Yong Chun had a good relationship with Zhang Xiao, if Er Dong Hao dared to use such a strong method to lay his hands on Zhang Xiao, Lu Yong Chun would not stand idly by and watch.

Er Dong Hao was more or less afraid of Ning Zhi Yuan, this Junior Sect Master.

Lu Yong Chun laughed, "Mu Chen also has such a day."

After pausing for a moment, she continued: "Could it be that you are overthinking it? I see that Er Dong Hao is not someone who knows how to use strength."

Ning Zhi Yuan tilted his head and snorted sinisterly: "You"re speaking up for him?"

Lu Yong Chun was not in a good mood, "Don"t even think about eating acetylidene acetonitrile, I"m talking about who Er Dong Hao is, do you need to forcefully take his as your wife?"

Ning Zhi Yuan"s phoenix eyes grew even colder, "He"s trying to take away another person"s wife!"

Lu Yong Chun:...

In fact, Ning Zhi Yuan was worried that taking Lu Yong Chun for a "ride" was not unnecessary.

When Zhang Xiao and the rest reached the Nancheng City, the workers were already there waiting. The hook machine, crane and the others were also waiting for orders.

In winter, the wild was colder.

In the bustling city center, the outdoor temperature was fifteen degrees. In the wild, the mountain breeze blew loudly, and the empty fields at the foot of the mountain blew even more strongly, causing Zhang Xiao to estimate that the outdoor temperature was twelve degrees.

She was shaken by the mountain wind.

Mu Chen helped her put on her jacket.

A suit jacket that was giving off an ancient dragon perfume draped over her shoulders.

Zhang Xiao did not like the Ancient Dragon perfume. Mu Chen was a man who did not spray perfume, and she was used to smelling the fresh male scent from his body. When she put on the jacket over his shoulders, she reacted quickly and immediately took off the jacket, pa.s.sing it to the man beside his. On the surface, she was still very courteous, "Mr, I"m not cold."

The corner of Er Dong Hao"s mouth curled into a smile, "I saw you trembling. Put it on, don"t get cold. "

"Thank you for your concern, Mr. I"m not really cold. I"m really cold after taking off my jacket and a long-sleeved shirt." Zhang Xiao said as he returned the jacket back to Er Dong Hao.

She absolutely could not accept the slightest bit of concern that Er Dong Hao had for her.

This person was an enemy, not a friend!

What"s more, she was already a wife.

She had no interest in stepping out of the wall with a apricot. It would be best if Er Dong Hao retreated while knowing the difficulties.

Er Dong Hao laughed, "Are you caring about me?"

Zhang Xiao secretly spat in her heart. Who cares about you?

"Xiao Er, Mr is so concerned about you, why don"t you put on your coat. This wilderness is indeed cold, and you have a body of gold." When Zhang Hao Tian saw Er Dong Hao taking off his jacket and giving it to her daughter, he did not think for her daughter"s reputation and instead advised her daughter to accept Er Dong Hao"s concern.

Zhang Xiao gouged her father out. Zhang Hao Tian still wanted to say something, but was gouged out by her daughter like this. At this moment, he didn"t want to cause trouble with his daughter, so she turned her gaze away.

"Xiao Er, put it on."

Yi Xiu Jie took off his jacket at the right time. Aside from his shirt, he also had a sweater and waistcoat under his jacket, so it was not too cold.

Without waiting for Zhang Xiao"s response, Yi Xiu Jie walked over to Zhang Xiao"s side and naturally placed himself between Er Dong Hao and Zhang Xiao. Yi Xiu Jie then personally helped Zhang Xiao put on his jacket. After Zhang Xiao put on his jacket, he took Er Dong Hao"s jacket from his and pressed it into Er Dong Hao"s hands. Even though she said it politely, he thanked Er Dong Hao: "Thank you, Mr."

One of the subordinates beside Er Dong Hao took action, but was stopped by Er Dong Hao without leaving a trace.

After looking at Yi Xiu Jie for a while, Er Dong Hao laughed: "As long as Yi Wei Wei does his own things well." Don"t mind your own business!

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