"Xiao Er, where are you going?" Zhang Hao Tian turned his head and called out to his daughter, then glanced at Yi Xiu Jie, and said to him: "Mr has not taken the medicine, pour him a cup of water and give him the medicine."

Zhang Xiao did not turn around, but only replied indifferently: "The people from the Mr are all here, I still have some matters to attend to, so I will not stay to serve you."

As she spoke, she lifted her foot and was about to leave.

However, the black-clothed man was blocking her path. No matter which way she went, there would always be people blocking her path.

Yi Xiu Jie poured some water for Er Dong Hao, but before he could hand the water over to him, seeing that Zhang Xiao was in a difficult situation, he immediately placed the cup of water on the bedside table, and then quickly walked to Zhang Xiao"s side and coldly asked: "What are you guys doing?"

The people of Erjia looked at him coldly, pursed their lips, and did not say a word.

Zhang Hao Tian followed Zhang Xiao to Zhang Xiao"s side, extended her hand, and pulled Zhang Xiao to the outside of the balcony, whispering, "Xiao Er, Dad saw what happened just now. It was clear that he wanted you to take care of him, so you …"

Zhang Hao Tian"s words disappeared under Zhang Xiao"s cold and mocking gaze. He was too embarra.s.sed to continue.

"Dad, what kind of person do you think your daughter is? Your daughter is already married, is already a wife, what kind of thoughts does he have towards your daughter, since you can see, it"s fine that you don"t help your daughter, I never expected you to think about it for me, it"s even harder than ascending to heaven, but you can"t help him make things difficult for your daughter either. "

When Zhang Xiao said this, his heart bled.

This was her father!

They were originally related by blood, but their relationship …

Her father"s att.i.tude towards her was sometimes good, sometimes good, sometimes taking advantage of her, sometimes cold and heartless. It was just that he never really treated her like his daughter.

"I know dad doesn"t love my mom, but I"m still dad"s biological daughter."

After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, he turned her head and looked into the distance, doing her utmost to blink off the tears in her eyes. Being hurt by someone close to him was the most painful thing in the world.

Zhang Hao Tian opened his mouth wanting to say something, but his throat was blocked, in the end he could not say anything.

In front of his daughter, he was a chameleon. He was a fence-sitter and a two-sided person.

Looking carefully at his daughter in front of him, Zhang Hao Tian"s gaze slowly turned deeper, as if he had made a decision, and said in a low voice: "Xiao Er, her att.i.tude is right there. We can"t win against him, so you … After we go back, father will give you half of Zhang Family"s family property, father will make a will … "

Zhang Xiao sneered, after she finished laughing, she leaned in front of Zhang Hao Tian, and said word by word with a low voice: "Father suspected from a long time ago that I had ulterior motives for joining Haotian Group, right? I won"t hide the truth from father, I only entered the Haotian Group for the sake of Zhang Family"s family property, and also for the sake of the Haotian Group. I don"t want half of your family property, I want all of your family property to be included with the Haotian Group! I will make your most beloved woman lose everything, and I will make your most beloved sons live on the streets! "

At this moment, his hatred for his father had been pushed to the peak.

Zhang Xiao thought that she could lessen her hatred towards her father. She was wrong, her father"s actions would only deepen her hatred towards him.

Zhang Hao Tian quietly looked at his daughter.

Her words struck into his heart one word at a time. He thought that his heart would be filled with raging waves, but he never thought that it would be so calm and without wind or waves. He thought that if he heard his daughter"s words, he too would be furious, but in the end, he wasn"t angry at all.

Zhang Xiao"s face that was somewhat similar to Wen Li"s was dyed with ice. Her eyebrows were covered with a layer of frost, and it would not be wrong to describe her as cold as ice. The hatred in her eyes towards him was undisguised. It was so intense.

Haotian, please give Xiao Er to me …

Haotian, I will give up my rights to Xiao Er"s care. Please treat her well and raise her into an adult. No matter what, she is your biological daughter …

Haotian, I"m kneeling down to you, I"m kowtowing to you, please treat Xiao Er well …

He recalled the night before Wen Li left, when Wen Li had knelt and kowtowed to him in her room, begging him to treat their daughter with kindness. Zhang Hao Tian sighed softly in his heart as he clenched his hands into fists under his sleeves.

"Fine, father will wait for you to s.n.a.t.c.h away my President"s position. Remember, you have to rely on your own ability! But before that, let me see how you are going to get out of this sickroom. Facing a strong opponent is not something that can be solved just by running away, nor is it something that can be done by relying on Mu Chen"s help. After all, this is something that you have to face.

Zhang Hao Tian whispered a few words into Zhang Xiao"s ears, and then turned to Er Dong Hao who was beside the sickbed. His old face had a smile hanging on it again.

Hearing his father"s words to Er Dong Hao, hearing his father"s laughter to Er Dong Hao, Zhang Xiao"s entire body went ice-cold.

Turning her head, she looked at his father who was like Er Dong Hao"s servant, and personally picked up the cup of water Yi Xiu Jie had poured out, smiling as he gave it to Er Dong Hao, then helped him to take out the medicine bag from within, and after seeing the doctor"s instructions, she helped Er Dong Hao take out a few pills, smiling as he said to Er Dong Hao: "Mr, take some medicine."

Er Dong Hao did not move, his gloomy eyes staring at Zhang Xiao.

He hadn"t heard clearly what the father and daughter pair of Zhang Family had said just now, but he knew it was related to him.

After taking a deep breath, Zhang Xiao walked over.

If she wanted to sit on the President"s position of the Haotian Group, she needed to first have the ability to face countless of enemies. Now, she had to rely on her own abilities to leave the sickroom, or else would have to let her go on his own initiative. Facing a strong opponent, escaping would not solve the problem, it would only make the enemy attack even more fiercely.

In a battle between experts, victory lay in the layout.

She only knew how to be angry, and only knew how to evade. Any time Er Dong Hao laid a trap, she would lose everything.

"Dad, let me do it."

Zhang Xiao sat on the side of the bed, reached out and took the pills from her father, then took the cup of lukewarm water s from Er Dong Hao"s hands. She then said to Er Dong Hao: "Mr, when you take the medicine, please open your mouth."

Er Dong Hao stared at her deeply.

Slowly, his mouth curved into a faint smile.

He opened his mouth and waited for Zhang Xiao to feed the medicine into his mouth.

When he was taking the medicine, he even gave his subordinates a meaningful look, telling them to record the scene of Zhang Xiao considerately feeding him the medicine and send it to Mu Chen, infuriating him to death.

Zhang Xiao placed several pills into Er Dong Hao"s mouth, and then placed the cup next to his mouth, telling him to drink a mouthful of water and swallow the medicine.

With Zhang Xiao"s help, Er Dong Hao finally took the pill.

"I"ll go to the bathroom first." After Zhang Xiao finished taking the medicine, she stood up from the side of the bed and casually placed the cup into Er Dong Hao"s hands. Er Dong Hao had the upper hand and did not mind her actions, as he watched her walk into the washroom.

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