Mu Group.

Meng Yi Fan held onto a stack of papers. After the elevator door opened, he walked out.

"Director Meng."

"Yes." Meng Yi Fan nodded indifferently, then asked Mu Chen"s secretary: "Is CEO inside?"

The secretary nodded. "Yes. Does anyone have to look for CEO? Do you need me to report back? " Meng Yi Fan had a very good relationship with the Mu Brothers, he often came to the top floor with Mu Chen calling him from the inside, so he did not need to be like the others who needed a secretary to introduce them to him.

Meng Yi Fan shook his head: "No need, you"re busy." After saying that, he carried the stack of papers to the office door, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Mu Chen"s voice did not come from inside, it was instead, the door opened, it was Mu Chen. Mu Chen held his coffee cup in one hand and opened the door in the other. When he saw Meng Yi Fan, he smiled lightly and asked, "You"re here."

Meng Yi Fan replied as he entered the office. Mu Chen then closed the door, and the two of them walked to the window and sat down on the sofa.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"I only like tea." Meng Yi Fan placed the papers in his hands on the table, then stood up and turned to the small teahouse, preparing to make himself a cup of tea. His voice sounded from the small teahouse: "These are all customer materials that are related to Tang"s Jewel Company."

Mu Chen put down the coffee cup in his hands and picked up the stack of customer information, leaning back on the sofa, he carefully read the customer information. Meng Yi Fan was very careful in his investigations. He was very clear on how long the customers had been cooperating with the Tang, and whether they had close relationships with each other or not. The benefits that they brought to the Tang were not big, and he was clear on whether they were big or small.

When Meng Yi Fan finished brewing the tea and walked out from teahouse, he had already finished looking through all the customer information.

"Er Dong Hao should be making his move soon."

Mu Chen threw the doc.u.ments back onto the tea table and smiled coldly: "He has given Tang Qian Yi enough time to think it over. Since Tang Qian Yi still hasn"t replied to him, he must have done something to force Tang Qian Yi to rely on him and form an alliance with him, becoming the vanguard for Er Dong Hao to rule over T City."

Meng Yi Fan acknowledged, "What do you plan to do? Are you going to do it yourself, or are you going to let Yee do it? "

Mu Chen laughed, "The reason I asked you to investigate the customer information in Tang was because of my big brother, it was through my mouth that I said that."

Meng Yi Fan also laughed, "I can"t escape, and my ears are also so long."

"My big brother doesn"t go out, but that doesn"t mean his world is sealed off."

"Is Yi"s plan to take away Tang"s customer? The Mu has never stepped into the gemstone industry, so it would be impossible to steal away Tang"s customers. " Meng Yi Fan was a little confused at the brothers" plans.

Drinking the last few mouthfuls of the coffee in the cup into his stomach, Mu Chen answered, "The Mu does not have much of a business in the gemstone industry, but the QianXun Group that has a working relationship with us does. Furthermore, the QianXun Group"s business is managed by Madam Huo, and the Hutong loves his wife as long as we introduce all of his customers to the Hutong, it would not only destroy the Tang, it would also make the Hutong owe us a favour, why not do it?"

Making Huo Tai happy was more useful than making Hutong happy, and also, Huo Tai was a woman who was loyal to her friends.

Mu introducing the customers to QianXun Group would be able to consolidate the relationship between the two groups. It would be beneficial to Mu but not harmful.

"If Er Dong Hao wants to force Tang Qian Yi to submit to him, he will secretly come up with some methods that will cause the customers of the Tang to want to leave. Tang Qian Yi is not an idiot, so he naturally knows who acted against the Tang, and in order to protect the Tang, he could only follow Er Dong Hao and become Er Dong Hao"s vanguard."

"What we need to do is to take advantage of the moment when Er Dong Hao attacks the Tang, and quickly introduce all of the customers in the Tang to the Hutong. I want to work with the QianXun Group rather than with the Tang, and business people are more interested in benefits. With a bigger partner, everyone knows to choose one that is more conducive to their own development. "

Meng Yi Fan nodded his head.

"Once we take the opportunity to s.n.a.t.c.h away Tang"s customer, Er Dong Hao"s dirty hands will no longer be able to go white. Will he and Tang Qian Yi still be able to form an alliance? Furthermore, Tang Qian Yi has lost a large number of customers, which affected Tang"s business, causing it to lose money. Once the chain of funds is broken, Tang will no longer have any value to Er Dong Hao. "

"What if Tang Qian Yi shamelessly glued himself to Er Dong Hao and was willing to be used by him to form an alliance to deal with us?" Meng Yi Fan pondered, "A dog would jump off a wall if it was in a hurry, and a rabbit would bite if it was in a hurry."

Tang Qian Yi would not just sit there and watch Tang fail.

Mu Chen laughed coldly, "Does Tang Qian Yi still not know about Er Dong Hao"s character? His Tang"s business had gone downhill, his customers had all been lost due to Er Dong Hao, so how could he still trust Er Dong Hao? Er Dong Hao also wouldn"t believe him, since they were wary of him taking revenge on them. Both of them had ulterior motives, how could they cooperate? Even if they worked together, they would each have their own tricks up their sleeves and could kill the other party at any moment. Tang Qian Yi is no fool, he is no match for Er Dong Hao at all. "

Er Dong Hao was a mantis, Tang Qian Yi was a cicada, Mu Chen was a oriole, the mantis stalked the cicada and the oriole followed behind.

In the end, the one who truly obtained the upper hand was Mu Chen.

"However, we still have to be on guard." After pausing for a moment, Mu Chen said calmly, "After all, the one we are facing right now is Er Dong Hao. Behind him are the overlord of B City"s business and the entire Erjia."

Meng Yi Fan also nodded his head, "Er Dong Hao"s methods are sinister and ruthless, his current movements still has the intention of completely darkening the Erjia, and will not take another step forward."

"The matters of the underworld, we don"t want to care about them and we don"t have to care about them. They have their own ways of resolving it, all we have to do is fight with each other on the market."

"Yes. Mu Chen, I heard that Er Dong Hao has his eyes on your Zhang Xiao, you need to be careful and protect your Zhang Xiao, don"t let him lose both a man and a soldier, okay. Meng Yi Fan smiled as he reminded Mu Chen. It was obvious that Er Dong Hao was very interested in Zhang Xiao, so many people already knew about it.

Speaking of that, Mu Chen raised his eyebrows, and said coldly: "Yi Fan, this man is many times stronger than Gao Shao Liang, he is very aggressive towards Xiao Er, and the thing that makes people angry is that my father-in-law tried to gift Xiao Er to him, he is simply selling women for honor."

Meng Yi Fan was very shameless about Zhang Hao Tian"s actions, he had never seen a father like Zhang Hao Tian before.

"As long as Zhang Xiao"s heart is with you, you don"t have to worry. You and your wife are united. No matter how strong Er Dong Hao is, you all are not easy to deal with. "

Meng Yi Fan could only console Mu Chen.

Mu Chen thanked him for his consolation.

Er Dong Hao was very strong, but Er Dong Hao did not know one thing, which was the relationship between Zhang Xiao and her cousin.

How could Ning Zhi Yuan just sit by and watch Er Dong Hao do nothing?

Back then, when Ning Zhi Yuan tried to hide the relationship between him and Zhang Xiao, he had been on guard against Ling Hong Yu.

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