Halfway there, Mu Chen received a call from Zhang Xiao. Instead of rushing to Hot Pot Shop, he went straight to the hospital.

When he rushed to the hospital, Zhang Xiao was anxiously sitting on a stool in the corridor. Both of her hands were twisted, and when she heard the familiar footsteps, she suddenly stood up and pounced towards Mu Chen.

"Xiao Er."

"Mu Chen." Zhang Xiao jumped into her husband"s embrace. After enduring for a long while, she finally shed tears and sobbed, "Mu Chen, something happened to Xiujie. She drove the car and drove down the cliff.

They were afraid that Xiujie would not be able to save her life and that she would not be able to keep her baby.

She promised Yi Xiu Jie that she would definitely take good care of him.

Yi Xiu Jie had only been gone for a few days and such a thing happened.

Hearing that, Mu Chen frowned, while supporting Zhang Xiao with her arms, he walked back to the front of the chair and sat down, at the same time comforting her: "Don"t be anxious, speak slowly, how did something happen to Xiujie? Hadn"t he been gone for days? Logically speaking, we should be at his hometown. "

Zhang Xiao sat up straight and wiped her tears lovingly. Zhang Xiao sobbed, "It was the local police who called to inform Xiujie that something happened." Logically speaking, Yi Xiu Jie should be at his hometown, so if he got into a car accident, wouldn"t it be like what she was worried about?

Yi Xiu Jie had investigated the cause of his father"s death, and then, his heart was unsettled.

Zhang Xiao"s face became pale again.

Mu Chen knew the reason behind Yi Xiu Jie going back to his hometown, and at this moment, Mu Chen realized that something would happen to him. It was extremely likely that he had proven that his father was poisoned by his mother.

Yi Xiu Jie had a deep relationship with his father, so what should he do if his mother poisoned his father?

He was extremely conflicted, probably thinking about this all along the way. The Pan Shan Road was originally a winding road, and people who were not good at driving and were not familiar with roads were most likely to get into trouble. Yi Xiu Jie"s driving skills would not be bad, if something happened, he would just be unfamiliar with the road, and then be affected by his mood.

"Mu Chen, help me book a plane ticket. I"ll head over to Xiujie"s hometown later." Zhang Xiao stopped crying and could not calm down Yi Xiu Jie who was a thousand miles away.

Mu Chen immediately called for his secretary to book a few tickets to Xiujie"s hometown. However, he did not book them for Zhang Xiao, but for himself.

"Ye Qing needs your care here. As for Xiujie, I"ll go over to him."

Mu Chen pa.s.sed a tissue to Zhang Xiao, "It"s a long distance, even if you go, I won"t be at ease. If we go together, no one will take care of Ye Qing, and there"s also Mu Ya, she won"t be able to leave you. Furthermore, you are not at ease, flying so far away. I am even more worried, so it would be better for you to let me go. "

Yi Xiu Jie could be considered to be his first uncle. Since his first uncle had met with an accident, he should have personally come over to visit.

"But, what about the company?"

Zhang Xiao felt that Mu Chen"s words made sense. The husband and wife pair would not be able to rush over at the same time, so if they were to leave behind one person to take care of Ye Qing and Ye Qing, and Ye Qing was pregnant, given that their baby was already unsteady, how would they dare to bring Ye Qing over?

"There are still Big Brother and Yi Fan staying at the company. Nothing will happen. I will bring Liu Qing with me. Rest a.s.sured, I will definitely bring all of you good news. " Mu Chen also planned to bring the Any doctor along.

The medical conditions at Yi Xiu Jie"s hometown would definitely not be as good as T City"s. If Mu Chen brought his own home"s family doctor, maybe he would be able to help a lot.

Zhang Xiao could only nod her head.

At this time, Ye Qing was pushed out.

Zhang Xiao quickly stood up and walked forward, and asked anxiously: "Doctor, how is Ye Qing?"

Ye Qing"s eyes were tightly shut. Clearly, she had not woken up yet.

The doctor indicated for the nurse to help Ye Qing into a ward, and she stopped to answer Zhang Xiao"s question, "She was too nervous that she had gotten pregnant, let her have a baby now, you guys do her work peacefully, make her feel at ease, and she"ll be fine after a good rest."

"The child has been saved, right?"

The doctor nodded.

Zhang Xiao"s worry was finally relieved. Luckily, the child was fine.

"Teach her well, relax as much as possible, and take a good rest." The doctor instructed Zhang Xiao a few times before leaving.

The secretary called, saying that he had helped Mu Chen book a plane ticket.

Seeing that Ye Qing"s child was saved, Mu Chen wanted to rush over to see what was happening to Yi Xiu Jie, so he asked for the address and the police"s contact number. He then notified Any doctor and called Meng Yi Fan to inform him before leaving behind 5 bodyguards to rush over to the airport.

In the sickroom, Zhang Xiao sat in front of her bed and looked at Ye Qing with a worried face.

Not long after, Ye Qing woke up. She first went to touch her stomach, Zhang Xiao immediately consoled her: "The child is safe."

Only then did Ye Qing calm down. Thinking about Yi Xiu Jie, she started to feel sad again.

"Ye Qing, the doctor said you can"t be nervous. You have to relax and take a good rest. Don"t worry, Mu Chen has already rushed over, he will definitely be fine, and he even brought Any doctor along. "

Other than comforting her, Zhang Xiao comforted her.

"I"m fine, I want to go too." Ye Qing sat up on the sickbed, wanting to pull out the needle, but Zhang Xiao held him down.

Zhang Xiao said in a low voice: "Ye Qing, I know you are worried about Xiujie, but your current situation is really not suitable for you to rush over. Even if you aren"t thinking for yourself, you still have to think for Xiujie, for your child."

Thinking about the worst case scenario, if Yi Xiu Jie really did not return, the baby in Ye Qing"s womb would be his only bloodline.

Ye Qing froze.

Zhang Xiao helped her lie down, held onto the hand she did not have any fluids in, encouraging her, "Ye Qing, it"s okay, Xiujie loves you that much, he definitely won"t leave you behind, you must trust him."

Ye Qing"s tears fell like rain.

Her emotions stirred up, and her lower abdomen seemed to faintly ache again.

Seeing her frown, Zhang Xiao was so frightened that she tried to persuade her, and stopped crying. However, her mood did not improve.

If not for the baby in her stomach, she would have immediately flown to Yi Xiu Jie"s side.

Zhang Xiao turned her face to wipe her tears.

"Can you get in touch with the doctor there? I want to call Xiujie and ask him how she is doing right now. "

Ye Qing calmed her emotions a little, and only after feeling no pain in her lower abdomen did she ask Zhang Xiao.

"I"ll help you contact the police over there. They know." Zhang Xiao said as she took out her phone to make a call.

The other party quickly answered her call, but before she could speak, the phone was s.n.a.t.c.hed away by Ye Qing, who asked anxiously: "How is Xiujie?"

Hearing Ye Qing"s urgent question, he replied apologetically: "I"m still at the scene of the incident. According to my colleagues who followed me to the hospital, two of the injured were severely injured, and one of them was sent to the hospital. After a few hours of treatment, his injuries were too severe, and he died in an attempt to save his friend, while the other one was still in the hospital."

Ye Qing"s face turned pale white again.

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