Chapter 14 – Feeding

After receiving Qian Sui"s furious strike, Di Jiufeng fainted dead away.
She didn"t know how long she had been laying down, only that in this hazy half-awake state, she felt as if her body was roasting over a fire. A suffocating, burning heat ceaselessly poured up from inside. She couldn"t resist beginning to moan and groan, a rough and hoa.r.s.e sound, a voice slowly sawed from her throat spilling out: "Water… water…"

Just after she had muttered these two words, a pair of small soft hands held up her head, and right afterwards, a moistening sweet rain was slowly fed into her mouth.
A soft touch rubbed lightly beside her lip, occasionally delivering a wisp of refreshing moisture.
Di Jiufeng felt the parching heat pervading her whole body was suppressed. She couldn"t help but sigh a bit, shifting closer to the source of that slight chill.
"Shifu." Ning Guang had merely given her a mouthful of water, but in this moment, a wisp of affection arose in her heart. Her gaze slackened a bit, an inexplicable type of feeling winding itself around her heart.
"Ning, Ning Guang…"
Roused by this call of "Shifu", Di Jiufeng discovered she was currently resting in her disciple"s embrace. The sweet rain just now had been the water she was feeding her.
Di Jiufeng had not yet detected anything amiss about this type of activity. She only saw that her disciple"s face was unusually red, reaching out a hand to touch her cheek. "Ning Guang, how long have I been unconscious?"
Touched by this ice-cold hand, Ning Guang abruptly roused, even forgetting to continue her act of blindness for a split second.
Hurriedly returning to attention and turning her eyes elsewhere, Ning Guang finally helped up her Shifu and said, "Very long, it"s been almost half a month. Both the Sect Leader and Mister Yue came by, they said that while your injury was serious, some good came of the disaster. It opened up your Eight Extraordinary Meridians, and not only did your cultivation suddenly rise to the Late-Stage Nascent Soul level, you"ll achieve twice the effect with half the work in your future cultivation endeavors."
Placing a pillow behind her Shifu"s waist to let her sit more comfortably, Ning Guang continued, "And there"s that Qian Sui. He also didn"t die, he was only imprisoned in the Han Yuan forbidden area for life."

Saying this, Ning Guang slightly lowered her head, soft dark strands drooping down beside her face to completely cover the malevolent killing intent filling her eyes.
If the old man didn"t die, that"s alright, it just happens to give her a chance to claim her enemy with her own blade. Every single person who bullied her Shifu, she would not spare a one. All of them have to die!  

Forcefully clenching her first, she waited until her roiling bloodl.u.s.t calmed before turning her head, stealthily looking at her Shifu.
Right now, Di Jiufeng was leaning on the headboard, a hint of a smile hanging on the corner of her lip. This soft and loving smile was like the dawn after a frozen-through eternal night, brushing aside thick and heavy fog to take root in the bottom of Ning Guang"s heart.
A slow and gentle cool breeze darted past the tallow tree, in from the cracked open window, rippling the layer upon layer of peach-red gauze curtains. The warm sunlight pouring into the room penetrated red gauze to land on Di Jiufeng"s profile. For a split second, Ning Guang felt that times were calm and good.

"Ning Guang, no one will ever come bully you again. Even though Shifu can"t protect you for long, at the very least Shifu won"t let you suffer any grievances within this sect."
After half a month, though Di Jiufeng"s injuries were not a major hindrance, she didn"t count as fully recovered.
She was still a bit weak, her complexion pale and wan, her body still sensitive to cold. Especially after night fell, lying in her s.p.a.cious Ba Bu bed and listening to the mountaintop wind howl as it swept by, she felt particularly cold, waves and waves of chill emanating from within her bones.   
Wrapped in her blankets like a bear in hibernation, she was still shivering in cold.
"Don"t they say cultivators don"t feel the cold, how am I this weak?"

Whining and muttering for a bit, Di Jiufeng suddenly thought of her own soft and moe disciple. As thin as she was, she was definitely even colder than herself. This Shifu really was incompetent, she hadn"t even made proper arrangements for her after bringing her up the mountain, instead just going to lie down for half a month.
And now, she didn"t even know where her young disciple ran off to!


Me: *squints at sudden cultivation powerup from almost getting killed* sounds fake but alright Han Yuan forbidden area: 寒渊禁地 (han2 yuan1 jin2 di2), 寒 "cold", 渊 "deep pool". "Times were calm and good": 岁月静好 (sui4 yue4 jing4 hao3), "years are calm and good". I believe this could be a reference to the love poem of the same name by 灵遁者 (Ling2 dun4 zhe3). Ba Bu bed: 拔步床 (ba2 bu4 chuang2). A particularly large type of bed in Chinese traditional furniture. Look it up if you want pics.

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