My Disciple Wants To Tease Me Every Day

Chapter 16 – Laying Together (Catching Bugs)

Chapter 16 – Laying Together (Catching Bugs)

"Shifu, I, I…" I tricked you.
These words rolled around in Ning Guang"s throat for a while, but in the end, she didn"t dare to say them. Her hands kept a death grip on the embroidered blankets like she was clutching her last straw of hope.
Di Jiufeng walked closer and closer, and Ning Guang"s heart seized tighter and tighter. She practically couldn"t force out any words, only feeling like her chest was crushed under a rock mountain, making her nearly suffocate to death.
"Ning Guang, did Yue-shixiong cure your eyes?"
Just when Ning Guang steeled herself and resolved to confess to her Shifu, Di Jiufeng suddenly spoke. Her ice-cold fingertip softly touched Ning Guang"s eyelid, finally letting her near-suffocating body obtain relief.
Ning Guang threw herself forward to bury her face in her Shifu"s chest.
Her hands tightly embraced her Shifu"s waist like she was clutching a long-lost treasure she had finally regained. "It wasn"t Mister Yue. While I"ve been practicing cultivation these past few days, I would occasionally find that the demonic energy in my eyes could be dispersed. It"s just that before, my cultivation level was not enough and I couldn"t achieve this result."
Her Shifu was very familiar with Yue Qingfeng. If she used him for her lie, it could be exposed anywhere and anytime.

In addition, she didn"t wish to sell this favor to Yue Qingfeng. This annoying cultivator always loved to flaunt himself in front of her Shifu, if not for the fact that she wasn"t a match for him right now she"d definitely show him some color to see.
"Shifu, my eyes can see now, are you going to stop taking care of me in the future?" Cautiously grasping her Shifu"s sash, Ning Guang"s voice showed a bit of urgency.
Di Jiufeng pinched the tip of her nose, warmly smiling, "How could I stop taking care of you? Even if there wasn"t a match for you in the whole cultivation world, you would still be my disciple."
After placating her disciple, Di Jiufeng held her and went to sleep.
Lying in her Shifu"s soft embrace, Ning Guang felt her whole heart was full.
After dispatching that troublemaker Qian Sui, the next five years could be pa.s.sed in peace. Other than supervising her disciple"s cultivation, Di Jiufeng practically had nothing else to do. This day, she had just tossed her disciple a sword technique manual for her to study.
——It"s not that she wasn"t up to the task, but her disciple was naturally intelligent and didn"t need her to trouble herself at all. She could become a self-made genius with any old book of cheat codes.

Di Jiufeng was very worry-free, but hearing the next second"s sound, she didn"t feel very worry-free anymore.
This arrogant system, I really don"t want to pay it any mind, I really want to pretend I can"t hear.
"Host, host, don"t you feel you"ve been too idle these past few days, do you want to start a side quest?" The emotionless electronic voice sounded by her ear, making the Di Jiufeng living an elder"s life sunning herself and eating melon seeds suddenly return to her youth.
She slapped the table, throwing the in her hand all over the ground. "I"m sorry, the client you"re calling for is blind, she can"t hear!"
The System paused, than said, deadpan, "The blind only cannot see, host, I suspect you injured your head in a previous battle. Do you need me to do a scan?"
"Get lost! You"re the one who"s wrong in the head!"
Di Jiufeng didn"t want to talk, and she didn"t want to go find calm. She just wanted to tie the System to a Sky-Darting Monkey and send it into the sky. [T/N: 窜天猴 (cuan4 tian1 hou2), a type of firecracker.]
But the System didn"t understand her distress at all. It forged ahead, "There is a side quest now to teach the ancient witch to hatch chicks, completion will earn one hundred fortune points. With this, you could buy the store"s most cheap item, Third Lady Que"s dudou." [T/N: 肚兜 (du4 dou1), a traditional Chinese undergarment which covered the chest and abdomen.]
"Thanks, I don"t want it, I have my own." Di Jiufeng cold-heartedly declined the System, refusing to say another word.
The System felt the solitude of being abandoned, and couldn"t resist gathering up its meagre self. "Host, are you angry with me?"
"Hehe, quite self-aware." Di Jiufeng gave it an aloof glance.
The System was at a loss of words and couldn"t speak for quite a while. After a long time, it finally recovered its usual cold-hearted troublemaking, saying with a stiff electronic voice, "Everything in the System store has secret functions, Host must be sure to collect them all. Automatically initiating side quest now, please look at the quest panel."
Pulling up the quest panel with a swish, Di Jiufeng saw the row of small characters displayed across the top.
——Lead the ancient witch down the mountain to buy eggs, teach her to hatch chicks, quest time limit twenty-five days. Completion reward 100 fortune points, failure one electric shock, countdown beginning now.
Forcing her to buy this side quest, and she"ll even be punished if she can"t complete it! Di Jiufeng"s eyelid twitched, she really wanted to laugh in the System"s face.
But, she really doesn"t want to receive an electric shock!
Shaking off the on her clothes, Di Jiufeng hurriedly retrieved her disciple from the pear flower grove in front. Coughing once, she a.s.sumed the air of an accomplished Taoist master. "Ning Guang, Shifu will take you down the mountain to buy eggs, we will start to hatch chicks today, Shifu will let you learn that life is not easily won!"


Moe fluffy chick plotline ahead? Sorry if there"s any mistakes here, I was sorta in a rush this week OTL

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