My Disciple Wants To Tease Me Every Day

Chapter 42: Ident.i.ty Exposed

Chapter 42: Ident.i.ty Exposed

Qing Yu did not know Ning Guang well. Other than that gaze full of bloodl.u.s.t, his only impression of her was that exceedingly strong possessiveness. As a plant yao that adored moderation, he did not like this sort of fierce and aggressive person, but because of Di Jiufeng, he still thought Ning Guang ought to be a good person.

Like that saying, "love the house, love its crow"?

He thought as he walked, and not long after, Qing Yu arrived at the gate. Before anyone discovered his whereabouts, he walked to a remote little path in the sect and transformed into a honeysuckle flower. Because he returned to his small original form and mixed in with the, even if he blatantly ran beneath the feet of his comrades, no one would discover his presence.

Like this, he darted all the way to the Pure-Heart Precipice. Using his coiled petals to cling to the mountain stone, Qing Yu crawled up to the peak.

This was a place to imprison criminals, so the Pure-Heart Precipice was covered by a spiritual energy suppressing array. In this desolate precipice, there was nothing but wind-dried stone and aged white bone. Frigid wind swept past, making the precipice sound with mournful howls.

This was a place of death with no signs of habitation, no chance of life. Other than the most vicious and cruel, none would be imprisoned in this sort of place.

This little girl Ning Guang, though her malicious energy was a bit strong, could not yet be categorized as such. To torture her like this, the Sect Leader really was a bit too petty.

Qing Yu sighed. He used yao energy to disperse the cold from his body, then stepped inside. After ten or so meters, a vertical hole appeared before him. There was no other path around, and other than this place, Qing Yu could not find anywhere else Ning Guang could have been imprisoned.

Using yao energy to leap down, he did not know how long he fell before he touched onto solid ground.

It was a cramped little path, fierce-looking shark lanterns placed to both sides, dim firelight burning into the depths, just like the road to the yellow springs on which a convict would be sent to their grave. It was an oppressive place, and there was heavy yin energy lingering all around. Even with yao energy to protect himself, Qing Yu could not help but shiver.

He didn"t dare stay long, quickening his steps forward. When he turned the last corner, Qing Yu stared in shock!

"You, you, you…"

At the end of the road was a prison cell constructed from spiritual-suppressing stone. Corpses piled into mountains and a nauseating stench gnawed away at the prisoner"s life like maggots in the sole of the foot.

But, Qing Yu did not mind all this. He stared at the Ning Guang in the cell, wrapped in the middle of a storm of resentful ghosts, and it was like lightning struck down on him, chopping him in two halves.

Qing Yu was speechless in shock, failing to notice the Chan Buddhist female cultivator standing in the shadows cast by the candlelight.

When she hurried over and crashed into his shoulder, Qing Yu finally muttered in disbelief, "You… you are… the ancient witch!"

In this world, no matter human, yao, or demon, no one was unaware whose spiritual body was this demonic form. That brilliant fiend who had slaughtered all the highest experts of the cultivation world, who had made the mountains collapse and the earth rend, who had made the burning sun fall from the skies, was the nightmare in nearly all people"s hearts.

This person so cruel that even the Heavenly Way had to yield, not only did not die, but had begun to awaken the powers of her past life!

"Ah, I really am the… ancient witch…" When she had lost control at the Zhuanlun Pillar, Ning Guang had the faint sense that something was not right about herself. But, she was preoccupied at the time, all her attention on her Shifu, so she had not discovered the spiritual form behind herself. 

She thought her demonic cultivation had erupted with her fury and made the ten thousand demons pledge fealty, but thinking of it now, they were actually bowing to the ancient witch.

If she had not met Di Jiufeng and discovered she was the reincarnation of the ancient witch, Ning Guang would definitely have wanted to climb to the peak of the cultivation world, get revenge on everyone who had bullied her, then make it so that no one in this entire world would dare disdain her fate. Before, this had always been Ning Guang"s goal.

But she had met Di Jiufeng, and captured that warmth she had never before felt.

Ever since that moment, Ning Guang suddenly felt that all of her dreams combined were nowhere near as important as the person before her eyes. She did not have to kill people, did not have to destroy the world that had been so cold to her. She could put down all her grudges, so long as Di Jiufeng said the word.

But now, all of that was a vain delusion. She was the ancient witch, the devil in everyone"s hearts. Even if her Shifu did not care for worldly things, how could she withstand all the executioners who would only be happy after she was dead?

Ning Guang lowered her head, and the sudden eclipse finally devoured the last of the light.

She hid in the demonic energy, with no path to tread, drowning in despair.

"Now that you know, are you going to kill me? If you attack, I will defend myself. No matter what, I have to survive, not only survive, but not allow anyone to tell…" I have to be together with her.

Qing Yu did not know how to describe the Ning Guang before his eyes. She was a person fallen into a rushing current, holding on to the last piece of floating wood, a person who knew there was no way forward yet was trying to change the future with her own hands. The b.l.o.o.d.y truth had already been gouged out of her, but she would use all she had to hide this tender flesh.

"To tell the truth, I should kill you, and I should prevent you and Jiufeng from being together, but I… I do not know, I really do not know."

By reason, and by what was best for Di Jiufeng, strangling the ancient witch in her cradle as soon as possible was the best way to eliminate all future disasters. But looking at the Ning Guang before his eyes, the words stuck in his throat, unable to be said.

Ning Guang was in too much despair, teetering on the edge of collapse. A single push could make her destroy the world in her hysteria.

And she had not done anything wrong. Did being the reincarnation of the ancient witch mean she had to die?

Did holding the secret to ascension mean she had to be destroyed?

She had already died once, and the grudges, no matter how large, should have vanished like smoke with her death long ago.

In addition, who truly knew the ins and outs of what had happened back then?

Only the living were the transmitters of history. All of the truth had long been buried under thick ruins, layers of plaster, leaving it to rot and collapse. Even if you tried your hardest to unearth it, never again could it all become known.

"You are the ancient witch. Even if your ident.i.ty is not exposed, and Jiufeng is not implicated as the accomplice of a fiend, your demonic energy will harm her life sooner or later. You have already awakened. Even if you do not cultivate the demonic path, yin energy will automatically gather by your side. You are the pinnacle of darkness, and if you collide with a weaker light, you know well what the result will be.

You will devour Jiufeng"s life force, making her into a portion of your demonic cultivation.

I will not deceive you. I like her, so I want her to live on, but she likes you. If I attack you or force you to leave, she will be unhappy her whole life. I do not know whether life or momentary  happiness is more important to her, and I have no right to make decisions for her. Perhaps you should tell her, how long can you even hide these sorts of things?"

Hearing him say he liked Di Jiufeng, Ning Guang"s first reaction was to kill this not male yet not female monster.

But in the end, he wanted the best for Di Jiufeng.

The demonic energy around her body roiled for a while, but in the end, retreated back inside. Ning Guang stood like that in the center of the cell, silent. Dim candlelight spread across her form, but could not penetrate that lonely sh.e.l.l.

Other than towards Di Jiufeng, Ning Guang was always quiet and taciturn. Even if ten thousand thoughts were spinning through her mind, her expression would be as still as the boundless dead sea.

She would not speak again, and Qing Yu had no way to stay any longer. This s.p.a.ce had been corrupted by the ancient witch"s demonic energy. Even with yao energy to protect him, his meridians stung under the needles of this frigid air.

He had to leave, but before he went, he suddenly thought of one thing.

"Oh right, has Sui Ying come? And that Chan Buddhist girl, she would know your ident.i.ty as well."

Ning Guang nodded. The demonic energy around her suddenly surged, and right after, a person was dragged before Qing Yu. "She wanted to take my life, so she provoked the ancient witch"s original power into awakening. I did not injure her, and did not destroy her cultivation, I just planted a few heart demons inside. Take her away and think of some way to change her memories. As for that Chan Buddhist person, you do not need to worry, she will not talk."

Ning Guang put so much trust in him, Qing Yu was a bit surprised. As a plant yao with meticulous observation skills, he did not thing Ning Guang would so easily trust another.

He wanted to ask, but before he could speak, Ning Guang had already guessed what he wanted to say. She replied casually, "I do not trust you, but I trust my Shifu. There is a binding by Heavenly oath to my Shifu on your body."

Hearing these words, Qing Yu was amazed. "You can see the work of the Heavenly Way! But you have not been awakened for long."

Ning Guang"s eyes softened a bit, some warmth carried in her voice. "I cannot see, it"s only that the work of the Heavenly Way carries my Shifu"s breath…"

The objects of love are never spoken in words, but rooted in the deepest parts of one"s heart.

Hearing these words, Qing Yu smiled. He took a last look at Ning Guang, then picked up Sui Ying and walked away. If he had still been hoping for some fluke of luck, by now, he would never want to fight for her again. So, what he was missing was never time, but that deep affection like the ocean itself.

After Qing Yu left, Di Jiufeng found a secluded place to heal her wounds.

Because of Qing Yu"s reminder, she carefully examined her meridians and dantian, but after one, two, three times, she still did not discover a thing. There were no secret tricks, and nothing had been interfered with.

Di Jiufeng was not quite sure whether she had not discovered anything because her own cultivation was not enough; or as Qing Yu said, it was a lucky coincidence. After all, no matter how well-hidden something was, after she had so carefully looked over every inch of her meridians and dantian inside and out, there was no way she would have came up empty-handed, unless that old Ming Cang had not had the chance to act.

It seemed reasonable, yet Di Jiufeng still felt a bit uneasy.

But she did not have time to waste. She was truly concerned about her disciple, if only she could go to the Pure-Heart Precipice right now to see her. So, she tossed it to the back of her mind, and sat in meditation.


This chapter was translated by Lily.

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