Chapter 1 Previous

Translator: syzc

Chapter 1: Cultivation Quest



"You"re so ugly, don"t play with us."

The sunlight spilled through the peachblossom grove. A crowd of 8-9 year old children stood in a circle, throwing stones towards the center.

Confined in the middle was a little beggar. She wore a set of ash-gray clothes on top of her figure which was skinny and riddled with scars. On her dirt covered face laid a pair of sharp and pretty eyes, however those eyes showed not even a hint of emotion, as if she was blind.

The little beggar had been injured. She raised her hand to deflect the stones; who would have thought that one would randomly deflect onto the nice dress of one of the surrounding young girls.

"Ugh," the young girl cried out, then immediately made a face, "You ugly beggar. Who said you can hit me!"

Picking up a sharp rock, she moved to smash it onto the little beggars head, but before she could, she was blocked by a thin longsword.

"So young, how can your mind be so malicious. You should know that that rock of yours could have taken her life." Everyone heard a lovable, mellow voice which was as pure as spring. The girl looked towards the source of the voice and saw an 18-19 year old young lady leaning on a peachtree.

She wore crimson red clothes and had shining snow-white skin which almost appeared transparent. Her appearance was beyond elegant. Her delicate, watery eyes seemed to gleam as she looked around.

Though very charming, unfortunately, the way she leaned against the tree made her look ice-cold. No one dared approach her.

The young girl was nervous; she involuntarily backed up a few steps. As one of the children began to run, the rest immediately followed and scrambled away.

"Congratulations host, you"ve completed the quest - Prevent the Ancient Witch from Ma.s.sacring Children. Luck increased by one." Along with the appearance of this inorganic, electronic voice, Di Jiufeng sighed in relief.

As a perfect youth, she didn"t know which G.o.d she had offended to get sucked into a book in her sleep and was even kidnapped by a fraudulent transmigration system.

Speaking of the book, she had read it before.

The protagonist was the ancient witch, Deep Darkness"s, reincarnation. Because her previous life"s fate, her reincarnation suffered many hardships. The hardships she suffered were beyond being too cruel for words. Getting abandoned or beaten up was nothing. Being set up or betrayed was a common matter. The most extreme thing was that she never got to feel the warmth of a person for her entire life.

That sort of dark and hopeless life continued until her awakening.

Good and evil always comes with a price. After she obtained her previous life"s magic powers and heaven-defying fate, she began to walk the path of vengeance.

The author must have been anti-social to write a story where the female lead slaughters the heaven and earth, destroying humanity.

When all the humans had died and the cultivation world was destroyed, the book ended. The author had written to their heart"s content, but the savage and b.l.o.o.d.y cliffhanger really made the readers upset. Their resentment gathered together, actually giving birth to a transmigration system.

Transmigration system"s ultimate mission: reform the ancient witch, Deep Darkness, and create a beautiful ending.

Obviously, if there was a system, there must be a host, and Di Jiufeng had the bad luck of being selected. In hindsight, after pondering for a long period of time, she finally decided that it must be because of her violent temper and sharp words that she ended like she did.

However, it was too late for regrets.

Di Jiufeng sighed. Sheathing her sword, she crouched by the little beggar, "Don"t be afraid. They"re already gone."

She used a clean piece of cloth to wipe the dust off the little beggar"s body, then patted her cheeks and began to examine her for wounds.

It was the first time the little beggar had felt such warm hands. She could feel her heart racing.

"I"m not afraid. They might be bullying me now, but I"ll make them pay. I"m just too weak right now and can"t beat them." Her clear voice still contained a child"s tenderness, however vengeance had already sprouted in her heart.

Di Jiufeng froze, feeling that this quest would be arduous.

An ancient witch would always be an ancient witch. So young, yet already so vengeful. If she really suffered for the rest of her life, then this world can forget about existing. She had already confirmed with the system that she had become part of the book, and that when the world ends, her soul would likewise be scattered. If that were to happen, forget about returning home, she wouldn"t even be able to struggle for live.

Her calculations up until today had led her to the conclusion that she could only keep the ancient witch beside her, and hope that her years of influence could gradually let the witch set aside her revenge.

Thinking like that, Di Jiufeng asked with a gentle voice, "What"s your name? Is there anyone at home?"

"I don"t have a name. There"s no one at home either. They all don"t want me." The ancient witch replied with her clear voice. She seemed to not care in the least, but behind those slightly lowered, ash-gray eyes, hid endless depression.

Abandoned at such a young age and not even able to see, she must have suffered many hardships. The end of the world can"t even be completely blamed on her. Whatever reasons and whatever cause, in the end, someone must carry the sin, but how could it all be pushed to the ancient witch? Di Jiufeng"s heart ached as pity gushed out of it. She reached out her fingers towards the corner of the girl"s eyes. "What happened to your eyes? Could it be you can"t… can"t see?"

The ancient witch hesitated, then looked up.

The young lady was incomparably beautiful. Illuminated by the sunlight, she looked like the fairy of the peach-blossom tree. However, what made her unable to look away was the gentleness in the young lady"s eyes. Warmth, something she had never felt before. With her red clothes, she looked like a warm flame, giving the frozen and lonely girl hope again.

She wanted this warmth so much. Even if it cost her everything, she must grasp it.

She quickly looked away and made her eyes look spiritless again, "I"m cursed, so no one likes me. I was thrown away when I was young. These two eyes were also beaten blind when I was wandering. It has already been a long time so I"m use to it."

She slightly lowered her gaze, making herself look more pitiful.

As expected, Di Jiufeng hugged her to her bosom, "So what if you"re cursed. If they don"t like you, then just follow me from now on and be my disciple, ok? I might not be all-powerful, but protecting you won"t be a problem."

The ancient witch was delighted, but she didn"t let it show on her face. Instead, she cautiously asked, "Really? What if I accidently make you mad? Will you abandon me?"

"Of course not."

Di Jiufeng patted her head and soothed her, "You don"t have a name yet right? Then how about I call you Lumina? I hope that you can be as luminous as today"s sunlight; strong and radiant. Lumi, from now on, you"re my disciple."

The first step of reforming the ancient witch, changing her name. Although Jiufeng hadn"t read the book in detail, the ancient witch destroyed the world while using the name Deep Darkness. If the name was changed from early on, then would it affect the future storyline?

"Lumi, let"s go home."

Bringing Lumina onto her flying sword, Di Jiufeng heard a ding form the system. "Congratulations, host has begun the quest. Please review your progress."

TN: Not really sure about using Lumina for her name. Her name is Ning Guang, which means like condensed light or something. What does everyone think? Lumina doesn"t really fit in with all the chinese names though…


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