Chapter 27: Hot Spring

Ning Guang dealt with Qian Sui and his disciple, then returned to the small house on Pear Peak, treading moonlight.

Her Shifu was already asleep, expanses of skin bared to the night, ghastly scars crawling all over her back. Ning Guang lightly sat at the bedside, fingertip hovering down the line of the wounds.

It was not long until they would leave for the demonstration compet.i.tion.

Considering her crime, she should have been disqualified, but her Shifu had, with her injured body, knelt at the top of the Sect Leader"s mountain for two days to request her place. Just for Shifu, in this one demonstration compet.i.tion, no matter what price she had to pay, she would seize first place. She would definitely make her Shifu happy, make it so even this bright sun would not be as resplendent as her Shifu"s smiling face.

So that her Shifu could come to partic.i.p.ate in the demonstration compet.i.tion with her, Ning Guang thought of every method to cure her wounds. But, everything had turned up scant results. Though they had barely gotten the wounds to scab over, it would still be a not insignificant amount of time before she could endure a long and difficult trek.

What should she do? How could she make her Shifu"s wounds quickly take a turn for the better?

Ning Guang pinched her brow, carrying some medicinal ingredients over to the pond. Beneath the sunlight, golden glints leapt out of the babbling stream.

Seeing these rippling waves, Ning Guang suddenly thought of something, her pupils first gleaming before a deep expectation leapt into her eyes. How could she have forgotten that thing? Whenever she had gotten injured in her youth, it was all because of its existence that she could have made it until Shifu took her away. She really was stupid, if she had thought of it a bit earlier, couldn"t Shifu have bore a lot less of her long suffering.

Thinking of this, Ning Guang stopped brewing medicine, a wind erupting under her feet as she went back to the house.

Because she had taken a turn for the better, Di Jiufeng wasn"t always lying on the bed anymore. Leaning by the window, she watched the pear blossoms scatter and fall. Crow-black long hair spread out along the windowsill, occasionally swept up by the wind, crisscrossing in front of her eyes, making her lovely cotton rose face seem visible yet not, an unreal beauty like an immortal in a drawing.

Seeing her through the window, Ning Guang"s heart first tightened, then began to frantically beat with a "peng peng peng". A fierce and confused heartbeat hammered like thunderous  drums in her ear. Ning Guang didn"t quite understand what sort of feeling this was. She just instinctively wanted to walk to Shifu"s side, grab her hand, or hug her person, anything as long as it was closer, a bit closer, then her empty heart could be filled.

Ning Guang pressed her own chest, jogging over with quick steps, her hems and sleeves fluttering back, carving a bit of an eager arc.

"Shifu, I know a place that can cure your wounds, I will take you there right now."

Bending her knee to crouch beside Di Jiufeng, she took her slightly cold hand to her chest. Ning Guang focused her gaze on her, like everything in the world had gone up in smoke, only the person before her eyes brilliant like she would last forever. 

Di Jiufeng turned her head. She didn"t quite believe there was something that could alleviate injuries left by the righteous lightning of the heavenly stars, but seeing her disciple"s sincere gaze, she softly smiled.

She said, "Alright then, let"s go."

Ning Guang stood up, picking her up in a bridal carry. Her hands threaded under her arms, skillfully avoiding the wounds on her back. Di Jiufeng, afraid she would have to expend too much energy, held her around the neck. Two women holding each other was a bit strange in the first place, and they two were one cold one hot, one ascetic one charming. Looking at it from afar, this sort of pairing would make people want to say something, but have no way to open their mouths.

Ning Guang didn"t care about the world"s gaze in the first place and took up her flying sword without a sideways glance, setting off into the distance, darting through the clouds.

Ning Guang descended the mountain on her flying sword, arriving at a covert little forest. She circled between the trees a few times, walking some hundreds of meters out, when the scene suddenly opened up before her.

A completely different world.

[T/N: 别有洞天 (bie2 you3 dong4 tian1). Lit. "a special place of cave and sky", figuratively a (hidden) place with especially beautiful scenery.]

Di Jiufeng lifted her head from Ning Guang"s embrace to see a small hot spring hidden in a thicket of trees, steaming with fog, swaying lotus leaves dotting the surface, reflecting jade in the warm sunlight falling through the branches.

"Shifu, this hot spring has a healing effect. Before, whenever I got injured, I would always come here to soak. No matter how serious the injury, it would be all healed within two days, you should try it too. The demonstration compet.i.tion is about to start, if your injuries do not heal soon, how will you be able to withstand the long and difficult journey?"

Placing Di Jiufeng on a block of stone by the side of the pond, Ning Guang reached out a hand to undo her sash.

At first, Di Jiufeng didn"t think anything of it, but somehow the scene of Ning Guang feeding her medicine flashed through her head, her cheeks instantly burning red, hands bashfully grabbing her sash.

"This pond isn"t very big; it might be a bit of a squeeze for two people to soak. Why don"t you go out and walk around for a bit, then come back and switch with me in a while."

Ning Guang glanced at her. Seeing the two red clouds on her cheeks caught her heart to itching, her hands unconsciously growing aggressive, she herself not as obedient as usual.

"This pond isn"t small, it definitely won"t feel like a squeeze with us two inside. Your health is not good, if you lose your strength and fall down, that couldn"t be good, I will not leave. I"ll stay right here and watch over you." Using a bit of strength in her hands, Ning Guang hauled open her sash.

Crimson sleeves slipped down her shoulders, spreading over rough stone like a red lotus had blossomed.

Because she didn"t want to irritate her wounds, Di Jiufeng hadn"t worn an inner robe. After her red skirt left her body, only a thin peony dudou covered her front. Her skin was very pale, glistening and translucent like ice and snow. Reflecting the red skirt under her body, it tugged at the soul like a jade statue.

[T/N: 肚兜 (du4 dou1), a women"s undergarment which covers the chest and abdomen.]

Ning Guang stooped in front of her chest, looking a bit dazed at the sight of her icy skin coming into view. But, she forcibly restrained herself, fearing her Shifu would discover something. She only slowly reached out her hand, then tugged open the ties of her dudou.

"Ning Guang, I"ll do it myself." In the end, Di Jiufeng was shy, hurriedly removing her dudou and darting into the water in the same breath.

She splashed twice, darting into a thicket of lotus leaves like a swimming fish, covering her own body without a single crack.

Looking on as Shifu escaped, Ning Guang was a bit disappointed, but didn"t show a bit on her face. She only removed her robes, chasing over to Di Jiufeng. Though the thicket of lotus leaves was thick, she could still see her long and slender legs through the limpid water, her string-thin waist.

Within a few flashes, burning hot breath poured into Di Jiufeng"s ear.

"Shifu, what are you running for, not even afraid you"ll fall in the water."

Ning Guang always acted courteous and proper, but her pressed-low voice and the hand silently encircling her waist still made Di Jiufeng"s whole body shiver. She suddenly felt something strange, but the breath coming in and out beside her ear, and that hand rubbing along her waist, all made gooseb.u.mps rise up on her whole body, a field of chaos in her head, absolutely no way to reflect.

Di Jiufeng faintly began to tremble, the red clouds burning from her cheeks to the base of her neck, still unceasingly spreading downwards.

Ning Guang also couldn"t resist anymore, drooping her head to land a kiss on her shoulder. "Feng… Feng…" Soft lips and tongue sucked at her shoulder, and low and hoa.r.s.e sounds unceasingly burrowed into her ear.

Burned until there was no strength left in her whole body by this feather-soft movement, Di Jiufeng"s legs went soft, collapsing down.

She did not fall into the water, but was caught by Ning Guang, using a bit too much strength and accidentally touching the wounds on her back.

"En…" Di Jiufeng lightly groaned in pain, suddenly awakening with a shudder. She felt that there was something not quite right with these things, but where the problem lay, she didn"t dare to consider in detail, just hurriedly pushing aside Ning Guang"s hands and blocking the spring light from her chest. "What did you call me?"


"No, you didn"t call me that way."

"Then you heard wrong." Ning Guang calmly played dumb. Di Jiufeng stared at her closely for a while, and didn"t see any signs of guilt. For a second, she even suspected she herself had heard wrong.

Di Jiufeng didn"t want to investigate any deeper, the atmosphere right now was really strange and she didn"t dare to stay long. Pushing Ning Guang"s hand, she was about to say: "Let"s go," when they heard a scream sound from far away.

"Save me ah, save me…"


This chapter was translated by Lily.

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