My Disciple Wants To Tease Me Every Day

Chapter 35 is a triple-length chapter, enjoy! Again, this is the first paid chapter. Link to original novel , purchase guide , please support the original author Jiang Ru! Chapter 35 (3 chapters in 1): More Than I Can Say


Chapter 35 is a triple-length chapter, enjoy! Again, this is the first paid chapter. Link to original novel , purchase guide , please support the original author Jiang Ru! Chapter 35 (3 chapters in 1): More Than I Can Say

Did she love Ning Guang?

As for this question, Di Jiufeng had never even thought of it before. Not to mention the fact that they were both women, Ning Guang was still her disciple, the disciple she had raised from childhood. She had always taken her as… family.

[T/N: 亲人 (qin1 ren2), the word Di Jiufeng uses here, can refer to any close family by blood or marriage or otherwise.]

But, Di Jiufeng was not completely confident using the word "family". She didn"t even dare consider the reason why.

"I don"t like her, how could I like her!" Fl.u.s.tered, she shook her head, face full of misery laid bare. In this second, even Di Jiufeng knew that she was deceiving herself and deceiving others. But, she would rather go on like this than confess that unspeakable secret at the bottom of her heart. "We are both women, how could I like her, and she is still my disciple!"

"What does it matter if you"re both women, what does it matter if you"re master and disciple? I am a Buddhist cultivator and Third Lady was a sparrow yao I captured, but I still fell in love with her."

The remnant spirit of the burial mound circled for a while, compelling her with an indisputable att.i.tude: "Love never needed reason. Who you like was never in your control, and this isn"t something shameful. Why are you too scared to confess!"


Though she had lived in modern society, with too too many conventions and taboos and countless people"s repressive words, that so-called "freedom to love, freedom to marry, freedom to be single, freedom of s.e.xual orientation" was in fact only dazzling froth and shadows. No matter how firm one"s resolve, after being worn down by countless people, there would always be that moment when dripping water penetrates the stone.

Even if she persisted, how could this world"s rules of etiquette let her go? Secret sneers and colorful glances like steel knives would take this brave resolve strong enough to shake the heavens and earth, and chop it into clouds of smoke.

Di Jiufeng crouched down, cold from her fingers to her toes.

She thought she was a person who didn"t care for worldly things, but, in the end, she still lived in stocks and chains.

She was afraid to confess. Even if the feelings she had forced herself to ignore rushed to the fore, making her unable to breathe, drowning in their waves, she was still afraid to confess. "I don"t like her ah… how could I… could I like her…"

"You"re afraid to confess."

Seeing Di Jiufeng"s miserable appearance, the remnant spirit still wouldn"t let her go. The firm and determined voice pressed like a keen sword against Di Jiufeng"s throat. "You won"t confess. Then, even if you are separated, never to see each other again, will you still refuse to confess?"

If time could flow backwards, Di Jiufeng would never have accepted Third Lady Que"s request. She didn"t want Shen City, she didn"t need this b.l.o.o.d.y dissection, she would rather live her whole life muddleheaded and hide in solid armor. It was better than how she was now being cut apart layer by layer, forced to face head-on the emotions she was afraid to divulge.

But time could not flow backwards, and no one could escape the words of destiny.

"Never… see her again?" Di Jiufeng mumbled.

The remnant spirit nodded her head and said calmly, "Correct, never see her again. Since you don"t like her, separation isn"t anything unbearable. You are not from this world, right? Then I"ll use magic to send you back. You can continue your life, she will walk her path, this fate tangled together by force I will separate for you. Since you do not want to be tangled up, I will gift you this chance, what do you think?"

Just after she had transmigrated to this world, Di Jiufeng would not have hesitated to accept. But now… 

What rushed to her mind was not joy, but a bone-deep terror. 

Di Jiufeng trembled. Panic darted through her body like lightning, every one of her bones, every blood vessel, every nerve up and down her body, all impaled and destroyed.

She couldn"t do it anymore, miserably falling to her knees. She couldn"t bear separation. Just thinking of never again having Ning Guang in her life in the future, a b.l.o.o.d.y pain like her heart had been gouged out made her tremble uncontrollably, violent and clear even through her s.p.a.cious robes.

"No, I don"t want, I don"t want to go back…"

Despairing sobs sounded from her throat. Di Jiufeng panted desperately, large drops of tears disappearing into the gra.s.s like water breaching its dam. "I don"t want to go back, I like her, I love her ah…"

No matter how she had realized it, every time something appeared where there was nothing before, it was accompanied by b.l.o.o.d.y torture.

Di Jiufeng laid on the ground, curled into a ball in misery, low and insignificant like a pilgrim who had struggled to the golden peak, a kowtow with every step, to plead for a Buddha"s merciful return glance.

"Don"t send me back… I don"t want to go back…"

From the start, the remnant spirit never wanted to break them up. It"s just that this look of avoidance was the same one Third Lady used to have, and if she always shrank back in fear, she would land in eternal torment sooner or later. She didn"t want this girl to follow her own disastrous rut, so she coerced her to pull out the secret at the bottom of her heart.

"I will not send you back, you do not need to be afraid."

The remnant spirit circled her again with a soft touch like a hand had lightly landed on Di Jiufeng"s shoulder. "Shen City is a spatial spiritual device. They key to controlling it is this heart. I will give it to you, but Shen City is not as simple as a mere spiritual device, it also contains Third Lady"s life force. Maybe you will be able to use it, just take it as a gift in thanks for helping Third Lady cross over."

The golden light around her body suddenly expanded, and right after, a heart of flowing colored gla.s.s landed in front of Di Jiufeng. The remnant spirit had been able to hold on this long solely because of this source of life energy. Now that it had been given away, it didn"t even finish one spiral before it disappeared into nothingness.

The remnant spirit disappeared, and even the grave mound which held her disappeared, leaving no trace behind.

Di Jiufeng didn"t look at her, nor did she pick up that colored gla.s.s heart. She laid collapsed on the ground, pouring out those uneasy and terrified tears she had been struggling to hold back.

She cried for a long time. When she finally calmed down, her mind was a chaotic mess, her body lightheaded and weak.

Di Jiufeng finally quieted her own heart. She rose to a kneel and picked up that colored gla.s.s heart. She didn"t need to do anything before it automatically turned into a stream of light and disappeared into her dantian. 

After gaining control over Shen City, Di Jiufeng let Ning Guang in, not forgetting to clean herself up. Using a dust-repelling spell, she cleared the mottled tear tracks on her face and dry gra.s.s stuck to her robes, then turned in Ning Guang"s direction.

Before she had found Di Jiufeng, Ning Guang had already circled this Shen City many times.

Across a thin spatial barrier, she could even feel her Shifu"s warmth, but no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn"t open the barrier and come in.

She seemed to have heard Shifu crying, on and off, thin and hard to make out, but it was even more tortuous than the hottest fire in this world.

Ning Guang"s eyes were red, nails sunk deep into her flesh, scarlet blood dripping down her knuckles to the ground drop by drop.


If it had been a bit later, Ning Guang would have lost control to her demonic nature. Luckily, Shen City had opened in time. She tumbled in and saw the silhouette standing in front of the white jade pavilion, wide red robes wrapping a slim figure, swept up by the wind of the fantasy realm, merging with the fields and fields of cotton flowers. She was nearly floating away; if not for the fine and profound affection in her eyes, Ning Guang would have thought this was only an illusion.

"Shifu." Ning Guang staggered over. When that soft body entered her embrace, she finally felt that the world held warmth again. Her heart returned to its place, that hammering heartbeat reminding her every second that the person before her was a treasure she had done so much to regain.

Her disciple miserably threw herself over, holding her with all her strength, so tight it was a little hard to breathe.

But Di Jiufeng did not push her away, instead moving to hold her waist, stroking her back over and over. "Ning Guang, I"m here…" 

They had not been parted by death, but this feeling of loss and reunion scared Ning Guang even more than death. She even had a dark urge to shut Di Jiufeng away in a place no one could find, where she alone could see her. But she could not do this, she could not allow Shifu to be even a half bit unhappy.

So, even though this urge was as raging as the sea tides, nearly driving her insane, she had to resist, not allowing a bit to show through.

"Shifu, I thought I would never find you again." Ning Guang held her for a long while, then finally spoke in a hoa.r.s.e voice.

Di Jiufeng patted her back and comforted her softly, "What is there to fear? If you can"t find me, then I will find you instead. I won"t leave you alone, I will stay with you. Ning Guang, no matter where you go, I will always stay with you."

Shen City had many magical features, but Di Jiufeng did not have the time to investigate them now. She didn"t know how long she had stayed inside. Afraid she would miss the demonstration compet.i.tion, she walked out, pulling Ning Guang with her.

Unlike other spatial spiritual treasures, Shen City could not only hold inanimate things, but could also contain living people like Ning Guag and herself.

Not only this, it could even be used as a travel device. Moving directly through the axis of s.p.a.ce, the ends of the earth would all be in sight.

Di Jiufeng controlled Shen City to go directly to the inn. When they entered their room, she pulled Ning Guang to sit on the chair. She still remembered the System"s words. Looking at Ning Guang over and over and seeing that other than the exhaustion on her face, she had not been seriously injured, she finally relaxed. She asked, "Ning Guang, did you kill people?"

Hearing Shifu"s question, Ning Guang thought she was going to condemn her, but even so, she never thought to deceive Di Jiufeng. She nodded and said frankly, "I probably did, but I did not notice."

"Killed is killed, then did anyone discover your ident.i.ty? If you want to kill anyone in the future, remember to conceal your ident.i.ty well."

Di Jiufeng"s words made the System draw a cold breath. There was something wrong with the way things were going, and as an upright and virtuous System, it had to try to save the situation.

Clearing its throat, the System said properly, "Host, host, your mission is to liberate all living things from suffering. Right now, you should persuade the ancient witch to not kill, not teach her how to dispose of bodies and hide evidence."

Di Jiufeng spat in its face, saying with the confidence of self-righteousness, "I want to. Either way, I can"t complete my mission and won"t get struck by lightning, isn"t that right?"

The threat obvious in her tone, the System felt a shock of terror, immediately pressing up close obsequiously and thickening its face to say, "Yes yes yes, whatever honorable host says, this System will definitely do as instructed, I will make sure all lightning can not reach you."

This was what it said, but Di Jiufeng was not completely unworried. After all, her last mission was to stop the destruction of the world.

If the cultivation world stopped existing, she and Ning Guang could not live on. For some things, she was satisfied just getting through before, but now that she understood her own heart, its wishes were more and more, for example, to rely on each other forever…

Di Jiufeng looked at her warmly.

Billowing affection washed through her eyes, layer after layer like ripples stirring up chaos in Ning Guang"s heart. Her breathing slowed, and she reached out to grab Di Jiufeng"s fingertips. "Shifu, I know you don"t like killing people, I won"t do it ever again, don"t be angry with me."

Ning Guang was all obedience, how could Di Jiufeng be angry with her? But that threat of world destruction really was too large, and she didn"t dare let Ning Guang cause trouble as she pleased.

Softly stroking her face, Di Jiufeng said, "If anyone bullies you, you do not need to just take it. Shi-… no, I only hope you will not harm the innocent. But any debts owed must be paid back, so, why don"t you just restrain yourself a bit earlier." After that remnant spirit had seen through her heart, that little child"s emotion exposed without doubt, she didn"t even quite like this name of Shifu.

But her face was thin, how could she be the first to poke through this paper window pane? Even more so, though she thought Ning Guang liked her, what if she was imagining feelings where there were none? 

After all, this novel"s rightful female supporting character was Ji Liuran.

Thinking of this, Di Jiufeng"s mood wasn"t very good, her chest stuffy, the acrid taste of her habitual self-deception rushing into her head.

"Ning Guang, Ji… where is Ji Liuran?" Di Jiufeng couldn"t begin to like this female supporting character who had tricked her away so she could be alone with Ning Guang, but she was the rightful female supporting character. In addition, she was the Ji Family, the cultivation world"s number one n.o.ble family"s first wife"s daughter. If she died now, who knows what sort of upheaval it would cause in the Heavenly Way?

"Ji Liuran?" Hearing this name, Ning Guang"s brow visibly furrowed, distaste completely laid bare. "Maybe she died, I didn"t notice." Thinking of this shameful thing that had tricked Shifu away, a malicious demon appeared before Ning Guang"s eyes. If she died, she would have gotten off easy. If she hadn"t, she would make this person regret coming into this world.

Though it would be quite good if Ji Liuran had died, now was not the time for her to give up her life. Di Jiufeng could not let Ning Guang take this risk.

Grabbing Ning Guang"s hand, she suppressed the revulsion in her heart and said, "Ning Guang, before you have fully spread your wings, you cannot take Ji Liuran"s life. If you want to teach her a lesson that"s alright, but you still have to leave her alive. Also, you cannot let her know you did this. The Ji family"s power is not to be looked down on. The entirety of Zhangjian Sect added together is no more than a stomp of its foot, not to speak of only you and I."

Di Jiufeng paused, like she didn"t much want to speak the next few words, but after a while, she still said reluctantly, "Though Ji Liuran is a bit too arrogant and willful, she is fated to become your supporter. If you can gain her a.s.sistance, your future road will be a bit easier to walk…"

Lowering her eyelashes, the dissatisfaction across her whole body could be seen by anyone with a sharp eye.

Ning Guang, who paid attention to her always, could not miss this obvious gloom. She did not want Shifu to be unhappy, and how could she need Ji Liuran"s help? "Shifu, if you know her fate is to help me, then you should also know that my fate is one of solitude. To be at your side is already pushing the limits, how could it allow another? I do not like Ji Liuran. If she doesn"t die, I will make her life worse than death."

After arriving in Shen City, what Ning Guang had done had become a mess of muddled accounts.

Di Jiufeng waited on edge for two days, but there was no news. So many people had died, yet there was not a single rumor. If there was not some major conspiracy to seal the information, then Ning Guang"s ident.i.ty had not yet been exposed.

Di Jiufeng was afraid to be too optimistic, afraid that if something really happened she would be caught unprepared.

After suffering through two days like this, she was still worried about Ning Guang, but the cultivation conference was the next morning. Di Jiufeng thought, then pulled Ning Guang into Shen City.

"Ning Guang, you told me that when you lost control of your demonic cultivation that day, it wrecked an entire street. So big an incident, yet no news has gotten out as of today. I do not know if someone secretly has their eyes on you, but I am still worried." Saying this, she took out the experience pill and handed it to Ning Guang. "This is a pill I obtained by chance, it can raise one"s cultivation. You should take it now."

Di Jiufeng wanted to take this experience pill long ago, but first she was injured, then they were constantly on the move, so she never had the opportunity to do so. It was lucky that she had never had the chance so she could now let Ning Guang increase her power to protect against secret enemies.

But, seeing the pill in Di Jiufeng"s hand, Ning Guang did not want it. She only hoped Shifu could increase her power a bit so she would not have to worry. "Shifu, I don"t need this, I cultivate the demonic path. Raising cultivation doesn"t mean much to me."

Di Jiufeng looked straight at her, forcing the experience pill into her hand. "What doesn"t mean much to you, you dare use demonic cultivation under everyone"s eyes? Ning Guang, your power is still weak. One day, no one in the entire cultivation world will be a match for you, then I really won"t need to worry."

Di Jiufeng had a point.

At the same time, under the gaze of those bright eyes, Ning Guang felt as if her whole body was submerged in a hot spring, warm and comfortable, full of soft and honeyed emotions, making her feel as if her heart was being rocked by the G.o.ds. In a daze, she agreed.

They chose to use the experience pill in Shen City, fearing that such a sudden leap in cultivation would cause unexpected happenings.

Ning Guang was the reincarnation of the ancient witch, so the effect of the experience pill would be weakened a bit, but it still took her soaring from the Core Formation stage to Nascent Soul Grand Completion. This flying leap in cultivation made dark clouds gather densely in the heavens, sky-shaking cries of rage sounding in the clouds, then ten million malicious spirits crashed down like thunder by Ning Guang"s side.

Ten thousand demons pledged fealty, malicious energy rushing into the sky. Ning Guang"s current cultivation was only a bit past Di Jiufeng"s, but that terrifying aura still made it difficult for her to breathe.

Di Jiufeng"s breathing got a bit heavier, but this fine sound mixed with the sky-shaking roars, insignificant like an ant on the ground.

But Ning Guang heard it. She opened her eyes and looked over, the malicious spirits around her opening a path under her gaze. Ning Guang stood up, following the narrow path between the ten thousand demons pledging fealty, step by step, with resolution like she was burning all her bridges back. "Shifu, I will protect you for the rest of my life." From now on, no matter what, nothing could make them separate.

The time it took to absorb the experience pill was not long, but not short. When they exited Shen City, it was right when elder Jueqing knocked on their door to call them to meet with the others.

Di Jiufeng pulled Ning Guang outside. Just when she was about to push open the door, she suddenly thought of something, taking out the colored gla.s.s heart.

"Ning Guang, take this with you. It stayed by a Buddhist cultivator"s side for many years and has absorbed Buddhist spiritual energy. If you take it with you, it can hide your fiendish fate. As long as you don"t use your demonic cultivation, no one should be able to identify you."

After whiling away these days, Zhong Zhou"s majestic ceremony, the demonstration compet.i.tion, was finally about to begin.

This was where the ancient witch began to walk the road of world destruction. Before, Di Jiufeng was a bit afraid, but now, she was not worried at all. For one, the System had already found a method to deal with thunderbolts; and two, most importantly, she understood her own heart.

She liked Ning Guang. She didn"t care whether or not she could complete her mission anymore, didn"t care whether she could return to the real world. Either way, she had no connections there, why not stay with Ning Guang. Even if the cultivation world was destroyed, they two would die together. Di Jiufeng was afraid of death, so she would try her best to reverse the fixed conclusion, but as for these missions now, it would be best to complete as few of them as possible.

As long as the mission progress bar was not complete, she would not be sent back to reality by the System.

Di Jiufeng had thought of every possibility, but in the end she had no grasp on whether it could be done. But, that day in Shen City, the System had said that the mission progress bar would always be missing a piece, and she had thought of this possibility.

While she was thinking, their party had arrived at Han Hai Pavilion. This was the sole sect in the cultivation world that could compete with the Ji family, and the demonstration compet.i.tion would usually be held at these two locations in turn.

Today it was Han Hai Pavilion. When they arrived, the main gate was already filled with a restless crowd of countless people, more than two times more than previous years. 

The demonstration compet.i.tion"s prize was very attractive, but this was not the reason for the dramatic increase in partic.i.p.ants. The reason so many people came to this year"s conference was mainly because of the opening of the lost treasure lands.

This was an ancient battlefield where countless ancient cultivators had fallen. Top-grade spiritual devices were too numerous to count, top-quality pills were also too numerous to list. Lucky people could even find immortal pills and immortal devices. And these were not the most important. The thing that made people go insane the most was that the lost treasure lands hid the map of the witch clan"s tomb.

The witch clan of ancient times was once the clan that had towered at the top of the cultivation world. The hidden bounty even contained the secret to helping people ascend to immortality.

It had already been many years since anyone from the cultivation world ascended to immortality. Even the ancient witch of back then had fallen to the righteous cultivators" attack half a step into immortality. No one did not want to ascend, but it was like there was a fork in the road between heaven and earth. So, the Great Ascension was the peak, and above there was only the fall. There was no method to be found, and everyone could only place their hopes on the witch clan"s hidden treasure. But, after so many years, not a single person could find the map to the witch clan"s tomb.

The hopes were faint, but the seekers still came in an endless stream. But, the malicious energy in the lost treasure lands was extremely strong. The greater the ages of the people who came and the more there were, the easier it was to agitate the malicious energies into explosion. After many years of groping around, they had discovered that ten cultivators of a skeletal age not exceeding one hundred years was the limit of what the lost treasure lands could bear.

The cultivation conference"s victors just happened to meet those criteria. No one objected to having them enter the lost treasure lands.

Because of the temptation of the lost treasure lands, in addition to each sect"s top disciples, many rogue cultivators had come. Di Jiufeng swept an eye over them, Middle-Stage Core Formation and Late-Stage Core Formation could be found everywhere, quite a few Beginning-Stage Nascent Soul, even two earth-shattering geniuses at Middle-Stage Nascent Soul.

Luckily, Ning Guang had eaten that experience pill, or else competing with these people, she would likely suffer greatly.

There were many partic.i.p.ants, but the demonstration compet.i.tion"s first stage was the Miwu Ridge. This was an array spell. No matter how many people could get out, only the first two hundred to exit would have the right to enter the next stage"s Wushen Hall. Di Jiufeng did not understand arrays, so she could not give Ning Guang any pointers, nor could she go in with her. This body only appeared to be seventeen or eighteen, but its age in years was well past one hundred.

She was a bit worried about Ning Guang, the hand holding hers unconsciously tightening.

"Shifu, you don"t need to worry." Sensing the heavier breaths of the person by her side, Ning Guang turned to softly embrace her. "Nothing will happen to me, just wait for me on the observation platform. I"ll come find you soon."

With a resonant chime of the clock, an entrance slowly opened in Miwu Ridge"s array spell.

The cultivators rushed in, striving to the front, afraid to be a step too slow and lose the right to compete.

Only Ning Guang fell to the very back. She took many glances back at her Shifu until with Di Jiufeng"s continuous urging, she finally tapped her foot on the ground, shooting in like an arrow off the string.

As the Ji family"s first wife"s daughter, Ji Liuran"s talents were first cla.s.s. Pushed up by countless pills and spiritual fruits, her cultivation could not be low, and her age in years was not over one hundred. Waiting for Ning Guang to rush in, she followed behind her, sticking on like a lively b.u.t.terfly.

Little viper! 

Seeing this silhouette, Di Jiufeng"s stomach dropped and she couldn"t resist spitting. But she couldn"t enter Miwu Ridge, she couldn"t deal with her herself, and she couldn"t see what she would do to her Ning Guang.

Pei pei pei, this little viper, why won"t she just explode on the spot!

Di Jiufeng was almost angered into ascending on the spot, but the System secretly pounded the ground and howled with laughter. It thought it had hid very well, but only a blind person wouldn"t be able to see that crazily shaking metal plate.

Di Jiufeng exploded, viciously shouting in its face. "You laugh laugh laugh, what are you laughing for, if you laugh any more I"ll have Ning Guang take you apart!" The System would bully its host, but it really was afraid of the ancient witch. Even if the ancient witch was not here, it still had to submit under this abuse of authority. And, the ancient witch pampered its host so much.

The System was suffering, suffering so much it almost couldn"t go on anymore.

Collapsing to the ground and whining for a while, the System thought it had to be firm, a bit more firm. Even salted fish could free themselves, it would definitely free itself, the serf has a song to sing!

[T/N: 咸鱼 (xian2 yv2), "salted fish", is Cantonese slang for a person who doesn"t do anything, doesn"t want to do anything, and has no dreams. I think it"s a pun on 闲, "idle", and 咸, "salted".]

The System pulled itself together, offering its nonexistent little face and playing cute. "Honorable host, even if I think Ji Liuran is excessively annoying, she is the female supporting character with many scenes ah, no matter how much you hate her, you can"t take her dog life or else the Heavenly Way will definitely punish you ah, unless the ancient witch can overpower the Heavenly Way. En, that"s right, when the ancient witch destroys the world, she will overpower the Heavenly Way. You can have your little Ning Guang vent your anger for you then."

Not knowing how to act cute but forcing yourself to act cute, what result would this have----

When the System had been torn into a thousand pieces and 502 glue couldn"t even repair its shattered little heart, it finally understood human thought with a face full of snot and tears. It was merely a muddy little salted fish, on the ground before it could free itself. Was it looking for death, what freeing itself, just be a proper kiss-up, isn"t that good?

[T/N: 502 glue = super glue.]

In Di Jiufeng"s eyes, the System forcing itself to act cute was practically a taunt. She couldn"t take Ji Liuran"s life, but that didn"t mean she couldn"t deal with her another way ah. A thunderbolt to the central nervous system, if it was controlled well enough, could make her lose her memory.

Di Jiufeng felt she was quite impressive.

If Ji Liuran ever conspired against her Ning Guang again, she would beat her up again, striking her face in particular, then make her lose her memory when she was done.

"System, do you know how to use thunderbolts to make someone lose their memory?" Di Jiufeng smiled darkly.

The System trembled in fear. It didn"t dare play cute again, obsequiously squatting by her side. "I-I-I-I-I… I promise I"ll learn by tonight, honorable host need not worry."

Di Jiufeng was always worrying that Ji Liuran would hang on to Ning Guang. In fact, she had done so, but before she got close, Ning Guang sent her flying with the hilt of her sword. Because this was within a fantasy realm and there was no one around, Ning Guang"s attack was absolutely merciless. But she remembered Di Jiufeng"s words, she couldn"t kill Ji Liuran for now, so she hadn"t pierced her through with this sword.

Ning Guang was already at Nascent Soul Grand Completion and didn"t need to waste any energy dealing with the Ji Liuran, whose core had just broken open to birth the Nascent Soul.

To make Ji Liuran suffer, she even entangled a bit of demonic energy on the sword, silently breaking into her body. That day when she had flown into a rage and activated the ancient witch"s original power, there had not been no benefit to the ten thousand demons pledge fealty she had triggered. Though she had later collapsed from exhaustion, her demonic cultivation had broken through a level.

Now, her demonic cultivation could already contend with a Beginning-Stage Deity Transformation cultivator. If she wished, even a Middle-Stage Deity Transformation cultivator could not easily expose her use of demonic cultivation. She did not want to accept the experience pill at that time because she had this to rely on, but Shifu was so tender towards her that she had no way to speak the words of refusal. She could only accept it all and use the rest of her time to treat her many times better.

After dealing with Ji Liuran, Ning Guang rushed forwards at top speed.

It was not because she wanted to be merciful, but she was concerned about her Shifu. She would rather suppress her hate and return to Shifu"s side. When they saw each other again, then she could slowly think of ways to deal with Ji Liuran.

Ning Guang simply wanted to see Di Jiufeng, but Ji Liuran thought that she had been moved by herself, a faint smile unconsciously appearing on the corner of her lip. She didn"t even care about the wound on her chest, chasing Ning Guang with an increased vigor.

"Benefactor, benefactor, slow down a bit, I can"t keep up."

She had been hit hard and there was demonic energy silently nibbling away at her insides, so Ji Liuran only followed for a few minutes before she felt her head grow heavy. She stopped, gulping large breaths of air, propped up on a nearby tree. 

"Benefactor, benefactor…" Seeing Ning Guang ignore her, Ji Liuran pouted and viciously threatened, "Ning Guang, if you don"t stop, I"ll tell everything I saw that day. You choked that remnant spirit to death, followed your Shifu, you are…"

She deliberately paused until Ning Guang stopped, then happily ran over.

"Ning Guang, even though I saw everything, I will never tell. That day, I even lied for you and tricked my dad… ah----!" Before she had finished speaking, Ji Liuran suddenly shrieked.

Ning Guang had, through her sleeve, grabbed her by the throat, holding her right off the ground. "I would have let it go, but since you brought up that day, I have to get even with you. You dare trick my Shifu away?!" Without giving her the chance to speak, she smashed her into the tree. Ning Guang used so much force, the tree as wide across as the mouth of a bowl was smashed in half.

With this strike, gold sparks flew in Ji Liuran"s eyes, her back on fire, spewing out a mouthful of blood.

"You… you… let me… go…" She pulled hard at Ning Guang"s hand, but her whole body had gone numb with this. .h.i.t and she had no way to shake her. Her face went purple, unable to pull in any breath from her mouth or nose, lungs on fire like they were going to explode.

Ji Liuran struggled as hard as she could, hands and feet batting at the tree trunk, but choked by this enormous strength, her movements grew slower and slower, until in the end even her soul was about to leave her body.

Ji Liuran was about to die, her wavering soul making Ning Guang"s demonic cultivation stir into motion.

Finally, with a cold humph, she tossed Ji Liuran aside like a rag.

After dealing with Ji Liuran, Ning Guang did not delay any more, flying out like a shooting star. Her violent speed made the air itself let out a crack under the pressure.

She was at Nascent Soul Grand Completion and had demonic cultivation as additional support. So, despite the delay, she still exited the maze realm ahead of everyone else. Arriving with her was a female Late-Stage Nascent Soul sword cultivator. Her appearance was quite heroic, wearing a Han Hai Pavilion uniform, carrying a broad flying sword on her back, occasionally circled by a phoenix spirit, flowing with sparkling light.

This was an immortal sword, the Luan Feng sword, second-ranked of the heavenly swords. Ten thousand years ago, it was the immortal Xi Hua"s lifetime spiritual device. In the war with the ancient witch, the immortal Xi Hua had fallen and her sword had also disappeared.

Now, the Luan Feng sword had reappeared. As if it remembered the ancient witch"s scent, the sword spirit fully manifested right away, a phoenix"s clear cry echoing into the nine heavens.

"My Feng doesn"t like you." Sui Ying stroked the sword on her back, biting cold gaze shooting towards Ning Guang.

Ning Guang furrowed her brow, displeased with her appellation. "You call it Feng too, just a piece of rusty metal. You better watch your sword, watch your mouth, or else I will break you both."

Because she wanted to see Shifu a bit earlier, Ning Guang did not want to keep dealing with side issues. She only took a close look at this female cultivator"s face, remembering her appearance. The next time she saw her, she would break her sword. Feng, only her Shifu could be called by this name. Other than her Shifu, if anyone profaned this name, she would kill them.

Ning Guang looked at her coldly, then turned and left.

Sui Ying had cultivated to Late-Stage Nascent Soul within a hundred years and subdued the second-ranked heavenly sword, the immortal Luan Feng sword. Until today, even Han Hai Pavilion"s elders yielded to her a bit, but this wild thing from outside dared talk back to her!

Sui Ying was always arrogant and had been raised up to the sky by the people around her. Other than her devotion to sword cultivation, she thought of everyone else as a step below herself.

Seeing Ning Guang now, only a disciple from a second- or third-rate sect, she was not willing to swallow this anger down. Luan Feng left its sheath with a clang, chasing after Ning Guang. "I don"t know where a wild thing like you came from, do you think that just because your cultivation is a bit higher, you can look down on everyone? This is my Han Hai Pavilion"s territory, how could your bad behavior be allowed!"

Striking out, her sword created three sword glares, piercing towards Ning Guang"s neck, heart, and dantian.

Ning Guang did not want to fight her, but forced into action, she turned on a dime, striking back with her palm. Ning Guang"s strike was not fast, but in Sui Ying"s eyes, it was like Mount Tai pressing down, nowhere to dodge. She was afraid to continue chasing. With a wave of her hand, her sword blocked that earth-shattering palm strike.

Palm against sword, Sui Ying retreated three large steps before managing to steady herself, the ground she had stepped across immediately cracking into ten million fragments as her foot broke contact.

But Ning Guang had not moved. She thought for a breath, then gathered demonic energy in the hand hidden in her sleeve.

Immortal swords were the easiest to corrupt with demonic energy and spoil their foundations. Since Sui Ying had come to her door, she might as well take this opportunity to destroy Luan Feng. But, before she could attack, a person ran over across the air from far away. It was a Middle-Stage Deity Transformation cultivator, wearing the Han Hai Pavilion elders" uniform.

"What are you fighting for out of nowhere, if you want to get riled up over something, wait until you go to Wushen Hall, fight it out on the arena platform." This Han Hai Pavilion elder looked like he was mediating, but his soundless step aside and the palm waiting to strike all proved that he only wanted to protect Sui Ying. This most attention-grabbing disciple of their sect could not be injured by an outsider on their territory, or else, where would that leave Han Hai Pavilion"s face!

"Alright, Wushen Hall is already open, you should go."

Sharp eyes glared firmly at Ning Guang, oppressive aura silently pressing down along the line of his gaze.

Ning Guang was not afraid, but if she attacked now, she would definitely lose the rights to compete. She had promised Shifu she would win, how could she disappoint her Shifu for these people?

She shook her wrist, silently dispelling the demonic energy. Ning Guang gave them a cold look, then turned and walked towards the Wushen Hall.

Seeing this appearance like she put no one in her eyes, Sui Ying"s face twisted in anger. With a cold humph, she roared, "How can you let her go, did you see that look of hers?! If this gets out, where will that put our Han Hai Pavilion"s name, my Sui Ying"s name!"

The elder furrowed his brow, a bit displeased with Sui Ying"s att.i.tude. But he did not show it, slowing his voice to say, "You are not a match for her. This little girl is very strange, she has both Buddhist energy and malicious energy on her body. Though her cultivation is only Nascent Soul Grand Completion, she took the entire force of my oppressive aura yet did not show any abnormal signs. Sui Ying, I know she irritates you, Han Hai Pavilion will not ignore your growing inner demons.

Just wait, in the compet.i.tion on the arena platform, I will let you kill her fair and square!"

Sui Ying was a bit arrogant, but she was the pride of Han Hai pavilion. Now, a disciple of a second-rate sect dared challenge Han Hai Pavilion"s dignity! Murderous intent flashed through the elder"s eyes. Patting Sui Ying"s shoulder, he left, treading across air.


This chapter was translated by Lily. Han Hai Pavilion: 瀚海 (han4 hai3), lit. "vast ocean". 陨落 (yun3 luo2) is another one of those poetic terms I like. 陨 can be "to fall/perish" or "meteor", 落 is "to fall". It gives the imagery of crashing down from the heavens like a meteor falling to earth, and often refers to when G.o.ds or grand beings of the past fall or perish. Miwu Ridge: 迷雾岭 (mi2 wu4 ling3), lit. "dense fog ridge". 迷雾 can also figuratively mean "completely misleading". Wushen Hall: 武神殿 (wu3 shen2 dian4), "martial G.o.d hall". (You can probably guess what they"re doing here.) I have learned that dantian is commonly translated as "elixir field" in official translations of Taoist texts, it"s a place where spiritual energy gathers. The one most commonly referred to is located in the lower abdomen, though there are two others in the chest and the forehead.

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