My Disciple Wants To Tease Me Every Day

Chapter 36: A Love Against The World

Chapter 36: A Love Against The World

After following Ning Guang in with her eyes, Di Jiufeng walked towards the arena platform. She believed in Ning Guang and never doubted that she could win this compet.i.tion.

Han Hai Pavilion was very large and had many transportation arrays. In a moment of inattention, Di Jiufeng took a wrong turn. When she exited the transportation array, she was in an ancient vine forest, interweaving branches and leaves blocking out most of the sunlight, only leaving wisps of broken gold, rich splendor leaping at her toes.

This forest had abundant spiritual energy, nearly coalescing into firefly points of light. After being inside for a while, Di Jiufeng felt her long-stationary cultivation move to climb. The spiritual energy was very rich, but still not as good as an experience pill. When she had the time, she would have to make the System take out another one.

This good a place was definitely the abode of one of the elders, and Di Jiufeng did not want to stay long.

She turned to walk back. Just when she was about to step into the transportation array, she heard a shout from behind her. "Wait up, wait up…"

Di Jiufeng turned to see a young man wearing green changpao run over. His face was very handsome, temperament gentle, like a piece of faultless fine jade from far away.

[T/N: 白璧无瑕 (bai2 bi4 wu2 xia2), "faultless white jade", also means "flawless moral integrity".]

This was a modest gentleman, but Di Jiufeng had no recollection of him.

They had never met before, why would he call out to her? Had she just done something wrong?

Di Jiufeng"s heart tightened, subconsciously preparing to run. But, before she could move, that man had already ran over.

"It"s you… it really is you… I thought I would never find you again."

Qing Yu always remembered Di Jiufeng"s appearance. That face like a cotton rose, eyes like stars, flowing red robes floating through the air, just like a benevolent and compa.s.sionate lord of the phoenixes, allowing his nearly severed life to continue.

"Do you still remember me? That Bu Mie Ren at Mingxia Mountain."

[T/N: 不灭忍 (bu4 mie4 ren3), lit. "enduring, not extinguished".]

As Qing Yu spoke, he transformed his arm into a Bu Mie Ren plant, tender yellow petals like ta.s.sels coiling between leaves, swaying in the light wind, filling the air with cool fragrance.

Seeing this flower, Di Jiufeng realized. What Bu Mie Ren, such a scholarly term, wasn"t it that honeysuckle yao?

The honeysuckle at Mingxia Mountain?

Di Jiufeng thought back, it should have been half a month after she transmigrated. In order to find a way to return, she had visited all the mountains in the area around the Zhangjian Sect. She didn"t know which mountain was Mingxia Mountain, but honeysuckle flowers she did know. A tiny little blossom had been washed out of the soil by the rain, piteously lying on the ground, baked under the furious post-rain sun.

Seeing it, she had replanted it, not out of any high virtues like a compa.s.sionate heart, but purely because she thought that if she really could not return, she could come back to this mountain sometime to pick honeysuckle for tea.

She really never thought that it had been a yao.

Then, why did he come find her now, could it be that he guessed her intentions and came here to get even?

Di Jiufeng was a bit afraid, her little heart beginning to tremble. But a girl who transmigrated could never admit defeat, a girl who liked the same gender had to be brave! So, she took up the airs she hadn"t taken up for so long. At first glance, she still seemed quite something.

"Mingxia Mountain? I apologize, the places I have visited are quite many, I do not remember where Mingxia Mountain is."

"You… you do not remember?" Contrary to Di Jiufeng"s expectations, the honeysuckle yao did not aggressively push her to admit her guilt, rather, after hearing these words, he lowered his face. A vague type of disappointment lingered between his brows. Though he did not say anything, Di Jiufeng could still sense it.

"Yes, it is to be expected that you would not remember, at that time I couldn"t even take human form…"

That day at Mingxia Mountain, he had just triumphed over the transformation trial. All the spiritual energy in his body was dispersed, even the origin of his yao energy was a bit disturbed. He was already at his weakest and had to return to the soil to recover. But the heavens took no pity on him. Just when he had planted his roots in the soil, a thunderstorm descended on the peak. Mingxia Mountain"s soil was loose, with no large trees for cover, and scoured by the rain, he had been washed out before he could secure his body.

Without the powerful nurturing of mother earth, he became even more weak. He held out until the rain stopped, but there was no way to revive his broken roots. He collapsed to the ground, baked by the sun, boiling off the last wisps of water in his body.

His mind in a daze, his soul about to leave his body, he even thought his life would stop at transformation.

But at that time, a girl like a heavenly immortal had arrived, planting him back in the ground. Though her technique was a bit rough, it gave his nearly severed life the hope of continuing.

Qing Yu always remembered her. Not only because of this life debt, but because that fleeting glimpse had carved itself into the beating of his heart.

Unfortunately, after he had recovered from his wounds, he had run through every mountain and valley in the area, but never again saw Di Jiufeng"s face. As a yao, Qing Yu could not stay long in the human realm. He had to go back, but he fantasized that he would one day be able to see his savior again. To reach this day, he had even paid a visit to Ci Guang Temple to cleanse his body of yao energy, and had entered Han Hai Pavilion.

Qing Yu would never forget how bitter those days had been. Every bone in his body had been broken, the core of his essence drawn out through the cracks. If his heart had not held a thread of hope, he might have already died at that time. Luckily, all of it had not been suffered for nought, and he finally saw Di Jiufeng.

"It does not matter if you do not remember. Come to speak of it, we are not quite acquainted.

But since we could meet again today, that means fate connects us, so why don"t we become friends? My name is Qing Yu, would the immortal master be willing to inform me of her name?"

[T/N: Don"t know quite how to get this across but his speech style gets very very formal when he asks for her name.]

Di Jiufeng looked at him. Not seeing any malice on his face, she said, "You do not need to be so polite, call me Di Jiufeng."

There had not been any trouble, and Di Jiufeng could not wait to leave this place. After lingering here for so long, Ning Guang might have already completed at the second stage. If she could not find her at the arena platform, she did not know if she would panic.

Thinking of Ning Guang, Di Jiufeng"s entire person brightened. If just then, her bright peach-flower eyes were a still ocean, now they were the stormy sea reflecting the stars and crescent moon, light on billowing waves, indescribable excitement and expectation.

With one glance, Qing Yu felt his heart thump. Like he had understood something, his disappointment overflowed.

"Jiufeng, you, you… are you going to the arena platform? I can take you there."

Qing Yu wanted to ask if Di Jiufeng"s heart had already been taken. The words rolled around in his mouth, but in the end were not spoken. It really would be too impolite, they were not close after all, some things could not be said just like that.

"Yes, I am going to the arena platform." Qing Yu knew where she wanted to go, and Di Jiufeng did not find it strange. Almost all the cultivators here today were here to partic.i.p.ate in the demonstration compet.i.tion. She, as a cultivator from another sect, even more so would not be an exception. She was anxious to see Ning Guang, so she did not evade, but said directly, "Then I"ll be troubling you."

With someone to lead the way, Di Jiufeng arrived at the third stage"s compet.i.tion grounds.

When she arrived, Ning Guang had already stood for a while by the arena platform.

Ning Guang had hurried through Miwu Ridge, fought through Wushen hall, not daring to delay half a second, unrelentingly running to the agreed-upon place. She was afraid her Shifu would be anxious, and wanted to see her a bit earlier. But when she arrived, she discovered that in the restless crowd, only her Shifu was not there.

Ning Guang nearly couldn"t control her malicious energy----

She knew that Shifu would not break her promise. Then, since she had not yet arrived, had someone detained her? Ning Guang thought of those two people just then, that elder and Sui Ying. They could not act against her yet, so had they turned their target to Shifu?

Bewildered, even the demonic energy in her body began to stir. Though the colored gla.s.s heart suppressed it as much as it could, a few wisps of grey smoke still broke through the bindings and seeped out.

As soon as Di Jiufeng arrived at the arena platform and saw this scene, her heart clenched, even her breathing slowed.

"Ning Guang, Ning Guang, I"m here!" Fearing the ancient witch"s ident.i.ty would be discovered by others, Di Jiufeng couldn"t bother with anything else, falling at Ning Guang"s side with a turn and a tap of her foot. She opened her arms, holding Ning Guang"s waist. "I"m here, I said I would accompany you, you don"t need to fear."

Held by Di Jiufeng, the malicious energy around Ning Guang"s body melted like winter snow, disappearing into thin air.

She hugged Di Jiufeng in turn, tangled in affection like a net, wrapped around her Shifu"s body with no room to breathe. "You left for too long, I cannot allow you to leave for so long, A… Shifu, you cannot leave me, not even for a minute, a second." The rough tones of lingering fear disturbed the lake of Di Jiufeng"s heart like a sparrow"s wing.

She couldn"t help but tremble, arms holding on even tighter. "Ning Guang, how could I leave you? As long as you do not go, of course I will accompany you my whole life."

Their voices were very low, and of course no onlookers could hear.

But looking at them held in an affectionate embrace like this, a strange feeling still arose in their hearts. Luckily, these were all a bunch of brutes, and the pa.s.sion they held for the demonstration compet.i.tion surpa.s.sed everything else. So, even though they stared obviously, they didn"t think much of it.

There was only Qing Yu. He saw Di Jiufeng disappear in the blink of an eye and wanted to chase after her, only to see her toss herself into a woman"s embrace like a tired bird finding its perch. A woman who was incomparably beautiful, yet overflowed with malicious energy, cold like dark ice frozen for ten thousand years. But, when she looked at Di Jiufeng, she exuded all of the softness in her body.

So, his savior liked women, and he had taken the form of a man to live in this world in vain.

Perhaps he could change his gender, but after living for so long, he was already used to this sort of body. And what right did he have to interfere between them? Those two were each other"s sunshine, hard to separate and hard to break apart, and that woman overflowing with malicious energy loved his benefactor with everything she had.

A burning pa.s.sion like this, Qing Yu would admit he could not achieve.

Affection was not easy to obtain, deep love even more so. He should not and could not ruin their love because of his own secret desires. But, love between women always drew people"s criticism, and though those with clear eyes here were few, it would not be inconceivable that someone would see through them.

And, the people of Ci Guang Temple were about to arrive…

That love which shocked the heavens, which rebelled against the order of the world, that love which destroyed the relationship between the human and the yao realm, that love which silenced the Ci Guang Temple of Chan Buddhism, though it had long been buried in the dust of history, it was the secret thorn held to everyone"s throats, not touching and not hurting, but on touch it would be like burning lava, destroying all.

Though Qing Yu felt he should not disturb them, the footsteps of Ci Guang temple were already approaching, and just then, his Shifu had already sent him a spiritual message to descend the mountain and receive their guests.

He could not delay any longer, but before he could separate this pair of lovers, he heard an imposing low yell from behind him. 

"Shameless viper, offending public decency!"


This chapter was translated by Lily. Qing Yu: 青瑜 (qing1 yv2), with the characters for "green/blue/black" (yes this color is a pain for us translators) and "gem/fine jade/l.u.s.ter of gems (virtue)". Qing Yu is a good boi, we stan.

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