Chapter 946 Harmony


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“No, we meant no disrespect to the Mother G.o.d at all,” the woman stammered, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. The crowd, now convinced of their guilt, glared disdainfully and walked away.

Even skeptics were shaken. This divine intervention had undeniably bolstered their faith.

Once everyone dispersed, the maid prepared to usher the woman and her companions away.

“Lady Maid,” the drugged lady interjected, his voice thick with grat.i.tude. “Tonight, Mother G.o.d served as my guardian angel. Her intervention was akin to saving my life. To express our deepest grat.i.tude, I wish to serve Mother G.o.d for half a month.”

“Very well,” the maid conceded, “but only you may stay. The servant girl must leave.”

The woman understood. “Thankyou. We understand.”

The maids promptly escorted the remaining individuals down the mountain that night. Not daring to linger, they hurried back to the city to seek medical attention for their injuries.

Fortunately, Zhou Ying’s wrath was limited to a warning this time. Though they escaped serious harm, their shaved heads were a constant reminder of their transgression. Zhou Ying couldn’t help but smirk, confident that Gu Chenglin’s troubles would be over in three days.

What she hadn’t antic.i.p.ated was the news spreading like wildfire over the next two days. The tale of the three punished individuals became a cautionary one, reaching not only their families but even the government.

As a result, the three culprits, including the Second Miss’s mother, were all exiled to the harsh northwestern region. The incident served as a stark reminder of the Mother G.o.d’s power and intolerance for trickery within her temple. From that day forward, order and piety prevailed in the Mother G.o.d Temple.

Later that night, after everyone was asleep, Zhou Ying used her dream manipulation to instruct four maids to clean up the shops below. Compet.i.tion was strictly forbidden, or they would be expelled. She repeated this message to all the maids within her inters.p.a.ce, emphasizing control over the surrounding businesses.

The next morning, Zhou Ying and her group descended the mountain to a transformed scene. Harmony and prosperity reigned among the shops below. The small merchants and hawkers had been relocated elsewhere.

As they walked, Mingyu asked, “Sister Zhou, did you hear about the Mother G.o.d’s manifestation last night?”

“Of course,” Zhou Ying replied. “Such a commotion was impossible to miss. Though I didn’t partic.i.p.ate directly.”

“Indeed,” Mingyu agreed. “Mother G.o.d’s intervention was crucial. Without it, who knows how many more unsavory events would plague this prosperous temple with its beautiful peach forest.”

“Why must women create problems for each other?” Zhou Ying sighed.

Mingyu rolled her eyes playfully. “Spoken like someone truly cherished by Gu Chengrui. He’s shielded you from the harsh realities of female rivalry.”

“As if you have firsthand experience,” Zhou Ying countered.

“Oh, I’ve witnessed it countless times. It truly baffles me sometimes.”

“Perhaps most of it stems from jealousy.”

“True. Regardless of the reason, it’s simply tiresome.”

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