"I"m glad to know that I"m your first kiss, babe." He whispered in her ear with a wink.

Eunbi took a deep breath and gave him a fierce glare.

"What"s with that look? Don"t look at me like that, I"m scared, babe." He pretended as if he was scared with her look.

"Don"t get too happy, your guess was wrong and you are not my first kiss," she said furiously.

He grinned at her, "You are such a bad liar, I know how a girl will react to the first kiss, and I had experienced that in you when I kissed you at the wedding ceremony. Next time when I kiss you, try to kiss me back, if you don"t know how to kiss ask it to me I"ll teach you, babe."

Eunbi felt disgusting to hear those words from him, "you perverted b.a.s.t.a.r.d, don"t you feel embarra.s.sed to talk like this to me. Don"t ever think that I"ll kiss you." She aggressively outbursts her anger with stern look and warned him, "stop calling me, babe from your filthy mouth.

"How dare you are to call me a perverted b.a.s.t.a.r.d." He clenched his jaw against the anger. She gasped as he grabbed the fistful of her hair at the back of her head and yanked her head backward. "I"m trying to be nice to you, don"t make it hard. I don"t have any intention to harm you in our wedding night but you are insisting my anger to do it." She yelped in pain as he shouted out loud with anger. "Do you know the meaning of a pervert and what he"ll do when he gets angry?" he shakes her head by grabbing her hair tightly with his fist, "answer me now, do you know the meaning or not?"

She hits his chest with her free hand, and tries to push him away from her with all her strength to get free from his grip on her hair, but he was way too stronger than she expected. He caught her hand soon in a few hits and pinned it at her back "Don"t you know that men are stronger than women so stop trying to fight with me." He said and unwrapped her wrist and hair, he sighed deeply, "anyways we are here to celebrate our first wedding night which is so precious for every married couple in the world, because it happens only once in everybody"s life. Therefore, let"s stop our arguments and celebrate our wedding night like what other couples will do in their wedding night. I think it"s better for you to obey me and fulfill my needs as a good wife."

"Though this you have proved that you are a perverted b.a.s.t.a.r.d, don"t ever imagine about the wedding night it"s not going to happen even in your dreams. I"ll never accept you as my husband we are husband and wife only in doc.u.ments and in others eyes. When we are locked inside the four walls you better stay away from me and don"t try to take advantage of me, if you try to get near me I"ll kick you off you better be careful." She warned him as her cheeks and ears are flushed with anger.

"I have warned you more than enough to not name me a perverted b.a.s.t.a.r.d but why are you keep on repeating the same mistake, MY DEAR WIFE," he uttered in rage. "Do you think I had warned you just for a fun? Huh!" he said and held her shoulders and roughly pinned her against the nearby wall, he leaned forward and sealed his lips with hers within a blink of an eye.

Eunbi tightly pressed her lips together, placed her hands on his firm chest tried to push him away from her as she did before. However, this time he didn"t break the kiss because he wanted to show her how strong he was, so he grabbed one of her hands intertwined his fingers with hers, and shoved it above her head. Then he wrapped his other hand around the nape of her neck, and deepened the kiss. Tears were rolled down her cheeks from her tightly closed eyes, she gasped in between the kiss, and tried her best to push him away from her with her free hand, but she couldn"t.

He broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers, threatened her to kiss him back in a low gruff voice, and sealed his lips once again with hers. She tightly pressed her lips together in line again not offering him an access to explore every inch of her mouth with his tongue. He made his teeth roughly sc.r.a.pe and nibble at her bottom lip, even though she was so adamant to part her lips for him. He was annoyed, so he released her hand from his firm grip, and roughly cupped her clothed breast. She trembled with his touch, and parted her lips with a small gasp. He quickly swept his tongue into her mouth and caressed her tongue with his. He moved his hand from her breast down towards her waist and encircled his arm around her waist. He drew her closer to his body made sure to not let any gap between them, and then he turned the kiss into an intense one as he kissed her aggressively.

Her inner mind told her to do something bravely to stop him before he does any further. She shut her eyes tight, squeezed out the tears from her eyes, wrapped her hand at the nape of his neck, clamped her teeth upon his lower lip, bitted it as harder as she could without any mercy, she moved her hand from his neck up towards his hair, raked his finger through his hair and grabbed his hair tightly in her hand.

His eyes are wide open as he growled with the sharp pains over his lips and head. He knitted his eyebrows in pain; held her shoulders, gripped it tightly and tried to pull her away from him.

His grip on her shoulders was way too tight and the pain was unbearable so she unclasped her teeth from his lip, released her hand from his hair, and pushed his hands off from her shoulder. She wiped her lips at the back of her hand, took a deep breath, and asked, "How was my reply to your kiss? Do you like it? Didn"t I warn you that if you try to touch me you"ll face the consequences?"

Young-soo touches his lip with his index finger and looked at the blood stain on his finger; his face turned harder and stared at her with his unwavering cold eyes without any emotions. "You b.i.t.c.h," he rasped in anger, slapped her hard across the face with his backhand, and quickly gave another slap to the other side of her cheek with his front-hand.

Her vision was blurred with tears, ears rang with the impact of the slaps, and she cupped her cheeks with her hands.

"Do you think you"re brave enough to do this to me?" He dragged her by her hair and pushed her violently on the bed.

Her eyes are filled with fear. He quickly hovered on top of her, pinned her wrists with his hands and shoved it on either side of her face. With a threatening glare he said, "I"m going to punish you in a worst kind of way for misbehaving with me."

She was frightened and burst into tears, "I"m sorry, Young-soo please don"t do anything to me, now please, please, get off of me, Young-soo."

"You are too late to apologize I can"t accept it." He said with a smirk, leaned forward to attack her lips, but she sideways her head so he pressed his lips on her neck. He sc.r.a.ped his teeth against her neck, sucked, and bitted her flesh harder until it turned into dark purple mark.

She pleaded him to stop it but he m.u.f.fled her pleadings by kissing her lips. He bitted her lower lip harder until it bleeds. Then he sat up, let go of her hands undo his T-shirt over his head and tossed it off on the floor.

She clasped her hands together tightly and begged him, "I"m really sorry for what I did before to you and promise you that I"ll not repeat that again, now please get off of me, please, Young-soo, please, don"t do anything to me, please get off of me I beg you."

He leaned his upper body forward, balanced his body weight by placing his hands on either side of her shoulders. He brushed a few strands of her hair away of her face, gently tucked it behind at one of her ears. Her eyes are glistening with tears. He gently creased her cheek with his fingers, "relax," he whispered and kissed her forehead tenderly. "Eunbi, just relax yourself and stop screaming I"m your husband not a stranger, so just relax."

"Young-soo, please get off of me please," she cried out loud, "please let me go, I"m not ready for all these things so please I beg you, get off of me now."

He held her hand in his hand, he could sense that her hand was trembling with fear; he kissed her hand, and placed her palm over his chest, "can you feel my heart beat?" She yanked her hand away from his chest, cried so hard with intermittently double breath, and her body temperature rose high as if she has got a fever.

He looked at her in annoyance, "Will you stop crying at-least for G.o.d sake," he shouted in front of her face. But she kept on crying. "I said stop crying now, d.a.m.n it," He said and punched the pillow next to her head.

She was scared and covered her mouth tightly with her palms, as she tried to control her double breath in a few second she fainted on the bed.

He was startled as she fainted on the bed. He gently slapped her cheeks by calling her name, "hey, Eunbi do you hear me, wake up." He quickly got off of her, lifted her slightly, and undid the zipper at the back of her dress to make her breath easily. He took the water jug from the dining table and splashed some of the water on her face. He sat down next to her on the bed, lifted her head gently, and placed it on top of his lap. Then he gently slapped her cheeks, "Eunbi, do you hear me, wake up you just fainted wake-up." In a few seconds she opened her eyes slowly; he breathes in relief, held her shoulders, and made her sit down on the bed. He cradled her head on his bare masculine chest by wrapping his arms around her shoulder for a support, and he asked her to drink some water. She obeyed him and drank the water silently.

As he saw the tears were rolling down from her eyes he raised his eyebrows, "no, not now again, please don"t cry I will not do anything." He said and wiped off the tears of her face with the help of his fingers, "look at your face it was swollen from crying, please stop crying, and go wash off your face now."

She got down from the bed and struggles to stand straight of her own. He quickly gets down from the bed and held her shoulders protectively before she fell down on the floor saying, "wait I"ll walk you to the bathroom."

She weakly pushed his hands away from her, "don"t touch me I don"t need your help I can walk by myself." She said, saunters into the bathroom and slammed the door with a bang.

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