My Instant Marriage

Chapter 29

After telling her the flashback he held Eunbi"s hands tightly and said, "Please don"t tell this to anybody else."

Eunbi promised him that she"ll not open-up about this matter to anybody else and asked him, "Have you tried to contact her husband after her death?"

He shook his head, "I haven"t, but I knew that my father gave them a sum of money to her husband as a settlement and asked him to move to the some other city along with his son. Also my father dismissed that car driver. Her beautiful family nest was ruined because of my wrong a.s.sumption, it was my entire fault."

"Will you stop a.s.suming that you are the only reason for her death? There may be some other reasons for her suicide you may have not aware of that because you were too young back then. You"ve regretted a lot, enough is enough, therefore, forgive yourself for your mistakes and move on. Past is past, and try to live the moment." Eunbi advised him.

Young-soo didn"t expect that she"ll give him some positive advices, he hugged her and burst into tears, "the reason I didn"t open-up about this matter to my family and friends it"s because I was scared whether they"ll hate me. But you are different than I thought, thank you so much for understanding me."

She put her hands on his shoulders, and broke the hug, "Young-soo, now stop crying like a child and behave like grown-up man."

He closed his eyes with embarra.s.sment and nodded his head. Eunbi gets down from the bed and asked him to lie down on the bed. He did lie down on the bed without a word. She covered his body with the blanket, sat down next to him on the bed, and creased his hair gently until he fell asleep.

Then she went to her room and felt sorry for his trauma. She realizes again that he is a good-hearted person, something tells her to hold his hands tightly to get ready for the roller coaster ride of a life along with him. But in a few seconds she shook off her thoughts away of her mind thinking that this is not what she wished to happen all she wanted is to get away from this ill-fated life. She made a deep sigh, lay down on the bed, and closed her eyes to sleep.

It was almost 1:30 am but she couldn"t fell asleep, she kept on thinking about Young-soo"s past wrongdoing, and wondered, poor man why did he decided to lock everything inside him and live with so much of guilty conscious for all these years, what he had done is an unforgivable thing but at-least he should have shared it with his mother when she cares for him a lot.

Next day she made a phone call to her father"s PA, asked him to collect the information about the family member of Young-soo"s late nanny secretly without notifying it to her father. Then she got an appointment with one of the best psychologist in Jeju city for Young-soo to get treat his trauma. And in the evening she brings Young-soo to visit the Doctor in his private clinic and Eunbi convinced him to go for a regular treatment. Through this Young-soo was totally surprised and realized the real meaning of a wife.

Every-day in the evening Eunbi goes along with Young-soo to the physiologists for daily counseling and she waits for him in the waiting hall until his counseling ends. This made their friendship grow closer than ever before, after every counseling session Young-soo took her out for shopping and bought her clothes, accessories whichever she likes to buy. When they go for grocery shopping every time Young-soo moves the shopping cart for her while she does shopping. At the weekend he took her out for dinner. Young-soo felt so romantic and happy to spend the evenings with her and even Eunbi was also happy too.

Young-soo was so happy to see the happiness in Eunbi"s face. He made a promise to himself that he"ll never make her shed a single drop of tears from her eyes. He would like to live with her in the ups and downs of the life with lots of love, affections, and care but at the same time he was scared whether she will leave him when she comes to know the hidden truth about their marriage.

Two months have pa.s.sed quickly by taking care of each-other with affection. And it was Eunbi"s semester break Young-soo recommend her to visit her parents if she doesn"t have any plans of her holiday.

She let out a long sigh of despair, "I would like to meet my parent, but I don"t want you to let alone until your counseling session completely gets over."

Young-soo was surprise to her reply and thought, I"m going to die soon if she continues to surprise me like this, G.o.d please save me from her surprise and pa.s.s my thought to her that, I would like to live with her for long years. He clears his throat, "Are you going to spend all day alone in the house?"

" Yes, because my friends are gone to their native places to visit their parents, so I don"t have any other option."

Quickly Young-soo came out with an idea, "If you are willing, come along with me to my office, and learn some business."

Eunbi took a minute to think and said, "okay, I"ll come."

Young-soo was too excited to take her to his office. When they reach the hotel, first Young-soo toured the hotel to her. The hotel staffs discuss to one another in a low voice that Eunbi looks so beautiful, young, and a perfect match for their boss. Eunbi blushed to their comment; she fans her face shyly and walked beside her husband.

When they reach to his office room, she just looked around the office room for the first time because on the other day she was not in the mood to take a look around it- it was furnished with cla.s.sic modern wooden furniture, and modern interior works has done in his office. He gave her some of the basic business files, books, old balance sheets, power point presentations saying, "go through all these if you have any doubts make a note on it I will clarify it to you in my free time, feel free and make yourself comfortable. I have a meeting to attend so if you need anything else use my offices phone my a.s.sistant secretary will help you."

It has been more than an hour yet Young-soo hasn"t returned back and Eunbi fell asleep on the couch while going through the files. Young-soo gets back to his office room after the meeting as he looks at her sleeping on the couch with head rested at the backrest of the couch he silently came inside and sat down on the couch opposite to her. He admires her beauty by resting his face on his hands. All of a sudden an idea popped in his head, he quickly took out his smart-phone from the pant pocket, and captured some pictures of her, and then he sat down beside her and took some selfie"s with her. He went back to his chair and waited for her to wake-up.

When she woke-up they had their lunch together in his office room and sat down on the couch to relax for a while. Young-soo said, "What a perfect semester break you have got to relax by doing only sleeping and eating." He made a deep sigh, "Huh, I miss my holiday periods I would love to go back to my school and college days to relax like you do, I am so jealous of you."

"You are absolutely right I am feeling so refreshed after a nap and your couch is so comfortable, if you want to relax like me you should be blessed by the G.o.d." She replied playfully.

"Oh! Really," he said and took his smart-phone from his table and sends the photos to her which he has taken while she was sleeping with a caption I am so blessed to take these pictures along with you. He gazed at her as she takes a look on her phone. She couldn"t believe that he would do something like that she covers her face with her palm and bites her lower lip with embarra.s.sment.

"I"m looking so handsome in that selfie, isn"t?" Young-soo asked her.

"Yeah~ why did you take pictures while I was sleeping?"

"Just for fun and also to tease you."

"Is that funny for you now delete all those pictures of me when I"m being nice with you." She said with rage.

"Why are you angry with me chingu ya~"

She sighed and looked away angrily.

He smiled at her, "Please look at me at least for once chingu ya."

She shrugged her shoulders and folded her arms without looking at him. He got up from his place and walked near to her; outstretch his hand along with his smart-phone, "if these pictures makes you get angry with me, then I don"t need it, here, delete those pictures of your own.

As she was about to take the smart-phone from his hand he held the phone tightly. She gazes at him, "are you going to give it to me or not?" She asked and as she pulled the smart-phone from his hand by using her full strength he loose his balance and fell on top of her on the couch in an awkward position. Both stared at each other in surprise, Eunbi felt some discomfort she travels her eyes from his eyes, to his nose, lips, shoulders, forearm, and last to his hands as she looked at his hands on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, she yelled at him, "YEAH! How dare are you to touch me there, now take your hands from there you, b.a.s.t.a.r.d?" He widens his eyes as he looks at his hands on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "Move away," she yelled again and pushed his hands but he loses his balance again and this time his hard chest pressed against her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and his lips pressed on hers accidentally.

Their hearts was beating like a kettledrum. Jaemin and the a.s.sistant secretary entered his office room after a knock at the door but the couple was not aware of that. Jaemin and the a.s.sistant secretary were amazed to see his boss curdling with his wife on the couch during the daytime and that too in the office room. Jaemin quickly made an excuse, "we are sorry to disturb you, sir we will come again later."

As soon as the married couple heard Jaemin"s voice they quickly gets down from the couch, and the four of them felt so embarra.s.sed and awkward to look at one another. "Hyung, it"s not that what you think, actually we fell down on the couch accidentally," Young-soo roughly explained them by rubbing at the nape of his neck.

"Yes sir I could understand," Jaemin replied.

Then Young-soo took them to his table and asked them, "Now, tell me what the matter is?"

Eunbi sat down on the couch combs her hair with her fingers, when she licks her bottom lip, she tasted the metallic taste of the blood, so to make sure she touched it with her index finger as her finger contacts the bleeding part it gave her burning sensation, and she saw the blood on her finger. She gave him a death glare, and as he looked at her she mouthed "b.a.s.t.a.r.d." He cleared his throat with awkwardness.

Once Jaemin and the a.s.sistant secretary left his office room, Young-soo apologized, "I"m sorry I didn"t mean to bite your lips you knew that it was purely an accident it"s not my fault, later in the evening I"ll buy you some ointment in the pharmacy when we return back to our home."

She rolled her eyes at him and outstretched her hand, "give me your smart-phone." He smiled at her, unlocks his phone screen by pressing his index finger of his right hand on the fingerprint reader of the phone, and gave it to her. She deleted all the pictures of her and returned back his phone to him.

"Finished?" Young-soo asked.

She nodded her head.

"I"ve to go-through some files and need to sign it so you carry on your work let us chat later," he said and gets back to his table.

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