My Knitting Book

Chapter 6

_Sixteenth row_--knit three;(h) knit two together; knit two; bring the thread forward, knit two together, three times; bring the thread forward, knit five; bring the thread forward, knit two; knit two together; knit one.--Repeat from (h).

_Seventeenth row_--pearl knitting.

_Eighteenth row_--knit two; knit two together;(i) knit two; bring the thread forward, knit two together, three times; bring the thread forward, knit seven; bring the thread forward, knit two; slip one; knit two together, pa.s.s the slipped st.i.tch over them.--Repeat from (i).

_Nineteenth row_--pearl knitting.

_Twentieth row_--Commence again, as at fourth row.


Rose-leaf Pattern.

This pattern may be worked with any number of st.i.tches that can be divided by ten, adding three st.i.tches,--one for the symmetry of the pattern, and two for the borders.

N.B. The termination of each row must be exactly the same (reversed) as the commencement.

Cast on forty-three st.i.tches; pearl one row.

_First row_--knit one;(a) pearl one; knit two together; knit two; bring the thread forward, knit one; bring the thread forward, knit two; knit two together.--Repeat from (a).

_Second row_--knit one;(b) knit one; pearl two together; pearl one; bring the thread forward, turning it round the needle, pearl three; turn the thread round the needle, pearl one; pearl two together.--Repeat from (b).

_Third row_--knit one;(c) pearl one; knit two together; bring the thread forward, knit five; bring the thread forward, knit two together.--Repeat from (c).

_Fourth row_--knit one; pearl two together;(d) bring the thread forward, turning it round the needle, pearl seven; bring the thread forward, turning it round the needle, pearl three together.--Repeat from (d).

_Fifth row_--knit two; bring the thread forward, knit two; knit two together; repeat, as in first row, from (a).

_Sixth row_--knit one; pearl two; bring the thread forward, turning it round the needle, pearl one; pearl two together; repeat, as in second row, from (b).

_Seventh row_--knit four; bring the thread forward, knit two together; repeat, as in third row, from (c).

_Eighth row_--knit one; pearl four; bring the thread forward, turning it round the needle, pearl three together; repeat, as in fourth row, from (d).

_Ninth row_--Commence again, as at first row.


Point Pattern.

Cast on six st.i.tches for each pattern, and two over for the edge.

_First row_--Knit two;(a) knit two together; bring the thread forward, knit one; bring the thread forward, knit two together; knit one.--Repeat from (a).

_Second row_--plain knitting.

_Third row_--knit two together; knit one;(b) bring the thread forward, knit three; bring the thread forward, knit three together.--Repeat from (b).--At the end of this row, plain knit the two last st.i.tches.

_Fourth row_--plain knitting.

_Fifth row_--knit two;(c) bring the thread forward, knit two together; knit one; knit two together; bring the thread forward, knit one.--Repeat from (c).

_Sixth row_--plain knitting.

_Seventh row_--knit three; bring the thread forward, knit three together; bring the thread forward.--Repeat.--At the end of this row, bring the thread forward, knit two.

_Eighth row_--plain knitting.


Gothic Pattern.

Cast on any number of st.i.tches that can be divided by ten.--Knit four plain rows.

_Fifth row_--knit one; bring the thread forward, knit three;(a) slip one; knit two together, pa.s.s the slipped st.i.tch over them; knit three; bring the thread forward, knit one; bring the thread forward, knit three.--Repeat from (a).

_Sixth row_--pearl knitting.

Repeat the fifth and sixth rows three times, and commence again with the four plain rows.


Scotch Pattern.

Cast on seven st.i.tches for each pattern.

_First row_--knit two; knit two together; bring the thread forward, knit one; bring the thread forward, knit two together.--Repeat.

_Second row_--plain knitting.

_Third row_--knit one;(a) knit two together; bring the thread forward, knit three; bring the thread forward, knit two together.--Repeat from (a).

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