My Lady's Money

Chapter 24

Good-by to Miss Pink--who will regret to her dying day that Isabel"s answer to Hardyman was No.

Good-by to Lady Lydiard--who differs with Miss Pink, and would have regretted it, to _her_ dying day, if the answer had been Yes.

Good-by to Moody and Isabel--whose history has closed with the closing of the clergyman"s book on their wedding-day.

Good-by to Hardyman--who has sold his farm and his horses, and has begun a new life among the famous fast trotters of America.

Good-by to Old Sharon--who, a martyr to his promise, brushed his hair and washed his face in honor of Moody"s marriage; and catching a severe cold as the necessary consequence, declared, in the intervals of sneezing, that he would "never do it again."

And last, not least, good-by to Tommie? No. The writer gave Tommie his dinner not half an hour since, and is too fond of him to say good-by.

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