My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 13

The next morning, the Feng Er husband and wife withbloodshot eyes because of a lack of sleep saw Zhao Jin Yu back, the atmospherewas depressing and at a loss, Zhao Jin Yu thought of consoling words for quitea while, in the end she could only say, “Uncle Feng, younger sister hasn’t doneanything improper, it can be a.s.sumed the Embroidered Uniform Guards arrestedthe wrong person…, you mustn’t be worried, wait at home for a few days, youngersister will naturally come back.” Feng Er’s daughter and Zhao Jin Yu werearound the same age, but Zhao Jin Yu was born in June, Feng Er’s daughter ZhangHong was born in October.

When his daughter was mentioned, tears flickered in FengEr’s eyes, but he strongly resisted saying, “Causing the young lady to worry,we will take the young lady’s lucky words, Hong Er will certainly avertdisaster.”

Zhao Jin Yu also did not say much, at that moment any wordsseemed to be useless, in ancient times a woman’s reputation and integrity wereextremely important, even if she returned, having been once arrested by theEmbroidered Uniform Guards, it would always never be the same, it can bea.s.sumed that wedding would come to nothing.

Feng Er seemed to see Zhao Jin Yu was worried, encouraginglyhe pulled a smile, that sight was even more unsightly compared to him crying,saying, “Young lady, my wife and I don’t ask for much, just as long as ourdaughter returns safe and sound, if her husband’s family rejects her, I willlook after her for a lifetime.”

Hearing this Zhang Shi such a strong woman only sat on theside wiping her tears, her gaze however carried a bit of grat.i.tude.

Seeing Feng Er appearing as a compa.s.sionate father, tearsgathered on Zhao Jin Yu’s eyelashes, unconsciously she thought of her adoptivefather Zhao Chang Chun in prison, the year she was six years old, she had justtravelled in time to this body, not knowing her name, at a loss with no one torely on she wandered the streets. She still remember, it was raining lightly,she shivered from the cold, hoping the rain could stop soon, a man appeared infront of her, with a refined and low voice, he said to the person next to him,“It’s a little girl.” Immediately he opened his mouth again to ask her, “areyou cold?”

Zhao Jin Yu shook and trembled, but couldn’t say a singleword.

Soon after the sound of shuffling could be heard, her bodyfelt warm, the person had unexpectedly taken off his woven rush raincoat andcovered her with it, she lifted her eyes, like his refined voice…, at that timeZhao Chang Chun was still very young, elegant as an orchid,a modest man, like this no wonder Zhang Shi risked everything to be with him.

He glanced at the rice straw in her hair showing she was forsale, smiling warmly, fragments of light in his eyes, saying, “Do you want tobe my daughter?”

At that moment she only thought Zhao Chang Chun’s smile,held gentleness, like a dream…, she was dazzled, like she was being rescued bya sage in a mythological story, many of her young years pa.s.sed, but that scenenevertheless remained deeply in the mind, every time she felt confused anddazed, she would clearly remember it.

Feng Er was a selfless father who loved his daughter, how isZhao Chang Chun also not single-mindedly acting for her?

Zhao Jin Yu’s was overwhelmed with emotions, on entering thehouse she headed to Zhao Chang Chun’s study, she looked at the black pine woodbookshelf in the corner, she couldn’t help breathe a sigh, most of thefurniture in the house had been used as firewood by her, only this bookshelf…,because it was too big, and held many books, not good to move, that’s why shehad always kept it, and at last considered it to be luck.

In accordance with Zhao Chang Chun’s words, Zhao Jin Yu tooka stool and stepped on it, right at the top was a thick Yellow Emperor’sInternal Canon, shetook it down, opening it up, as expected there was a letter in the middle.

The letter was sealed, she couldn’t see the content, howeverher heart couldn’t help have second thoughts, Zhao Chang Chun had left thisletter ahead of time, could it be he knew at an earlier time this day wouldcome?

Even if Zhang Zhi Shi once hinted to her saying this highofficial Yan corruption case was not as simple as it looks, she however couldnot think of any reasons, after ascending the throne the new emperor was brutaland ruthless, but wasn’t completely without principles, those cautious andconscientious officials scrupulously abided by their duties had no problems atall, most of those who met mishaps had once supported the eldest prince, anddescendants of arrogant aristocrats, relatives of n.o.bles, the emperor seemed toespecially not like people who were ostentatious and stick out…, that’s whyover these years, many people mastered how to keep a low profile, even weddingswere not as lavish as before, afraid that people with aspirations would go tothe emperor’s ears.

She however remembered, her father had said before, as longas you do your best, even if there is no hope of you entering the governmentcabinet in your lifetime, but make it to fourth rank before retiring was nevera problem.

But how could everything suddenly change?

Now Zhao Jin Yu’s mind had a lot of questions, the fact wasthere was no one she could ask, her heart was very depressing, but she couldonly endure it, finally she hid the letter well, and went to prepare forgreetings, anyway it was important she must first complete the task entrustedby her father, other questions can be slowly answered.

Wearing cold resistant clothes, inner clothes, and severalbooks she used to pa.s.s the time, she then went to take a look in the kitchen,there were still some marinated beef left, some rice, she steamed the cookedrice, making it into rice-b.a.l.l.s…, this time she actually used the table in thehouse to light the fire, anyway she will never return again.

It was already noon when Zhao Jin Yu tidied up everything,Zhao Jin Yu laid on the warm heated kang,there was nothing she could do, apart from delivering the letter, Feng Er’s daughterbeing arrested also perplexed her, in any case she felt this matter… and thestone were related, but actually how, or should she ask the stone.

If it really was because of the stone…, then were thosegirls arrested because of her?

The more Zhao Jin Yu thought the greater her headache, shehad still not settled the thing with her father, and had stirred up otherthings…, she sighed deeply, burying her head under the quilt.

Although the name Zhang Hong was not considered common, but shecould not keep the millions of common people in the capital away, in one dayand night as far as tens of people were arrested, so, Qin Hong and Su Qing Chenat last breathed out a sigh, thinking even though they didn’t know whether amongstso many people there was a person the emperor wanted to find, but eventuallythese punishments were hard to avoid right?

Rui Fu was still the same, his face like a sculpturecompletely lacking temperature, therefore Qing Hong and Su Qing Chen did notdetect any suggestions, but waited to see the emperor, the two people’s heartswere heavy, only feeling today they may not only be beaten, rather it might beeven heavier punishment.

The emperor’s complexion was gloomy like the winter skypreviously pushing down snow, covered with jet-black clouds, with somewhat palecomplexion he asked, “You two blockheads! Busying about for one day and night,you only arrested these many people?”

“This humble servant is guilty!”

“This humble servant is guilty!”

Qin Hong and Su Qing Chen lowered their heads, sweating withnervous hearts, almost speaking in unison to beg forgiveness.

The emperor got up fidgeting, looking back and forth at QinHong’s and Su Qing Chen’s faces, recalling how he had overbearingly went toexamine just now, he had thought of tormenting her within an inch of her life,crying bitterly and begging forgiveness, hard to dispel his resentment, in theend he inspected those several tens of people, in spite of everything there wasno sign of her!

The emperor almost had an intuition, she lied to him!

Just thinking about how he had lied on an ice-cold bed lastnight, starving for one night, the emperor, felt an anger covering his bodywith nowhere to vent!

“If you know your crime then go receive your punishment! Doyou still really think we don’t dare to kill you?” The emperor’s voice was deepand beautiful like precious stones being stricken, only that voice held awintry alienation with an indifferent dignity, making people’s hearts shiver.

Qin Hong Su Qing Chen almost crawled out of the palace hall,waiting until the two people left, Rui Fu glanced at the emperor inside thepalace hall, his gaze spread over the inside of the room, the bright yellowdragon robe in accordance to the emperor glistened and brightened even more,incomparably honourable, only he did not know why he felt that radiancecontrasting the emperor made his appearance slightly pale, a kind ofhaggardness which caused people distress.

Rui Fu showed a somewhat worried expression, thinking aboutit His Majesty had not eaten since the beginning of yesterday, what should hedo? If this carries on, even his strong body cannot withstand this, and did notknow what was the matter, every time he dined he would say the flavour was notright, afterwards he had also tasted it, it couldn’t be said to be better thanbefore, but it was still the standard of the former imperial kitchen, how couldhe not eat it? It had to be understood the emperor also did not eat muchbefore, but he had never been like these past few days surviving on water!

“Benefactor, His Majesty must certainly come to find thispoor monk.” At that time both of great master Hui Zhen’s arms were broken bythe emperor, practically only half alive, fresh blood dripping he was carriedout, but his complexion did not change, speaking in an almost positive normalway.

Could it be he still wants to go and find great master HuiZhen?

The night was extremely quiet, Zhao Jin Yu originally laidon the kang, all of a sudden she satup, as it turns out the spotless white Yuhua stone in her hand emitted an extremelight, it looked like it suddenly gained a spirit, shocking people.

After a moment the emperor was then certain he had againreturned to the stone’s body, waiting until he saw Zhao Jin Yu’s familiar face,almost gnashing his teeth, “Where did you go yesterday?”

“You liar!”

At the same time as the emperor, Zhao Jin Yu also opened hermouth, the stone and the stone stared blankly for a short while, again openingtheir mouth.

“A girl, not at home in the middle of the night, we hadknown earlier that you have no sense of honour!”

“I just told you my name is Zhang Hong yesterday, why werethere Embroidered Uniform Guards arresting girls called Zhang Hong?”

One person and one stone, one staring in anger, one wasincomparably furious, not showing any weakness.

“Shut your mouth for us!”

“If you don’t explain clearly, I will toss you onto thegrindstone outside and crush you!”

Staring at each other for quite a while, Zhao Jin Yu wasunable to endure it first and turned her gaze, a normal person like her reallycould not compete with a stone spirit, but the anger in her heart didn’tdissipate one bit, especially as this stone spirit was still so arrogant, inthe right and self-confident, making her have thoughts of crushing it at alltimes.

Zhao Jin Yu thought in her heart, I still can’t control you!Bringing over the jewellery box, she grabbed the stone throwing it inside, witha bang she closed the lid, saying, “When you tell me the truth then will I letyou out!” Immediately she didn’t feel she was vicious enough, she again addedwords, “If by early tomorrow morning you won’t say, I will throw you onto thegrindstone and crush you, I keep my promise!”

“Outrageous!” The emperor was so angry his nose wrinkled!Even if Zhao Jin Yu saw through that he had betrayed her, he nevertheless didnot feel he did anything wrong, to speak frankly, the entire Hanzhen was his,as for the girl in front of him, further still if he wanted to kill her he cankill her, if he wanted her to live she’ll live, all she can do is kneel on thefloor and beg for forgiveness, and not act like this unable to tell good frombad!

The emperor simply did not have any feelings of shame, justlike what was mentioned before, the entire Hanzhen was his, his words are law!

But however just and forceful he was, it could not block offthe hungry rumbling of his stomach…, since the time he began rebelling, to hiseventual listless hunger, the emperor felt ever since he became a stone, hisfive senses had somewhat strengthened, surprisingly he could he could smellrice and marinated beef from not so far away.

That foods smell was different from the smell in the palace,especially seductive, luring him like a wolf starved for a winter looking at afair little rabbit, it was simply hard to control.

“Hey, you want us to starve to death?”

Zhao Jin Yu was originally very angry, but she had been busysince yesterday, and before she had stayed awake waiting for the stone, now thefact was she couldn’t do anything, cheek against the nice and warm kang she fell asleep.

In the end, hearing the emperor’s voice, Zhao Jin Yu shookawake, she rubbed her eyes, yawning she said, “Do you admit you were wrong, whoare you actually? Why are women called Zhang Hong being arrested?”

The first time he admitted he was wrong it seemed verydifficult, but the second time it didn’t seem as difficult…, the emperor’s nosewas filled with the smell of food, he was quickly being swallowed up by hissaliva, he continuously said to himself, a leader can submit or stand tall asrequired, lowering his head now doesn’t mean he’ll let her off later, anyhow heshould eat first then deal with it, =.=.

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