My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 2

T/N: I’ve noticed this novel is actually written based onhistorical facts e.g. actual names of official positions, palace names etc so I"ve been reading chapters in parts and doing more research >.


Zhao Jin Yu felt there was something off during the night,as if there was the sound of a stone knocking on wood, just now she startedthinking she was just mishearing things, who knew that sound would not stop atall, annoying her awake and aware, she grudgingly opened her eyes yawning, therewas already nothing of value in the house, ever since her daddy had an accidentthe property that could be sold off were all p.a.w.ned by mother, even though someold things remained in the house, however they were ancient, the lacquer on thefurniture were almost bare, the wood used were also very common, and was evenmore out of the question of being precious, therefore even if a thief entered,once they see there was nothing of value they would leave uninterested, letalone she had closed the door lock securely before sleeping, a common thiefcould not come in!

If it wasn’t a thief could it be a mouse? With this onethought she couldn’t sleep, there was only a little bit of rice in the rice jarin the house, it wouldn’t be good if the mouse ate it up.

Just as Zhao Jin Yu stepped out from her quilt cover shefelt the piercing cold attack her, early yesterday morning it had startedsnowing, right up to the present it had snowed intermittently without stopping,it made the originally shabby house seem even more cold, she couldn’t helpshudder, placing her hands against her mouth she blew out a warm breath, againreaching out to wrap a cotton clothing around her before getting up to leave.

Zhao Jin Yu had just walked to the outer room before hearinga thudding sound from her dressing table, she looked carefully whilst there wasmoonlight, oh my! Surprisingly it was white Yuhua stone bouncing in the halfopen jewellery box, that stone appeared to be alive, continuously bouncing,very evilly.

Zhao Jin Yu at first was somewhat frantic, thinking thismust be haunted? Maybe it’s some sort of witchcraft? Immediately she thoughtbetter of it, again feeling there was nothing scary, didn’t she pa.s.s throughtime from the future to here, from that little point, in this world there arealways things you can never understand, however just because you don’tunderstand it doesn’t mean it’s scary, it was just like her, in some aspectwasn’t she also a strange thing? With such a thought she was extremelyrelieved, watching that moving l.u.s.trous stone she didn’t feel much fear, shedirectly extended her hand holding the stone in her hand…, this Yunhua stonewas only a little bigger than a quail egg, it was ice-cold in her hand, justnow it was still jumping around with such vigour, now it was truly no differentfrom a common stone, Zhao Jin Yu’s heart immediately felt at ease, thinking toherself, look, it really is just like this, increasingly thinking this was atrivial matter, thinking she ought to hurry back to bed, conveniently throwingthe stone out, then turning around she wrapped herself in the quilt and wentback to bed, her movement was neat and tidy not at all sloppy.

Many years later Zhao Jin Yu thought of that night, thinkingher heart was so big that the entire world could be placed in it, which otherlady when coming across such a matter would not either weep endlessly orscreeching in fear again and again? Only she would pay no attention and throwthat stone out, afterwards turn around like it was nothing and going back to sleep,and have that sort of dispute with that person.

Certainly, the Zhao Jin Yu at that time did not know thesethings, she only felt a matter which disturbed her sleep was finally resolved,it was scarily cold outside, she really was somewhat impatient to get back intoher quilt and sleep.

Lying in her warm quilt, Zhoa Jin Yu contently released abreath, very quickly she closed her eyes.

Emperor Wuling had a dizzy spell, waiting until it settleddid he then discover he had been thrown outside, it was snowing very heavilyoutside, he immediately bore through the layers of snow to the bottom.

Yes that’s right, this bouncing Yuhua stone was the Hanzhendynasty’s most respected His Majesty the emperor, emperor Wuling, he alsodidn’t know what was going on, after he entered a dream-state he became a Yuhuastone.

Now, cold, hungry, suffering from pent-up frustrations ofbecoming a stone mysteriously, it was only natural, also the insult of beingtossed aside casually made the emperor burn in anger, if he was still in hisbody at this moment, he would definitely make known to Zhao Jin Yu the price ofdespising him, after all emperor Wuling was not a tolerant master, onlyunfortunately, however angry he was, flying into a rage in whatever way, aftergasping in anger and jumping around tens of times he then finally becameaccepting, even if he could jump, that wouldn’t obliterate the fact that he wasa stone ,= =.

The snow was very thick, the emperor was repeatedly buriedin the snow in the middle of the night and was unable to come out from underit. = =。


Rui Fu felt the emperor was a little strange today, becausehe woke up an hour later than usual.

Rui Fu was soon to be forty years old this year, he has beenserving the emperor since he was fifteen, watching the very small child changeinto the eminent and unapproachable monarch of today, therefore he was the mostfamiliar with the emperor’s habits, he could still remember the emperor when hewas barely five years old, he woke up merely fifteen minutes late and he waspunished to kneel in the busy corridor by the empress, being pointed out bypeople, that was also during a snowy winter, the ground covered in thick snow,breathing out the air was chilly, the emperor stubbornly and indifferently wasdistinct in that snow filled sky.

Since then he never again saw the emperor wake late.

In any case Rui Fu felt something had happened, but theemperor didn’t say anything and he didn’t dare ask, making the servants come into freshen up and change the emperor’s clothes, afterwards while remaining calmand collected he sized up the emperor’s complexion, apart from his darkcomplexion he also had slight bags under his eyes, this was clearly a symptomof not sleeping well…

Waiting until he finished freshening up, the emperor sat onthe kangbeneath the window, under the slight sunlight pa.s.sing through, his handsomeand iron face emitted a gloomy and frightening aura, making the palace eunuchsand maids serving upon him tremble with fear, he jitterily pushed away the somewhatirritating teacup, saying to Rui Fu who had been sizing him up continuouslysolemnly and cautiously, “Pa.s.s on our decree, today’s morning court will beexcused, immediately summon great master Hui Zhen into the palace.”

Morning court is excused?

Rui Fu couldn’t help be shocked in his mind, the emperorsince he ascended the throne apart from that year when he was too ill to gooutside, he has never delayed a single morning court over these years, theemperor giving such a decree now, certainly something bad has happened, hethought these in a moment, even if Rui Fu had multiple train of thoughts, buthis face nevertheless did not show it, at once he replied, “This slave will goissue the decree.”

“Wait, also summon the left and right Embroidered UniformGuardshere!”

Rui Fu lowered his head even more, respectfully saying,“This slave will obey the Emperor’s decree.” In his mind however he wasthinking, something big must have happened! The Embroidered Uniform Guards werethe emperor’s trusted servants, especially the left and right EmbroideredUniform Guards command as the emperor’s left and right arms, if he rememberedthose two people, one was in Hangzhou investigating and handling a case ofcorrupt high officials, another had been sent to ferret out the traitor in theXibeida battalion, calling them back so abruptly at this time, clearly therewas something even more important to do here!

Waiting until Rui Fu had withdrawn, the emperor fingersclenched into a fist, his gaze as sharp as a knife, with the beautiful sound ofa precious stone yet also cold and cheerless with an apparent evilness whichcaused fear in people, he said, “Don’t let us hold you here, how about, we havea thousand methods to make you live but better off dead!”

Great master Hui Zhen was the head of the Fahua Buddhisttemple, he had just turned twenty-two this year, but he had grown up in thetemple, that year he turned twelve he suddenly had a moment of enlightenment,at that time the head monk great master Xu Yun and Hui Zhen discussed theBuddhism way, afterwards he suddenly decided to hand the position of head monkover, saying Hui Zhen was the reincarnation of luohan, itwas also strange, the then only twelve years old Hui Zhen surprising also didnot decline, just like this the youngest head monk since the beginning ofhistory was born in Fahua temple.

Many people thought of Hui Zhen as a joke, in the end theynever thought after ten years, Hui Zhen’s reputation was more resounding day byday, so much so it exceeded the capital’s number one Buddhist temple Huguotemple, he also became the emperor’s honoured guest, often called upon todiscuss Buddhism.

Rui Fu personally went, who knew just as he reached theFahua temple’s gate he would see a young monk waiting at the door, seeing RuiFu he said, “Amitabha Buddha, benefactor, our head monk has already beenwaiting for a long time.”

Rui Fui’s heart was shocked, he always felt great master HuiZhen was not normal, his heart was also filled with extreme admiration, nowseeing Hui Zhen this prophet foreseeing he would come made him feel even moreincomparably venerated, his manner was even more respectful somewhat thanusual, kindly he said to the young monk, “Thank you young master.”

The young monk took Rui Fu to the head monk’s house, beforehe entered he saw a young monk wearing a red kasayacome out to welcome him, he had delicate features, greatly magnificent manners,especially his eyes, extremely beautiful, clear as a babbling creek river, makinga person looking at them feel their heart somewhat lighted, “Benefactor, you’vecome.”

Rui Fu did not dare to think too much, he hurriedly greetedhim.

Hui Zhen however directly and efficiently said, “There’s notime to lose, let us hurry on our way.”

After all Fahua temple was on the outskirt, even if ridingon the fastest carriage by the time great master Hui Zhen arrived at the palaceit would already be noon.

“Your Majesty, great master Hui Zhen has arrived.”

The emperor was resting against the pillow behind him, hisslender and beautiful fingers were braced on the table on the kang, all kinds of books were placed ina mess around him, his eyes were profound, there was a kind of natural dignityand power, since he was the most respected emperor, he nevertheless could notconceal his as picturesque as a mountain range handsome appearance.

Great master Hui Zhen followed behind Rui Fu, lightlysweeping his gaze, it fell on the books tossed by the emperor’s side, many ofthem were about ghosts and evil beings, such as Zhong Kui’s Conquering Demons, Cla.s.sicsof Mountain and Sea, Tale of King Mu Son of Heaven, Records of Diverse Matters,Xuanguailu, Yimenglu, Chaohai Xinwen Yijianxuzhi, unaware his eyes showed aclear understanding, as expected it was like this.

The emperor however looked like he did not hear Rui Fu’swords, unhurriedly he turned a piece of paper, his expression remainingunmoved.

Rui Fu awkwardly shot a glance at the great master Hui Zhen,and did not dare to announce once more

Time pa.s.sed little by little, it was completely peaceful inthe room, only every now and then the sound of the emperor turning the pagecould be heard, the palace maids who served the emperor also felt a reallystrange atmosphere, even the atmosphere didn’t dare to make a noise, afraid ofangering the emperor, rigidly standing straight.

Rui Fu really felt he was old, if before, he wouldn’t feeltired if he stood like this for several hours, now however he felt someoneunable to support himself up, early in the morning he had gone to Fahua templeas fast as possible, again without rest he had returned, he hadn’t had luncheither, he truly somewhat couldn’t bear it…, he slightly glanced at the greatmaster Hui Zhen, seeing he still looked as calm as usual, not a single trace ofindifference was seen on his face, his mind admired him even more, thinking asexpected of a great master, always standing out from the

The emperor looked somewhere unknown for a while, all of asudden grabbing hold of a book he threw it on the floor, the atmosphere in theroom changed, there was a dense chilliness, making everyone shiver coldly. “Allof you get lost!”

Rui Fu heart thumped once, his face not daring to show anyobjection, glancing at the great master Hui Zhen with sympathy, he left atonce.

Waiting until there were only two of them in the room, theemperor walked to face the great master Hui Zhen, strict meanings flashingthrough his face, lifting his leg he kicked the great master Hui Zhen in thestomach, waiting until he stumbled onto the ground, he again stood on the backof the great master Hui Zhen’s hand, ruthlessly crushing it.

“Did you already long ago knew we would have such acalamity?” The voice through the gaps of his teeth was gloomy as if it was thecold wind from h.e.l.l.

Hui Zhen face was deathly white, cold sweat on his forehead,thinking the bones in his hand might be broken, he really couldn’t stand pain,yet merely with the same neither servile nor overbearing manner as before, hesaid, “Your Majesty, this poor monk had said before if Your Majesty continuesto carry out ma.s.sacres, there will be a calamity, clearly this time…ah!” Alongwith the feeling the pain of losing feelings in his hand, great master Hui Zhenfinally screamed aloud.

“We only ask you, can it be defused?” The emperor’s eyeswere profound, like a bottomless abyss, tightly pursing his lips, his deeplycold voice held an invisible pressure on people.

Hui Zhen painfully creased his face, only feeling he wasonly half conscious, but still persisted in saying, “There’s no cure, unlessYour Majesty…”

Another painful shout flowing from the depth of one’s soulechoed in the room, scaring the Rui Fu who was guarding outside that his heartalmost jumped out of his heart.

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