My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 21

“Lord, this is where women stay!” With the alarmed voice ofthe ship’s captain, Zhao Jin Yu’s door was pushed open, Su Qing Chen calmlyappeared at the doorway, behind him followed the ship’s captain dripping insweat due to anxiety.

Zhao Jin Yu was startled, she quickly dredged up the stonefrom the cup, hiding it in her sleeve.

Su Qing Chen swept his eyes over the room, noticing Zhao JinYu’s sharp-sighted and deft movement of hiding the stone like thing in hersleeve, his gaze became somewhat enigmatic.

The ship’s captain rushed to apologise repeatedly, saying,“Lady Zhao, this is the left commander of the Embroidered Uniform Guards LordSu, because the official ship has broken down, they rented our ship…, no needto be scared.” Even though the ship’s captain said such words he was stillmuttering in his mind, Su Qing Chen is indeed a commander of the EmbroideredUniform Guards, his powers can summon soldiers from barracks as he wishes,nearby there is a navy, why didn’t he go to the navy for a ship, why did hejust had to take a fancy to their unremarkable ship? But no matter the reason,such a small merchant like himself could not afford to offend such a person,seeing Zhao Jin Yu stand there in a daze, he hurriedly said, “Lady Zhao, whyhaven’t you greeted Lord Su?”

Zhao Jin Yu frowned, even if Su Qing Chen is a commander ofthe Embroidered Uniform Guards, this room after all was hers, how could he justrush in here? This really lacked manner, having been influenced by modern timesteachings she obviously was not afraid to spend time alone with Su Qing Chen,however what made her unhappy was Su Qing Chen’s att.i.tude of ignoring her, becausein this ancient time it was considered to be very disrespectful, with such athought, she again unconsciously remembered the last time Su Qing Chen wantedto enter her home regardless of her explanation.

Did she have anill-fated relationship with this person? Still into him unexpectedly sofar outside of the capital city, and once again he rudely entered like this.

“Greetings Lord Su.” Zhao Jin Yu covered her left hand withher right, bending her knees, slightly lowering her head in greeting, but witha displeased face, gaze not impressed, expressing some of her anger. She didnot dare to face Su Qing Chen dead on, the high official’s authority was a merefraction of this person, she wouldn’t stupidly and rashly try to provoke theanger of the other person, but she still couldn’t allow the other person feel sheliked this kind of rude manner of his.

Su Qing Chen waited until Zhao Jin Yu rose before revealinga friendly expression, amiably he said, “Isn’t it Jin girl?”

Zhao Jin Yu, “…”

“I’m your Uncle Zhang’s younger brother, you can also callme uncle.” Su Qing Chen looked with elderly affection, thinking about it ZhaoJin Yu was just fifteen years old this year, Su Qing Chen was twenty-four yearsold this year, and could truly allow her to call him uncle.

This made Zhao Jin Yu unable to make any sense of thischange of style, having spoken Su Qing Chen turned to the ship’s captain andsaid, “This is the daughter of an old acquaintance, I didn’t imagine I wouldmeet her here…, you haven’t neglected her right?” His gaze sharpened with thelast few words, causing the originally trembling with fear ship’s captain toburst out in cold sweat, shaking his head like a drum-shaped rattle, replying,“My Lord you wrongly accuse me, my lord’s old acquaintance’s friend, how wouldI dare to be reckless and careless? See this room is the best in the boat, wealso supply food throughout the day, a maid is in charge of cleaning andrunning errands.”

Su Qing Chen however said, “Then why is her complexion sopale?”

Zhao Jin Yu cursed in her mind, I am seriously seasick, evenlying down makes me feel unwell…, because of you now I have to stand up forsome time, it would be strange for me to have a good complexion.

There were tens of people on the ship, the ship’s captaincouldn’t possibly know each person, but because Zhao Jin Yu was accompanied byChen Rong from the Xingtian Bodyguards Establishment, Xingtian BodyguardsEstablishment was very much admired in the Jianghu, for those who did businessout and about it was very important to have a good relationship with them, that’swhy he particularly remembered, what more Chen Rong had previously caught asmall boat to buy medicine for Zhao Jin Yu at a small town, he thereforeremembered it even more, at first he had thought this 

Lady Zhao was toodelicate, it was very normal to be seasick at the beginning, after a few daysit would be fine, why buy medicine? Causing him a lot of inconvenience, nowhowever he felt he was fortunate at the time even though he silently cursed inhis mind, he did without hesitation take Chen Rong out to buy medication,otherwise if this commander of the Embroidered Uniform Guards now question him,he would find it difficult to act, thinking up to here, he very luckily said,“It’s seasickness, I had previously sent a boat to a small town to buymedicine.”

“Seasick?” Su Qing Chen showed a surprising expression,presently a very fortuitous appearance, 

“Jin girl, you really are lucky, bychance I have some seasick medication, I’ll give you some.”

Zhao Jin Yu, “…”

At this moment Zhao Jin Yu really couldn’t make sense of SuQing Chen’s intentions, what did he actually want? Again recalling the lasttime the two of them met they were in a state of mutual hostility, how couldthey be so affable in a wink, considerate and gentle.

Waiting until Su Qing Chen left, Zhao Jin Yu sized up thesmall brocade box in her hand for some time, she did not have the courage toopen it…, the emperor bore it for quite a while, in the end he stillimpatiently urged, “Why have you still not taken your medication?”

“You don’t understand, I’m not familiar with that Lord Su,we almost had a confrontation the last time, why would he suddenly become sonice?” Facing the stone Zhao Jin Yu didn’t feel she hide anything,realistically she said, “There must be something out of place, maybe there ispoison inside.”

The emperor sneered, he spoke with a bit of disgust, “Thatperson is a commander of the Embroidered Uniform Guards, an important and highposition, with no small measure of the emperor’s favour, and you are merely awoman in a dire strait, do you think he would attempt to do anything to you?”

Zhao Jin Yu’s words and thoughts immediately choked up, shegloomily pouted, pinching the stone, she snorted, “Little thing, are you or areyou not on my side, how can you simply speak for someone else?”

“Mine and yours status are hugely different, how can we beon the same side? You also have no connections with people in higher positions,also you shout at us.”

Zhao Jin Yu, “…” She really wanted to strangle this thing todeath!

Zhao Jin Yu carefully pondered over it, the stone’s wordswere not unreasonable, nowadays her adoptive father was in a prison cell, asfor asking for a favour, it actually would be her asking, with such a thoughtshe felt relieved, bringing water over she kneeled a pill and took it.

Not only was the medicine Su Qing Chen had given trulyeffective, in less than a quarter of an hour 

Zhao Jin Yu felt her dizzinessfade, an hour later she was already vigorous and lively.

“Little thing, this medicine is really effective.” Zhao JinYu happily lowered her head to kiss the stone, “Of course, if it wasn’t foryour perception, urging me to take the medication, right now I wouldn’t bewell.”

The emperor watched Zhao Jin Yu’s little face flush, finallyhe recovered some of his consciousness, complexion a lot gentler, but he stillsnorted, “So long as you’re aware, from now on so long as you are obedient anddo as you’re told, we will naturally be good to you.”

Zhao Jin Yu, “…”

Early in the morning, Su Qing Chen again invited Zhao Jin Yuto eat, because of the difference between men and women, he intentionallyinvited Chen Rong, the three people sat together, all the food on the diningtable were meticulously made.

Seeing the spread Zhao Jin Yu was somewhat touched, becauseit was all the dishes that she liked, in the most complicated fotiaoqiang was shockingly arranged, anddid not know how Su Qing Chen managed it, so she felt she was clearly somewhatnarrow-minded before, she genuinely thanked Su Qing Chen, “Many thanks Lord Su,the medicine sent yesterday was very useful, I’m fine after taking it.”

Su Qing Chen’s gaze however silently strayed on Zhao JinYu’s belt, seeing a light yellow silk bag tied to it, it looked heavy, hisexpression was immediately indescribable, moving his gaze away, he smiled atZhao Jin Yu and said, “I’m the same as older brother, I see you as a niece, youalso mustn’t be too polite, it’s good that the medicine works, or else I wouldthink of finding another prescription.” In his mind however he couldn’t helpthink, medicines secretly created at the palace, were extremely precious…, howcould it not work?

This feast, Zhao Jin Yu wanted to make up for her previouscoldness, she seemed very clever and sensible, Su Qing Chen apparently hadforgotten their previous disagreement as well, with an elder’s affection andconsideration, Chen Rong was also unrestrained, without the bashfulness of ayoung armed escort, the three people made themselves feel at home.

When Zhao Jin Yu was leaving, Su Qing Chen even veryconsiderately packed a lot of food for her, without moving his chopsticks…,“These dishes are very common on dry land, but inevitably not convenient on theship, I asked people to make extra portions, take it back with you, heat it upand you can eat it at night.”

Zhao Jin Yu was exceptionally moved, she said, “Thank youUncle Su.” This time she sincerely called him uncle.

With a happy expression Su Qing Chen said, “Ai, sowell-behaved, Jin girl, hurry and go back.” Immediately he also said, “I alsohave something to do in Hangzhou, if you don’t mind, how about we go together?”

Making a journey with a commander of the Embroidered UniformGuards, this was an opportunity people would beg to have, how could Zhao Jin Yurefuse, she said, “Then we’ll have to bother Uncle Su.”

Su Qing Chen nodded, a smile filled his eyes, he said,“That’s good, you go back.”

Su Qing Chen’s subordinate Ding Zhi Gao had been with himfor many years, the two people came from the same sea of blood, they understoodeach other exceptionally well, Ding Zhi Gao came over to report something, as aresult he saw Su Qing Chen revealing a fatherly affectionate smile…, he was soshocked his jaw almost fell off, he rubbed his eyes viciously, thinking to himself,could it be he was dreaming? Was this still the vicious and merciless, cunningas a fox Su Qing Chen?

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