My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 26

Very late at night, a man dressed in black softly pickedopen the window of the Guilai tavern, and as light as a breeze he jumpedinside, when he reached the room inside he stood outside the curtain at thebedside, standing still without speaking.

“You have arrived?”

“Your Majesty, what instructions do you have?” The personwho had arrived was not an outsider, he was the imperial guard’s commander AnWen Yao.

“That Xianjun’s background, have you discovered it?”

An Wen Yao lowered his head, even though he knew he couldn’tsee inside, he was afraid the emperor would get angry, he said, “This subjectis incompetent, I could only find out that person is the adopted son of theformer Xianjun, called Zhuang Qing, however his outstanding talents have onlybeen revealed over these few months, for this reason, many people within the sectwere not convinced, and they were quelled by the former Xianjun.”

“A group of snakes, what about Zhao Chang Chun?”

“He took on the burden of all the crimes…” An Wen Yao’s eyesunconsciously drifted towards the inside of the curtains, ever since he hadbeen sent by the emperor to guard Zhao Jin Yu, he had known, her adoptivefather Zhao Chang Chun was in prison.

“He truly is very dedicated, apparently he really didn’twant to live.” The emperor couldn’t help think, here Zhao Jin Yu was taking alot of trouble and effort for Zhao Chang Chun…, yet that person himself was notwilling to live, if he was truly determined, recalling the matter of theTiangui sect, he again said, “Dispatch someone, by all means that Xianjun mustbe fully investigated, the Tiangui sect has been savage since the founder ofthe dynasty, reckless with human lives, men steal women prost.i.tute themselves,pushing around deceived common people, what more they have no respect for theimperial family, eventually one day, we need to quickly eradicate these sc.u.msof society, get rid of evil for the people.”

“Your Majesty is wise.” An Wen Yao respectfully said.

The emperor paused, before saying, “Pa.s.s on our decree, makeSu Qing Chen punish himself with twenty hits.” The emperor thought of Su QingChen’s amiable manner towards Zhao Jin Yu, an extremely doting expression, filledwith anger, he said.

An Wen Yao thought about before he came here, the emperorhad made him go hit Su Qing Chen with a plank fifty times, making Su Qing Chenlay in bed fully for two days…, at that moment he understood, maybe the emperordid not regard this Lady Zhao as usual, and Su Qing Chen’s little bit of goodfeeling towards that lady, even he could see it, how could the emperor not beangry? Not having killed him on the spot was at least consideration of theirfriendship.

“At your Imperial majesty"s command.” An Wen Yao finishedspeaking, again somewhat hesitant he opened his mouth, “Your Majesty, when willyou return to the palace?”

When it comes to it the people the emperor trusted the mostwere these imperial guards, that’s why even if he had sent Su Qing Chen backthen to get close to Zhao Jin Yu, afterwards he still sent An Wen Yao over.

“After a bit more time.” The emperor said, “We have beenshut inside the palace for too long.”

Hearing this An Wen Yao immediately said, “Your Majesty hasdedicated too much for the country and state.”

The emperor finally laughed, saying, “You, ought to learnfrom Qin Hong how to flatter people, you’re too honest…, fine, you can go.”

An Wen Yao was somewhat embarra.s.sed, but he still did whathe was told and nodded, saying, “This subject will leave.”

Su Qing Chen usually slept very lightly, he woke up almostat the same time when An Wen Yao came in, he couldn’t help mock, “Lord An, whendid you become a cat burglar?”

An Wen Yao has always worked following a prescribed patternto the letter, he never spoke more than necessary, so he only pretended not tohave heard Su Qing Chen’s words, saying, “Pa.s.sing on the emperor’s decree.”

As soon as Su Qing Chen heard he hurried to get up,kneeling.

When An Wen Yao saw Su Qing Chen looking like this did hethen continue speaking, “Request Lord Su to punish himself with twenty hits.”

Su Qing Chen was stunned…, last time he was punished becausehe lost the person, even though it wasn’t considered losing, he even knew thename of the tavern Zhao Jin Yu was staying in at that time, he had felt ZhaoJin Yu avoiding him so directly in such a way, going up to her again was not agood idea, but after all he had not done his job well, so he admitted it, butwhat was the reason this time?

“This subject has always been loyal and devoted to HisMajesty, I’m even willing to die ten thousand deaths for His Majesty, but theremust be a reason behind such a beating right?” Su Qing Chen asked in grievance.

An Wen Yao’s expression did not change, he said, “HisMajesty told you to protect Lady Zhao, but what happened again today? If HisMajesty saw…, it certainly wouldn’t just be twenty hits”

Of course it was because he did not protect Zhao Jin Yu andhe was being punished, Su Qing Chen suddenly thought, this a.s.signment was toohard to fulfil, QAQ


Because Zhao Jin Yu had bathed yesterday night, and drankginger soup, moreover Su Qing Chen uneased had ordered a physician to concoct asmooth and steady decoction, she had unconsciously slept until dawn, her skinwas white, eyes bright with spirit, seeming to be bursting with life, but herears were still somewhat droopy from pent-up frustrations, making the emperorfrown instinctively, saying, “I already said I’ll help you investigate, how areyou still not happy?”

“I miss my older brother!” Zhao Jin Yu rolled about no herbed like a child, recalling that when she was young every time she dawdled inbed it was her older brother who gently lifted her up she felt very unwell,previously she felt angry and sad because she had been suddenly abandoned,therefore she deliberately forgot about it, but after seeing him in real life,her resentment from before were no longer important…, she wanted to be with herolder brother.

The emperor scoffed, “You don’t look like you’re missingyour older brother, you appear to be thinking of your paramour.” His tone wasinevitably somewhat sour.

Hearing this Zhao Jin Yu couldn’t help laugh, picking up thestone and kissing it, coaxingly saying, “Little thing, you’re still young youdon’t understand, relatives are in the world…, the people closest to you,what’s more older brother treated me excellently.”

Relatives? The so called relatives in the palace were thosewho stabbed you in the back…, the emperor couldn’t help hit Zhao Jin Yu on thehead, saying, “No matter how well they treat you normally, but at the pivotalmoment they will not care about you, isn’t this considered to be good?”

Zhao Jin Yu felt the stone sometimes spoke truthfully…, asentence stabbed through her heart, the pain made her chest feel numb, sighing,she dejectedly said, “You’re right, but I still feel my older brother is insome trouble…, I’m very foolish right.” In every case Zhao Jin Yu felt olderbrother and adoptive mother had changed too quickly, like over a night they hadbecome cold and heartless, could their relationship over ten years been fake?If it was really fake, then she truly felt there was nothing worth believing inthis world.

“Little thing, you won’t leave me in the future right?” WhenZhao Jin Yu met the stone she was at her most helplessness and at a loss,speaking from some kind of level, the stone had helped Zhao Jin Yu pa.s.s hermost distressful time.

The emperor haughtily said, “That will depend on yourbehaviour.”

Hearing this Zhao Jin Yu hurriedly promised, “I willdefinitely treat you well, you have to behave.”

The emperor thought to himself, how can you not be good tous? Punish you for an impudent crime, but he only hmphed, “First give us asugar-coated fruit stick.”

“Fine, do you want a meat wedged steamed bun as well? With acreamy millet congee, sticky when you drink it.” Zhao Jin Yu was very spirited,feeling she could drink two bowls of congee.

The emperor swallowed saliva, saying, “We want to eat twomeat wedged steamed buns, add less scallions…”

One person and one stone very quickly began to discuss whatto eat, = . =

After eating, Chen Rong came over, her complexion wassomewhat unsightly, she didn’t know how to say to Zhao Jin Yu, over these lastfew days she had felt the person following them was becoming more and more unbridled,originally it was only a little tail, she had the confidence he would be ableto control it, but she clearly saw that person charge into the tavern, hermartial arts was mainly on confrontation, her qinggongwas not as good as Su Qing Chen’s, like yesterday night she needed to usethe support of a willow tree by the side to pull Zhao Jin Yu up, Su Qing Chenhowever could effortlessly stand on a piece of floating wood to pull Zhao JinYu onto the boat.

She was very worried if this continued, something willhappen, besides when Zhao Jin Yu saw the Xianjun yesterday, she immediatelylooked like she had lost her soul, not caring for her life she swam towards theXianjun, truly…, how could she face the person who entrusted the task to her?It was better to hurry on their way without delay, thinking up to here, shevery quickly recovered her ease, saying, “Lady Zhao, right now we’re merelyfive or six days travel from Hangzhou, but that Tiangui’s sacred lotus festivalwill last six days and six nights, I think waiting like this is not a goodmethod, we should rent a carriage to travel over.”

Zhao Jin Yu was unable to let her older brother go, but alsoknew what Chen Rong said was right, that letter was still sewn into herundergarment pocket and had not been moved one bit, it was a task entrusted byher adoptive father…, soon it will be delivered, again how could she delay it?Besides, although she wasn’t willing to admit it, but she had spent all hermental and physical strength to approach her older brother, in the end howevershe was treated indifferently by the other person, not recognising her at all,that made her very defeated, and did not know how to make her older brotherchange his mind…, thinking she was stilly truly powerless, so powerless shefelt very useless.

“I’ll listen to Auntie Chen.” Zhao Jin Yu decided withdifficulty, yet truly not resigned she said, “Is there not a sacrificialceremony being held by the sh.o.r.e today? At that time the Xianjun will also bethere, can I take a glance from afar before we leave, Auntie Chen, I’m reallycertain he is my older brother, we grew up together…, even if he turned to dustI would recognise him.”

Chen Rong sighed, thinking about it, even if they weren’trelated, they had grown up together after all, their relationship was reallygood, again thinking of her current embarra.s.sing situation, she nodded saying,“Just in time I need to rent a carriage, you can go in the early afternoon fora while, but in the late afternoon we must be on our way.”

A brilliant starlight burst from Zhao Jin Yu’s eyes, shesaid, “Auntie Chen, thank you.”

Chen Rong shook her head, smiling, she said, “Lady Zhaoyou’re too polite.” When they reached their destination they will have toseparate…, she really hated to part with this girl, she turned her head,through the window she saw the bustling street, she couldn’t help think.

As Zhao Jin Yu had taken medication yesterday, and she hadslept well, at this moment she was in a very good spirit, wearing lotus seedclothes inlayed with white fox fur, also wearing a hat she left the tavern,outside tides of people surged, all facing and heading to the sh.o.r.e, Su QingChen wore a sky blue peac.o.c.k pattern cloak, bright and splendid, setting offhis warm and refined smiling face in contrast, making him look as if he hadgems at his side, “Jin girl, I’ve waited for you for so long.”

Zhao Jin Yu felt Su Qing Chen’s appearance was slightlylike, girl, quickly, let us go on a date, this sort of feeling…, even thoughChen Rong had mentioned it before to her, because she was not comfortable withher going by herself, Su Qing Chen had also volunteered to take her himself,and had said, in front of so many people, Su Qing Chen would only spare noeffort to protect her, even though some thoughts were hidden in her mind,telling her to endure it for a bit, but this appearance of Su Qing Chen wassimply just…, from head to toe he gave off I’m very handsome, quickly throwyourself at me kind of manner, = . =

Zhao Jin Yu was also a normal woman, seeing a handsome manher heart would also run wild, but it was merely out of appreciation for hisappearance nothing more, stunned for a moment she then walked over with a redface, saying, “Sorry to bother Lord Su.”

Su Qing Chen felt even though being called Lord was a littledistant, but it was a lot better than being called uncle, it felt in every caselike there was a confusion in their seniority.

An Wen Yao was truly vicious and merciless, without a speckof sentiment, hitting his bottom that it was still red and swollen, if hehadn’t been practicing martial art from childhood, his body different fromnormal people, perhaps he would be lying in bed today unable to get up, waitinguntil An Wen Yao had left he decided he must treat Zhao Jin Yu twice as well,make her inseparable from him! That way he could watch her at all times.

Zhao Jin Yu had just gotten onto the carriage, all of asudden she saw the people madly rush towards the sh.o.r.e, amongst them there wereindividuals who excitedly yelled, “Today Xianjun will offer a sacred woman tothe G.o.ds.”

“What does offering mean?” Zhao Jin Yu complexion turned alittle pale, watching Su Qing Chen, “It can’t be…”

Su Qing Chen expression was profound, saying, “I’m afraidthat sacred woman can only live to today.”

Zhao Jin Yu almost sat paralysed onto the ground, saying, “Thenmy older brother will…” Wouldn’t he have to personally kill someone? Now sheunderstood why the stone said this Tiangui sect was an evil sect, they actuallywant to sacrifice a living person! “Let us quickly go see!”

  Martial arts technique for making the bodyextremely light in weight, by altering the distribution and flow of qi.

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