My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 35

Zhao Jin Yu and Chen Rong were taken to the hall by Cui Yu,it was already the time to light lamps, lanterns hung from the eaves,brilliantly red, appearing to reflect the joyous occasion, making those wholooked to be in a jubilant mood, the madam heard Zhao Jin Yu had arrived, inspite of people stopping her, she personally walked to the door to greet her.

Apart from the young and old maids, there was a girl ofsimilar age to Zhao Jin Yu humbly supporting the madam as they walked overtogether, she slightly lowered her head, showing her bright and full forehead,but just from that it could be seen she was a very beautiful woman.

“Qing Luan, this is your younger sister, Rui Zhi.” The madamMao Shi patted the back of Zhao Rui Zhi’s hand, intimately introducing her toZhao Jin Yu, “We are not flourishing with heirs, you sisters have to get alongwell from now on.”

Hearing this Zhao Rui Zhi lifted her head to nod at Zhao JinYu, showing a full moon like gentle smile, she said, “Older sister, if there’sanything you need feel free to tell me, I will definitely try my best to serveyou, I would be happy to pour tea or get water.”

The madam Mao Shi liked Rui Zhi’s generosity the most, agratified expression flashed through her eyes, her mouth actually said, “Youare sisters, if your older sister needs something she naturally has maids to dothem, why would you need to serve her?”

Hearing these words the rim of Zhao Rui Zhi’s eyes suddenlyreddened, with a plop she kneeled, saying, “I’m merely an orphan, if it wasn’tfor madam’s kindness, taking pity on my sufferings with no one to rely on,bringing me up by your side, how would I be here today? Everything of mine wasgiven by the madam, and older sister is the madam’s blood granddaughter, ourZhao family’s eldest young lady, how can I compare?” Zhao Rui Zhi spoke tohere, large tear drops were falling, setting off in contrast her snow white skin,so delicate that she would be knocked over with a breeze, not just the madambut the old and young maids at the side all showed a pitiful expression.

“You girl, quickly get up.” The madam said.

Zhao Jin Yu suddenly had a bad premonition…, how was this abit like a move of taking a step back to advance, making her feel very uneasy,she turned her head to gaze at Chen Rong, seeing she also had a somewhatridiculing expression. It looked like it wasn’t just her with a bad feeling,this Zhao Rui Zhi was really using such an indirect method to beat her down.

“Younger sister Rui Zhi, it’s winter now, why are youkneeling on the floor?” From outside came two men and a woman, one of them wasa young man wearing a lake green silk cotton padded clothes who practicallyrushed over, if it wasn’t for the apprehension between men and women, he almostseemed to want to pull her up.

Zhao Rui Zhi wiped her tears, saying to the young man,“Cousin Zhen Shan, I’m fine.”

Xiao Zhen Shan’s gaze immediately landed on Zhao Jin Yu,somewhat eccentrically he said, “She’s only an illegitimate child, does shereally think she’s the eldest young lady of the Zhao family? I advise somepeople should know their place, don’t throw about an eldest young lady mannerbefore her place is established, causing bystanders to sneer at them.”

Xiao Yu Xue who followed behind him couldn’t help loudlyyell, “Impudent! Zhen Shan, you are in front of your maternal grandmother, whatare you saying? Hurry up and apologise to your cousin.”

“I won’t.” Xiao Zhen Shan clearly had a bad temperament, hesimply remained unmoved.

Zhao Jin Yu simply wanted to laugh in annoyance, if shedidn’t need the Zhao family to help plead for her adoptive father, she wouldhave already swung her sleeves in anger and left, this younger sister Zhao RuiZhi really was talented, it was hard to take her attack already, butunexpectedly she 

had a helper, this time it was truly really difficult for herto take.

Zhao Rui Zhi was clever and obedient, she was a child whounderstood people very well…, the madam had brought her up for seven or eightyears, even a stone could become close, let alone a person? Naturally she lovedher, even though she was not happy with her behaviour today, but she still feltshe was innocent, it was this stupid child Xiao Zhen Shan who didn’t know howto speak! 

Deliberately warping Zhao Rui Zhi’s words.

The madam’s face darkened, she firmly hit the top of XiaoZhen Shan’s head, shouting, “It seems that the usually spoilt you has becomemore and more impolite, this is the first time your younger sister Qing Luanhas returned home, you however said these improper malicious words to her, doyou want to infuriate me?”

Xiao Zhen Shan’s forehead was smacked red but he stood hisground not speaking, he seemed very stubborn.

Xia Zhen Shan’s father Xiao Yu Xue was greatly angered, hekicked his son’s legs, forcing him to kneel, then yelled, “You’re grandmotheris right, your mother has spoiled you, getting more and more impolite, go kneelin the ancestral hall!”

“Father, why are you helping an outsider as well?”

“Qing Luan is not an outsider, she is your younger sister!”Xiao Yu Xue was fuming, he was itching to throw this disgrace of a son outside.

“Why is it so noisy?” A man around fifty years old came inescorted in a crowd.

Xiao Zhen Shan saw him, he hurriedly respectfully said,“Father.”

The Xiao family and the Zhao family had been friends formany generations, they lived in the street, Xiao Yu Xue married the Zhaofamily’s third branch’s daughter, because the two family were close, so they cameand went like one family.

The person who arrived was the second branch’s master ZhaoTian Kun, this generation of the Zhao family went by the name Kun, altogetherthere were twenty males, now the only one of the Zhao family who lived herewere the main branch Zhao Xing Kun, the second branch Zhao Tian Kun, fifthbranch Zhao Zhen Kun.

Xiao Zhen Shan’s legs weakened despite his arrogance when hesaw his father-in-law, he kneeled on the floor without speaking.

Zhao Tian Kun glanced at him, then glanced at Zhao Jin Yu, ZhaoRui Zhi and others, after listening to the servant explain what just happened,he heavily rapped his walking stick saying, “A family’s harmony requireeveryone’s hearts to be together, work together, if you argue like this allday, what is there?” After he pointed at Xiao Zhen Shan saying, “You have anevil tongue not understanding of sibling love, completely lacking in brotherlyaffection, I punish you to kneel in the ancestral hall for a day.” Againpointing at Zhao Rui Zhi he said, “The Zhao family adopted you, gave you foodand clothes to wear, that is an enormous kindness to you, if however youcontinue to weep endlessly like today, who will you be crying to then? QingLuan is the Zhao family’s eldest young lady, isn’t it right for you to serveher?”

Zhao Rui Zhi couldn’t help be humiliated, covering her faceshe wanted to cry but afraid to provoke an even further scolding, without anybetter option she held back her tears and stood there, the fact was compared toXiao Zhen Shan who would provoke pity if he cried, his fingernails were digginginto his palm.

Zhao Tian Kun imposing gaze again swept onto Zhao Jin Yu, hesaid, “I don’t care how you lived before, here you must follow by this family’srules, you just arrived yet instigated your older cousin and younger adoptedsister to be scolded, you really are talented, humph, as expected coming from alow family, unable to be in public.”

Zhao Jin Yu would be a fool if she continued to remainsilent, she naturally and unrestrained greeted 

Zhao Tian Kun, then said, “May Iask which elder are you?”

Cui Yu trembled saying, “Young lady, this is the master ofthe second branch.”

“So it’s the master of the second branch? Even though we areall a part of the Zhao family, but my grandfather is Zhao Xing Kun, even if Idon’t have any parents now, my mother gave birth to me but I was not brought upby her, however is it so bad that second master has to lecture me?” Zhao Jin Yusaid with stiff sarcasm.

Those words born from a mother but no mother to bring her upimmediately stabbed the madam Mao Shi’s heart, her sadness came from there,with a calm expression she said, “Second uncle, I haven’t died yet, you have noright to chide my Qing Luan!”

“What does a married woman like you know?” Zhao Tian Kunroared.

In a moment the original gathering to see family became abattle of words, Zhao Xing Kun arrived to stop this farce, “What is all thisshouting? People who know this family knows this is the century old prestigiousZhao family, those who don’t know would think this is the home of a commonvillager, all of you shut up!”

Zhao Xing Kun was the head of the family, even the secondmaster had no option but to listen to him, the people stopped talking, ZhaoXing Kun angrily walked around the courtyard a few times with his hands behindhis back, saying, “If there is anyone who doesn’t want to partic.i.p.ate in this gatheringfeast get lost, if you’re truthfully here to congratulate us then I’m happy,don’t dampen people’s spirits, hurt our Qing Luan’s feelings!”

The second master’s second daughter, Xiao Zhen Shan’s wifeXiao Zhao Shi hurriedly put on a smile, saying, “We’ve found younger brotherYing Guan’s daughter with such difficulty, of course it’s a joyous thing, howcould we come to dampen your spirits? I’ve even prepared a gift.” Afterwards amaid to the side produced a brocade box, opening the box it revealed a jadeitebracelet inlayed with gold, she said, “Qing Luan, this is a bit of my youraunt’s kind intention, quickly accept it.”

With Xiao Zhao Shi easing the tension, the atmosphere suddenlymellowed a lot, Zhao Xing Kun also knew not to go overboard, steadily he said,“Since you all came to congratulate us, then enter the house.”

Several people entered the house in succession, the madamreached out wanting to hold Zhao Jin Yu’s hand but was evaded without battingan eyelid, she smiled saying to Zhao Rui Zhi, “Younger sister, you have alwaysbeen waiting upon grandmother over these years, and there was even more troubletoday, I’ve been outside for so long, I’m inevitably heavy-handed and clumsy,it wouldn’t be good if I injured grandmother.”

These words almost made Zhao Rui Zhi cry again, her face wasextremely unsightly, Zhao Jin Yu also didn’t care, with a smile she bowed ather, saying, “Grandfather is calling me, I’ll go in first.”

The madam seeing Zhao Jin Yu act so indifferently, wasdistraught with anxiety, she couldn’t help think…, how could this girl act likeher mother? Not knowing how to be pliant at all? She was her paternalgrandmother, the closest person to her in the world, how could she not bedocile? It looks like this was something she needed to teach her, otherwise shewould be more and more out of control.

Even though her heart thought this, but after all they wererelated by blood, before she taught her the family rules her heart alreadyached, with a glance she could tell this girl was stubborn by nature, whatwould happen if she decides when the moment comes to just leave?

The madam’s mind went through thousands of thoughts, sheagain thought Zhao Jin Yu was too rebellious, annoying people, but thenthinking about that indifference just now hurt her deeply.

However everyone nevertheless needed their family, it’sbecause this blood relation is so new and odd, it would create a natural bond,Zhao Jin Yu was not as loveable as Zhao Rui Zhi, and was not obedient, she wasclearly headstrong, but the madam’s heart felt she couldn’t help but get closeto her.

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