My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 46

Zhao Jin Yu turned to look at Zhao Rui Zhi suddenly, hardly able to conceal the shock on her face, she said, “What is younger sister suggesting? Even if we are not related by blood, and are not biological sisters, but you are rightly a young lady of the Zhao family, not a maid purchased to be settled wherever.”

Zhao Rui Zhi forced down the unhappiness in her heart, Zhao Jin Yu"s words seemed to be straightforward but she had actually implied she was like a maid bought into the Zhao residence, only she did not dare to reveal a bit of discontent in front of the madam, afraid the old lad would again make out something, ruining her grand plan, regarding entering the palace this time, she was determined to win, these thoughts merely turned in her mind momentarily, it was not clear on Zhao Rui Zhi"s face, a pair of watery eyes flashed with innocence, with rosy lips she said, “Older sister, what I"m saying is…”

Zhao Jin Yu interrupted Zhao Rui Zhi like a tough jade, imposingly she said, “Younger sister, could it be in your eyes I"m that sort of person, knowing it"s a pit of fire, I don"t want to jump into it so I"ll push my younger sister in?” Having said this Zhao Jin Yu felt she had gone a little too far, entering the palace was a pit of fire…, these words were also too frank, she lifted her head to sneakily look at the madam, seeing her face intensely listening, without anger she released a breath.

Zhao Rui Zhi had prepared a lot of things to say, she was also extremely confident of her eloquence, convinced with her glib she would definitely make grandmother allow her to take the place of Zhao Jin Yu in entering the palace, but who would have imagined after a month Zhao Jin Yu would become so clever and eloquent, unexpectedly leaving her speechless with just a few words.

Since she couldn"t beat her with words she would just cry…, Zhao Rui Zhi always knew how a woman crying can make other people pity them, immediately her lips pursed, using her handkerchief to cover her face she began to cry, saying, “I just had good intentions, how could you talk of younger sister like this?”

Zhao Jin Yu thought Zhao Rui Zhi really is an incredible character, knowing she couldn"t beat her with words he had begun to use her tears as a weapon.

Regardless of everything, just crying, she indeed did not have the skill to cry on command like this, but she did not take it lying down, some bewilderment appeared in her eyes, quietly sizing up Zhao Rui Zhi, she yelled, “Younger sister, I just said I"m not willing for other people to take my place, why are you suddenly crying, grandmother is reasonable, if you have something to say just say it, would grandmother not give you justice? Weeping endlessly like this, if other people saw this they would actually think you were currently suffering a ma.s.sive grievance.”

Tagging such a large label on her like this, it immediately seized Zhao Rui Zhi"s weeping, she crumpled the handkerchief in her hand, tears still clung to the corner of her eyes, she was actually so embarra.s.sed she didn"t know how to end this, according to Zhao Jin Yu"s words, if she carried on crying it would denounce the madam as a dotard, unable to distinguish right from wrong, she couldn"t go left or right, in a mere moment fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

Just now the madam had still thought Zhao Rui Zhi was pitiful, this girl was like a water spirit, when she cried she was both beautiful like a painting and made people soft-hearted, but being beaten off pace by Zhao Jin Yu like this she suddenly felt she had returned to some of her senses, that"s right…, she wasn"t an annoying troublemaker, and she believed herself to be very sensible, even if Zhao Rui Zhi did not cry, so long as she"s reasonable, explain to her properly, how would she not listen?

These doubts turned into a giant magnifying gla.s.s in her mind, looking at Zhao Rui Zhi once again she seemed to be somewhat different from usual, many things she couldn"t see before became clear, for instance even though she looked aggrieved just now, but when she kneeled down her back was actually straight, what more her gaze lacked utter sincerity, did Zhao Rui Zhi really ask for this because of her sibling affection with Zhao Jin Yu? Was she truly helping Zhao Jin Yu with her difficulties?

A thought she didn"t want to recognise, but the dreadful thought rushed into her head, no matter how she pushed it down she couldn"t contain it, she feared she actually wanted to enter the palace right?

With such a thought the madam felt an indescribable chill in her heart, even more a feeling of being duped, she had always boasted she was really good at judging people, but this time…could she have been too confident, having her eyes pecked out by a wild goose? He thought too much? This girl is genuinely an ungrateful wrench?

Zhao Rui Zhi was smart, immediately she understood Zhao Jin Yu"s goal..., it was simple, she wanted to embarra.s.s her in front of the madam, seeing no one was comforting her, she could only put on a bold face finding a way to disentangle herself, she said, “It"s because grandmother has usually spoilt me, when something happens I just can"t help cry, I"ve heard I only cry in such a worrying way in front of closely related people.” Afterwards she pursed her lips shyly smiling, like a harmless little white flower cultivated by people, very pitiful and lovely.

Only sadly after what just happened, the madam was already weary of Zhao Rui Zhi, seeing her conduct the more she felt she avoided the important things and dwelled on the trivial to fool her.

However someone came to help Zhao Rui Zhi at once, a maid wearing gra.s.s green pasted together clothes came in, respectfully saying, “Madam, the eldest old master has arrived.”

The madam hearing it was the eldest old man, she slapped the table firmly, yelling, “Why has the old b.a.s.t.a.r.d come? Did he come to persuade me to send Qing Luan to the palace?” The nanny Li step forward to support the madam, patting her on the back pacifyingly, saying, “Madam, don"t be angry, you just got better.”

“Doesn"t that old b.a.s.t.a.r.d just want to anger me to death?”

The nanny Li was used to speaking, glancing at Zhao Jin Yu, she softly and lowly said, “As the madam said, you just found the eldest young lady, of course you should enjoy domestic bliss, ow can you repeat the word death? If something really happens to you, the eldest young lady is such a good lady, both beautiful, and educated and well-balanced, without the madam"s support, by herself in the residence, no one to love her dearly, no one to love, how is that good?”

Zhao Jin Yu blushed with shame, just now she felt she was forced to speak virtuously, finally she regained herself, at that moment she then found compared to the nanny Li she was just a child, with her words…, she effortlessly praised her and dissuaded the madam.

The madam"s gaze followed the nanny Li"s line of sight to stop at Zhao Jin Yu"s face, as expected she showed a rather gentle expression, yelling, “Qing Luan, come here.”

Zhao Jin Yu gripped the madam"s hand in just a few steps, hearing the madam say, “Qing Luan, be at ease, grandmother will definitely look after you, I"ll find you a husband you want, then you"ll marry in luxury.” Having spoken she gently helped her sweep back a strand of hair which had fallen by her ear. It was such a loving gesture. “Grandmother has only given birth to one son in her lifetime, your father only had you…, every time I see you I feel that if back then…, it"s the past, in short, remember, so long as your grandmother is here, I won"t allow you into the palace.”

A person"s heart was flesh, Zhao Jin Yu again was not a stone…, when such loving words of the madam reached her ears, and it directly stabbed her heart, she unconsciously nodded, pursing her lips her nose rose, very adorably she said, “Grandmother, so long as you don"t dislike me for being stupid, I will always hang onto your side.” A few days ago when Zhao Jin Yu was serving the madam tea, she ended up smashing the ruyao tea set she had valued for years.

The madam smiled lovingly, saying, “Such a girl, you"re a troublemaker.” Despite her words she still however tightly held Zhao Jin Yu"s hand without letting go.

Zhao Rui Zhi who was below them only knew the scene in front of her too well, yet also unfamiliar…, she jealously stabbed her nails in to her palm not feeling the pain, why is it like this? 

Could the previous affection have been fake? She can just hate if she wanted to? Wasn"t it just because Zhao Jin Yu had the blood of the Zhao family in her veins? If she could how much would she wish she was an offspring of the Zhao family, a related granddaughter of the madam, but she wasn"t…, however she had always thought if she worked hard it would be acknowledged, the madam would accept her, who knew in a flash, she would discover, some of the things she firmly believed became a joke!

She hated her!

The eldest old master walked over with large strides, he seemed to have lost even more weight, the clothes on him looped around him once, he swayed as he walked, he came in, seeing his wife who he hadn"t seen in a long time, his eyes held some gentleness other people did not see, he said, “At last you"re willing to see me.”

This was the first time the two people saw each other since the incident of the illegitimate son.

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