My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 58

Gao Zhen saw the eldest young lady of the Zhao family wearing a veil, he couldn"t help coldly ask, “You"re not reneging by giving over a fake right?” Because Gao Zhen had seen Zhao Jin Yu before at the sacrificial ceremony, that"s why he was sent by Zhuang Ke Ren, he looked at that eldest young lady even though she had her face covered, but she was nevertheless seven or eight fraction similar, only he felt nervous in his heart, he couldn"t help blurt out.

The madam"s face paled, her eyes seemed capable of shooting fire, in pain while she cried she also bellowed at Gao Zhen, “You brigand shut your mouth! At this point you still forgot what you promised! If you dare to say another word to slander my Zhao family girl, this old woman will not hand her over to you at any cost.”

Gao Zhen seeing the madam"s actions, they did not seem to be an act at all, he thought…, such anger, clearly it must be real, again rather proud of himself he thought about what was happening now? Would she use a fake to deceive him? But nevertheless he cautiously asked, “Then why does she need to cover up her face?”

Nanny Li standing to one side couldn"t help scoff saying, “This is our Zhao family"s eldest young lady, why are you treating her like a common young lady? Can anyone just take a glimpse at her face?”

Gao Zhen had actually heard the greater the family the more important a young lady"s reputation was, he finally was at ease, satisfied he smiled saying, “Bring her over.”

Nanny Li watched Zhen Zhu be taken over by people, she just heaved a sigh of relieve in her heart, when suddenly she saw a disciple of the Tiangui sect singlehandedly drag a weakly weeping girl to Gao Zhen"s side from outside, nanny Li stared, her heart dropped, wasn"t this Zhao Rui Zhi who had 

previously escaped?

Zhao Rui Zhi trembled from head to toe, deathly pale, she shook uncontrollably kneeling on the ground saying to Gao Zhen, “This girl is a young lady of the Zhao family, please master do not hurt me accidentally.”

The man beside her who had brought her here smiled saying, “Older brother you told me to guard the back mountain, saying there might be someone who would slip through the net, and I actually managed to catch one, this girl is like tofu, I just touched her arm and a red patch appeared, zeze, I also thought only a rich family could raise such an exquisite girl, maybe it"s that lady Zhao older brother is looking for, so I brought her to you.”

Gao Zhen said, “She"s not the one I"m looking for.”

That man hearing this laughed mischievously, his gaze on Zhao Rui Zhi was filled with obscenity, he said, “Then older brother, since she isn"t give her to me, I"m still lacking a wife.”

Zhao Rui Zhi seeing that man smile showing a mouthful of yellow teeth, smelling incomparably repulsive, she was so frightened her face lost colour, choking with sobs she said, “Master, I"m the second young lady of the Zhao family! You can"t treat me like this.” Afterwards she lifted her eyes to look at the madam and everyone standing in the courtyard, she used all her effort to stand up, she wailed, “Grandmother, it"s me, I"m Rui Zhi, please save me!”

The madam frowned, even though she hated Zhao Rui Zhi"s fickleness and lack of righteousness, but after all she had raised her for so many years again how could there be a lack of sentiment? Now seeing her being bullied she honestly wasn"t comfortable.

Nanny Li walked over, quietly saying, “Madam, do you think second young lady will expose us… eldest young lady"s ident.i.ty?” It wasn"t that nanny Li was narrow-minded, it was simply Zhao Rui Zhi"s moral character which made her think in that way, she said, “You better admit to know her, a dog will leap over a wall in desperation, cause other troubles.”

The madam understood nanny Li"s meaning, besides Zhao Rui Zhi liked revenge, if they didn"t admit to knowing her now, inevitably Zhen Zhu who was impersonating Zhao Jin Yu would be involved.

The madam muttered irresolutely, giving a meaningful glance to nanny Li.

Nanny Li stepped forward, saying, “Quickly release her, she is our Zhao family"s second young lady!”

Gao Zhen hesitated slightly, he did not want kill everyone, capturing Zhao Jin Yu was because she had ruined the sacrificial ceremony, thinking about it this was a justified reason, but if something happened to the old Lady Zhao…, it would not be pleasant when word got out, since this girl was not 

Zhao Jin Yu then she can go right?

That man had thought Zhao Rui Zhi was certainly in the bag, who knew this situation would arise, and not waiting for Gao Zhen"s words he had roughly torn Zhao Rui Zhi"s clothes in front of everyone, then forced her up, he thought, in any case she wasn"t the one Gao Zhen was looking for…, then couldn"t he just do whatever he wanted?

No one thought, things would turn so suddenly.


An Wen Yao was tall and formidable in stature, when he stood straight he was like a tall ine tree, but when he stood to one side silently, you could overlook his existence…, just like a quiet shadow, following you like how a shadow follows a body, but again you"re unaware of it.

After Zhao Jin Yu came out from the bas.e.m.e.nt, repeatedly wanting to say her thanks but swallowing it down over and over, still unable to speak to such a person, at last she helplessly said, “Who are you?”

An Wen Yao gaze lingered for a short time on the stone around Zhao Jin Yu"s neck, but very quickly he again looked away.

Zhao Jin Yu followed An Wen Yao"s line of gaze in a moment she understood…, now she especially wanted to wring the stone"s neck and ask it, whether or not An Wen Yao had always been following her, day and night? And wanted to ask…, what else did you not tell me? What he said was the truth, what words were lies? What was your true ident.i.ty?

However from outside another familiar miserable cry was heard making Zhao Jin Yu"s heart tighten, her expression changed, wanting to rush out, An Wen Yao however blocked her way, saying, “Lady Zhao, if you go you won"t be able to return!”

Zhao Jin Yu glared at An Wen Yao, just a moment ago he was still behind her, in a blink as light as a feather he had appeared in front of her…, she had a feeling, this person"s martial arts was greater than Li Rong.

Li Rong saw Zhao Jin Yu was living her life smoothly in the Zhao residence, and the bodyguards establishment was busy so she had returned first, having arranged to come back at the start of the year, but before her return this sort of thing happened.

Zhao Jin Yu knew this person was the stone"s attendant, pulling at the stone she said, “Bad stone, don"t let him block my way, didn"t you promise me just now?”

An Wen Yao had remained silent, as a secret guard, most of the things he did daily he thought of ways to conceal himself, therefore so long as he wished he could be like a wooden block, or silent like a stone, making people unaware of his existence.

However at this moment hearing Zhao Jin Yu"s words to the emperor, he staggered almost falling to the ground, only a good while later did he steady himself, he particularly wanted to remind the lady in front of him…, lady, can you be a bit more respectful to our Majesty? = . =

How could Zhao Jin Yu know what An Wen Yao was thinking, she listened to the continuous blood-curdling screams from the distance, the more she listened the more familiar it sounded, thinking something might have happened to Zhen Zhu…, a flame burned in her heart, tears pitter pattered down, she said, “You promised me…, grandmother, Zhen Zhu and them what if something happens?”

The emperor discovered, he really couldn"t bear to see Zhao Jin Yu hurt, so much so that he was unwilling to see her cry a single drop of tear.

“Protect her, if she has a single mishap.” The emperor finally opened his mouth to say, “You don"t need to come see us.”

“Yes.” An Wen Yao heart sank, bowing he replied.

Zhao Jin Yu watched the two people interact, her heart moved, in every case she felt these two people acted especially like…, a ruler and his minister, is this stone really the stone? But very soon Zhao Jin Yu shook her head, how could the emperor end up with her? What scheme is this? Don"t joke around, she reckons he was an attendant the stone spirit had found.

However An Wen Yao did not seem like an ordinary person right?

Each and every question floated in her mind right now, just as Zhao Jin Yu was going to open her mouth and ask another sound of a woman weeping came, her heart shivered, and not caring about other things she ran out.

Even though Zhao Rui Zhi did something unforgiveable to the madam…, however watching her unfeelingly as she is being dishonoured was another matter, the madam was so angry she closed her eyes, she fell to the ground, nanny Li turned pale with fright, stepping forward to push on the madam"s philtrum, at least it woke her up, the madam opened her eyes, crying out, “Retrieve Rui Zhi for me, those animals!”

Nanny Li nodded crying, the house guard Ding Ying was extremely angry, he had been waiting for the madam"s command at an earlier time, now pulling out a sword he rushed over with a group of people.

In fact that man simply did not have his way, just as he was laying over Zhao Rui Zhi"s body he was kicked away by Gao Zhen, however Zhao Rui Zhi seeing herself not covered by clothes standing in broad daylight, wanting to die out of indignation, incessantly wailing.

Gao Zhen had a headache, again seeing Ding Ying rush over with all his might, he said, “She"s fine, there"s nothing wrong, why are you so anxious? We"ll return her to you.” Then lifting Zhao Rui Zhi he pushed her over.

Zhao Rui Zhi was thrown onto the ground like a thing, her vision was fuzzy, seeing the shivering to one side…, an evil thought rose in her mind, why? Why does she have to suffer such a humiliation, yet she can just be fine? Her reputation could be considered ruined, let alone entering the palace, she even lacked the prospect of marrying into a common family!

Die! The two of them should perish together!

Such a thought emerged in Zhao Rui Zhi"s mind, it was more and more intense!

“You s.l.u.t!” Zhao Rui Zhi got up with effort, viciously advancing towards Zhao Jin Yu…, Zhao Jin Yu stumbled, the muslin covering her face fell to the ground, exposing her face.

Zhao Rui Zhi stared blankly, yelling, “Zhen Zhu?”

Originally the out of control spectacle had given Gao Zhen a headache, just as he was thinking how to regain control, he actually suddenly heard Zhao Rui Zhi"s words…, his heart dropped, scowling he said in a stern voice, “This girl isn"t Zhao Jin Yu?” Then with large strides he walked over to pull on 

“Zhao Jin Yu"s” collar, when he saw her appearance clearly, his eyes wide with anger he yelled, “Sure enough this isn"t the girl, you lied to me!”

Gao Zhen was red with anger, yelling, “Take these people, capture them all!” After he pointed at the madam saying, “Old fool, I treated you as an elder of the Zhao family, allowed you to keep your honour, who would have imagined you would disrespect me! Actually use a fake to deceive me! Today I will let you know the power of me Gao Zhen!”

Several hundreds of people swarmed around, it suddenly became chaotic, sounds of weeping, blood-curdling screams, shouts of panic…, those disciples of the Tiangui sect were male, and apart from the house guards, almost everyone was female, some had lewd ideas, they actually started to dishonour the women in public.

When Zhao Jin Yu came and saw this scene, like a purgatory…, her heart ached, she resolutely wiped her tears, yelling, “I am Zhao Jin Yu, I am here!”

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