My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 67

Zhao Jin Yu was placed in the Xihua palace, actually in accordance to Zhao Jin Yu"s current ident.i.ty it wasn"t too fitting, because this ought to be the residence of an imperial consort, but because the emperor did not have a complete consort, the position of empress had continuously been empty, there were only two consorts out of four, amongst these consort Yu had just been ordered to commit suicide, and left behind was the former empress"s younger sister consort Shu, other concubines, zhaoyi and those sorts didn"t add up to much.

The emperor held Zhao Jin Yu"s hand saying, “Before the t.i.tle is conferred upon you, bear it and stay here.”

Zhao Jin Yu face turned red, after the initial joy of recognising each other was over, she gradually regained her rationality, the man in front of her was both familiar yet unfamiliar, so long as she doesn"t look at the emperor"s face, she could pretend he was a stone, because the emperor"s manner of speaking and intonation did not change at all, still overbearing and dictating, actually this was a really horrid way to speak…, however Zhao Jin Yu discovered, maybe because the stone had secretly influenced it, she unexpectedly did not dislike it. 囧.

Anyway so long as Zhao Jin Yu did not look at the emperor"s face everything was fine, but once she looks at the emperor"s face she felt…, who is this? Especially the emperor"s heated gaze, looking like he wanted to eat her up in one mouthful.

There were at least twenty young and old maids who came with Zhao Jin Yu, but only two people could enter the palace with her, one was nanny Li, and the other was a maid called Jin Yu, she also previously served the madam, like Zhen Zhu, she could be considered as one who grew up by the madam"s side, that"s why she was also a trustworthy confidant.

Nanny Li had been made fearful by Zhao Rui Zhi, that"s why she was even more anxious about selecting someone compared to Zhao Jin Yu, finally she recommended Jin Yu, after she patted her chest as if to suggest, this time she definitely did not misjudge this person.

That"s how the ones who entered the palace with Zhao Jin Yu was Nanny Li and Jin Yu.

The two people were efficient, and as well as the eight maids the affairs department of the palace had sent to Zhao Jin Yu, four eunuchs, those maids and eunuchs had thought it had been too long since there was someone new in the palace, the person who arrived this time must be remarkable…, they held expectations, hoping to be able to climb such a large tree of a new person, who could have imagined what surprised them was…, this new niangniang was actually personally taken into the palace from outside by the emperor personally, they put even more effort into what they were doing.

In just a moment a dozen or more people had put everything away, then helped Zhao Jin Yu take a bath and freshen up, when Zhao Jin Yu came out there was only one person the emperor left in the room.

He languidly leaned on the headboard, a book in his hand, while she had taken a bath he had obviously freshened up, he had taken off the imperial dragon robe wearing white thin silk underclothes, losing quite a bit of his loftiness but gained a little more approachable gentleness.

The saying looking at a beauty in the lantern light, the more you looked the more beautiful, these words could also be used on a man, when the stone had praised himself he had not lied at all, the most handsome man in the great Zhou, it really was true.

A profound gaze, eyebrows like mountain peaks, selecting one of the five sense organs randomly it might not be the best looking, but together they were an unmatched beauty, like an immortal.

At first Zhao Jin Yu had thought older brother, Su Qing Chen as well, all had a rare appearance, especially older brother, if not how could he have been elected to take the position of Xianjun? Who could have imagined compared to the emperor…, all of a sudden she felt it was simply like the difference of comparing a pheasant to a phoenix.

Now Zhao Jin Yu stood there ill at ease, what should she say?

The emperor turned his head to look at Zhao Jin Yu"s damp body standing in front of the screen, ice jade skin, a fresh and refined surpa.s.sing beauty, he only felt his heart beat like thunder, he held out his hand to Zhao Jin Yu saying, “Come over to our side.”

Zhao Jin Yu walked over slowly, just when she was three or four steps away the emperor got somewhat impatient and stood, pulling on her hand he held her in his arms, saying, “Finally you"re in our embrace.”

The emperor immediately smiled, like the blossoming of petals of ten thousand pear trees, dazzling to the eyes, making Zhao Jin Yu dizzy.

The emperor"s head gradually leaned towards her, scorching breath brushed Zhao Jin Yu"s face, slowly their lips stuck together. Like she was high in the clouds, Zhao Jin Yu only felt her entire body was as light as a feather…, like in a dream.


Early morning before the sky was light, Zhao Jin Yu sensed the person next to her move, she thought of the stone…, afterwards she pushed down the person next to her, saying, “Stopping moving around, it"s early let me sleep some more for a while.” Then she seemed to feel the thing under her palm become rigid.

“We have to go to morning court.” The emperor slightly apologetically said, lowering his head to take a bite of Zhao Jin Yu"s face.

“Yes, go.” Zhao Jin Yu mumbled, these past few days she had been continuously travelling, not getting much sleep, finally reaching dry land, the bed was so soft, and did not sway (the ship she was on coming here, swayed so greatly.), if she didn"t sleep a bit more she really would let herself down…only just as her head fell back onto the pillow her head suddenly cleared!

The stone is the emperor!

Zhao Jin Yu swiftly sat up, half sitting on the bed, the emperor was just having someone put on his clothes, hearing the movement he turned his head to look, in the end he couldn"t help smile.

Zhao Jin Yu"s eyes were hazy with sleep, her face blank, matching her flushed cheeks from sleeping, especially cute, a sweetness rushed to his heart, unconsciously he stepped forward to give her a peck once more saying, “Why are you awake? Didn"t you say you want to sleep a while?”

Zhao Jin Yu seeing the incomparably elegant emperor under the first rays of the morning sun became more aware immediately, thinking of getting out of bed to give her greetings to the emperor, in the end feeling anxious she missed a step, wrapped in the quilt she rolled onto the floor.

Zhao Jin Yu, “…”

The emperor frowned slightly, stooping to carry her to the bed, he said, “How are you so clumsy?” 

Instantly checking Zhao Jin Yu"s limbs saying, “Are you hurt anywhere?”

Zhao Jin Yu blushed, feeling she had truly humiliated her grandmother"s family, saying, “I wanted to greet Your Majesty.”

The emperor"s eyes sparkled hearing this, for a while he couldn"t help laugh loudly, laughing so that 

Zhao Jin Yu was angry out of embarra.s.sment, finally seeing that if he carried on laughing a certain person would cry, he held back a smile saying, “Why didn"t you say such words yesterday?”

Zhao Jin Yu recalled the emperor looking at her like a wolf at a lamb yesterday…., there really was nothing she could do about it, finally she used all her strength to push him, in the end she had used too much force, the emperor was pushed from the bed onto the floor by her, of course it wasn"t because she was too strong, the main reason was the emperor was rather engrossed that"s all.

The emperor seeing Zhao Jin Yu"s little blushing face, was uncontrollable, again lowering his head he gave her a peck, he wanted to hold her for longer but grudgingly the morning court could not be delayed, without any other choice he said, “Wait for us to return at noon for lunch.”

Zhao Jin Yu hurriedly nodded like a chick pecking at rice, the emperor seeing this thought she was even more adorable, reluctantly he stood up and left.

Yesterday after coming back Zhao Jin Yu was stuffed into the side room to take a bath, afterwards they had talked covered under the quilt, again afterwards…because they were too tired they fell asleep, they simply didn"t have time to do anything else.

Now that the emperor had left, Zhao Jin Yu at last had the time to look around her surroundings, 

Xihua palace was a very typical courtyard house with a fully enclosed courtyard, if there was something distinguishable the layout was slightly bigger than home, even more luxurious, and was joined with a small garden.

Zhao Jin Yu said to nanny Li, “Nanny, let"s take a stroll.”

Nanny Li seeing the emperor pamper Zhao Jin Yu in this way, she had not stopped smiling, the madam had always been worried about the young lady being treated coldly after entering the palace, who knew the emperor would unexpectedly cherish her like this, not only personally leaving the palace to welcome her, he had slept at Xihua palace yesterday night, she truly is greatly loved.

And so nanny Li"s words were filled with joy, she replied, “There"s also a small garden at the back, niangniang should we go there first?” There were many people in the imperial harem, the former emperor"s empress dowager, crown princess, and the current emperor"s many imperial concubines, including those candidates selected in the triannual imperial concubine selections, the palace maids, in this way under so many circ.u.mstances many high pin imperial concubines could not live in such a building, this time the reason why Zhao Jin Yu could say in Xihua palace was mainly because the emperor did not have enough consorts…, but it was still very hard to find one with a small garden.

At this moment nanny Li without a doubt did not know the emperor had already announced the matter of Zhao Jin Yu as empress a the morning court…, when they were outside of Zhang Zhi Shi"s residence, the emperor had said this in front of everyone before…, but nanny Li"s sole focus was on 

Zhao Jin Yu and had simply not heard it clearly, or maybe she had heard it clearly, but she merely did not believe it.

All of a sudden ascending to the position of empress, how great of a glory was this? Nanny Li did not dare to think.

Zhao Jin Yu had just walked around and came back, when she heard a eunuch shout, “Niangniang, His Majesty is returning.”

Zhao Jin Yu hurriedly changed her clothes, her hair was combed once again, when she came out the emperor had already arrived, he stood there allowing people to remove and change his clothes, he smiled at Zhao Jin Yu saying, “What did you do this morning?”

The chamberlains seeing Zhao Jin Yu come over, stepped aside carrying the clothes which had been removed, Zhao Jin Yu saw the emperor was half dressed, she was distracted for a little before taking the initiative to step forward and help the emperor dress.

Where does this strap connect to?

Why won"t this work?

This is a b.u.t.ton?

The emperor stood there for quite a while yet he still didn"t see Zhao Jin Yu put his clothes on properly, again looking at Zhao Jin Yu under the sunlight her fair skin looked creamy, an elegant silhouette, strong yet fine eyebrows, very straight and delicate nose…, he was not in a hurry, just like this with a lowered head he slowly admired her, only thinking…, the more he looked the more he liked, as if a piece of his heart which had been cut out, finally had returned, sweetness, happiness, a chest filled with satisfaction.

At last Zhao Jin Yu fixed the emperor"s clothes, finally lifting her head she saw the emperor"s sentimental gaze, as bright as day, like the autumn breeze…, a sweet feeling immediately rushed to her heart, she smiled sweetly, the emperor finally couldn"t help lower his head, kissing her.

The two people"s backs were facing a window embedded with five coloured gla.s.s, a dazzling array of colourful light came shining through.

This was the second time Zhao Jin Yu had a meal with the emperor, the first time she saw the dishes she had still thought it was by chance, but the second time…she felt something didn"t add up.

“Your Majesty, why is there cured meat stewed with radish? Oh, this is meat wedged in steamed bun?”

There should be four consorts, one empress. The rest are concubines.

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