My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 53

Zhao Jin Yu felt this invitation came just at the right time, she couldn"t find someone to speak her mind at the moment, finally a person who knew her appeared, it was as satisfactory as when someone gives you a pillow when you sleep.

After the madam had spoken in the morning, in the afternoon nanny Li brought a pile of things over, a small box containing red coral jewellery, buyao, earrings, hairpin, necklace all together fifty-two pieces, all exquisite and luxurious valuable objects, the red corals were dazzling like a flame, extremely beautiful.

Zhen Zhu did not dare to touch them, as if she was afraid she would break them, she said, “These are things kept in the madam"s storage box, supposedly they"re some of the dowry she brought from her 

parent"s home.”

Who didn"t like to dress up prettily? Zhao Jin Yu was not an exception, naturally she really liked 

them, she touched a pair of hairpins with admiration her heart filled with appreciation for the madam, so full it was warm, she said, “Grandmother treats me so well.”

Zhen Zhu smiled saying, “Eldest young lady is the madam"s flesh and blood, naturally she would love dearly the eldest young lady, other people can"t even wish for it.”

Zhao Jin Yu felt Zhen Zhu"s words held a hidden meaning, as if pointing out Zhao Rui Zhi"s hard to cover up disappointment this morning, she said with quite a headache, “Some words are better not said, insinuating something really isn"t pleasant to hear.”

Zhen Zhu stiffen, hurriedly lowering her head bowing slightly, she said, “Eldest young lady, this servant has wronged.” Truthfully she could not stand that aggrieved appearance of Zhao Rui Zhi…, who was her grievance for? She was merely an adopted daughter, how much better was her background compared to the maids? If she had the fortune of being adopted here when she was younger, she believed she wouldn"t have done worse than Zhao Rui Zhi, most likely even better.

Eating well from childhood, well dressed, loved by the madam, enjoying endless devotion, now that the rightful owner has arrived she ought to know how to be grateful, who could have imagined she actually constantly secretly set herself against the eldest young lady, in the end what could she fight with?  Those table manners were truly unsightly.

Zhen Zhu"s couldn"t help mutter in her mind, wait and see, something will happen sooner or later.

Zhao Jin Yu knew what Zhen Zhu was thinking, she actually didn"t have much thoughts about Zhao Rui Zhi, as long as she didn"t block her way, don"t trip her up, she also won"t make things hard for her, it"ll be fine if the two of them minded their own businesses.

The cloths the madam sent over to Zhao Jin Yu were all very good, many were good materials not found on the market outside, only what a pity some colours were too dark to suit Zhao Jin Yu, some were too light for the winter weather, like this three or four colours were chosen, lake green, hibiscus, rouge red, all very bright-coloured, then calling for the specialist needlework women in the residence to make the clothes, in merely two days five sets were produced.

When Zhao Jin Yu ordered the work she specially asked for the waist to be cinched, the hibiscus colour half sleeve gown was originally refreshing and refined, and with the well-fitted waist design, wearing the clothes made Zhao Jin Yu look as sweet and graceful as a soft green bud on a willow branch, extremely beautiful.

The madam seeing it couldn"t help nod, saying, “Very good, you ought to dress up more often.” 

Following which she lifted her head again to the two small red coral plum blossom hairpins on top of 

Zhao Jin Yu"s head, both unique and appearing very lucid and elegant…, tears suddenly appeared in her eyes, looking deeply hurt.

The nanny Li was stunned, she said, “Madam, what is the matter? Do you not feel well?”

The madam did not lift her head, she shook her head saying, “Qing Luan, quickly go, don"t be held up on your way.”

How could Zhao Jin Yu leave at this moment, she stepped forward holding onto the madam"s arm, anxiously saying, “Grandmother, what"s wrong? Don"t frighten your granddaughter.”

Hearing Zhao Jin Yu"s sweet voice the madam was more and more sad, this indeed made the nanny Li and Zhao Jin Yu feel extremely anxious.

After a good while, the madam stopped crying, but did not allow people to ask the reason, without explanation she made Zhao Jin Yu leave the house…, Zhao Jin Yu turned her head with every step she took, she could see the madam was in good health, but it was her emotions which were a problem, that"s when she left at ease.

The nanny Li helped the madam into her room to rest, the madam actually said, “Go take a stroll.”

In the small garden there was a grape tree, in winter the tree were bare of leaves, only branches remained, appearing very desolate, however it was a good place for sunshine, nanny Li helped the madam to it on the stone bench beneath the grape tree, seeing the gorgeous sunshine, she said, “There is really good sunshine today.”

The madam nodded, in a blink she saw the eldest old master Zhao Xing Kun come over from nowhere.

Zhao Xing Kun was prepared to be scolded, who knew the madam however very calmly said, “You"ve come.”

“Yes, I"ve come.” Zhao Xing Kun was somewhat overwhelmed by the treatment, he didn"t dare to be too close, standing three steps away from the madam. “Why were you crying?” Zhao Xing Kun could see the madam"s red eyes, rather reluctantly he said, “You"re already so old, why are you still like a child?”

The madam watched the warm winter sunlight, an indescribable pain flowed in her eyes, she said, “I"m just thinking, Qing Luan such a good girl, will soon be married, I can"t bear it, I haven"t seen enough of her, and has not supported her enough.”

Zhao Xing Kun was also rather touched, he said, “Jin girl is still young, why are you in a hurry?”

“Isn"t it because you have an illegitimate child?” The madam complexion darkened, she lowly shouted, “If it wasn"t for Xiao Zhen Shan"s appearance, why would the second and fifth branch who usually don"t get along join forces to deal with you? Again now why would you be forced into a flurry by them, hardly able to look after yourself?” Originally Zhao Xing Kun used the second branch to check and balance the fifth branch, now however because of Xiao Zhen Shan this equilibrium was broken.

“I know, it"s all my fault, don"t be angry.” Zhao Xing Kun said in a soothing manner he said, “But you cannot treat Jin girl"s marriage as a trivial matter, what is that young master Bai? He has no achievements, and is not the eldest son of the first wife, a middle child, not loved by his father or mother, regardless of the pedantic air surrounding him from head to toe, at such a young age he keeps on saying the four common characters of cla.s.sical Chinese over and over, he"s simply…, I think he"s not even able to carry shoes for Jin girl!”

The madam immediately hmphed, “Back then my parents actually praised you, saying you were good, have achievements, a talented person, virtuous, and was the eldest son of the first wife…, who knew in a flash you would cause a such a problem for me, a head on blow.” The madam saw the eldest old master"s face turn green then white, all the more bluntly she said, “Am I right?”

The nanny Li standing at the side was so frightened beads of sweat quickly rushed out, the madam has always deeply respected the eldest old master, she had respectfully loved and protected him over the tens of years, when did she start putting him on the spot? Saying such unpleasant words.

In the end when the nanny Li thought the eldest old master couldn"t help being angry he actually restrained himself with difficulty, and said something that almost made her jaw drop, she heard the eldest old master say, “You are right.”

Nanny Li couldn"t help stick her fingers in her ear, she didn"t mishear right? The madam admonished the eldest old master with no trace of politeness, he unexpectedly said she was right to admonish him?

“In brief just don"t bother with this matter, I will marry Qing Luan off grandly.” The madam finished speaking and stood up giving the eldest old master a warning glance, “Did you hear me?”

The eldest old master with a bitter expression, said, “That youngster from the Bai family really isn"t suitable…”

“Qing Luan"s matter is Qing Luan"s matter, the issue between you and I are a separate matter.” The madam pointed at the old man who wanted to rush over and curry favour saying, “We will definitely separate.”

The eldest old master, “…”

After the madam had left, the eldest old master Zhao Xing Kun stood on the spot angrily for a while, fuming, he said, “What sort of words are those? Separate? Still foolishly acting up at such an age? 

Isn"t this a joke for the younger generation?” Only there was no one left to talk to him.

When Zhao Jin Yu reached the second gate of the Gu residence she saw Gu Fu Ying whom she had not seen in a long time wearing a white beizi with light green embroidered bamboo leaves and plum blossoms on the collar, a white rabbit fur with lotus seed head edging draped over her shoulders, her hair combed into a feixian style, slender and elegant she waited for her.

“Jin Yu?” Gu Fu Ying headed towards her, soon after overwhelmed with emotions she grabbed Zhao Jin Yu"s hand, saying, “It"s really you?” Having spoken her eyes reddened.

Zhao Jin Yu smiled saying, “Why are you crying?”

Gu Fu Ying rubbed her tears, saying, “You don"t know, I heard about your family…” Gu Fu Ying spoke half way then stopped, seeming aware this wasn"t the place to speak, dragging Zhao Jin Yu inside, “Let go in and talk, first go see my mother, she always thought of you.”

Lady Gu was a model southern person, fair, slim, very delicate looking, voice gentle and tender, at first Zhao Jin Yu thought Gu Fu Ying was extremely beautiful, but compared to Lady Gu some northern features could be seen, besides Gu Fu Ying"s frank and agile temperament, she was actually more like her father Gu Jiao.

Zhao Jin Yu paid her respect to Lady Gu before being chased out by Lady Gu, saying, “Fu Ying has always thought of you, since you"ve come here with great difficulty you should go to her Xiaoxiang residence to play, there"s a lot of fun things in there.” Immediately saying to the housekeeper on one side, “Let me get the kitchen to send over frozen pears from the far north, I remember Jin Yu liked eating it the most before.” Afterwards she looked at Zhao Jin Yu with a smile, almost as if to ask, is that right?

Zhao Jin Yu felt Lady Gu was truly a woman, looking at you with such gentleness and tenderness…, her heart melted into a puddle, hurriedly she said, “Thank you auntie for still remembering.”

Lady Gu laughed saying, “So long as you like it, go quickly.” Following which she again turned to 

Gu Fu Ying saying, “Don"t bully Jin Yu.”

“Why would I bully her?” Gu Fu Ying groaned saying, “Are you actually my mother? Always on other"s side.”

Lady Gu smiled helplessly, some pampering and love appeared in her eyes, she said, “You have been spoiled by me.” Then smiling at Zhao Jin Yu she softly said, “Jin Yu don"t be afraid, if she bullies you, just come tell me.”

Zhao Jin Yu couldn"t help laugh, she said, “Auntie, I will remember.”

Gu Fu Ying angrily stomped her feet, pulling Zhao Jin Yu outside, as she walked she muttered, 

“What bewitching potion did you actually give my mother?”

“Nothing ah, maybe it"s because you"re usually too difficult to deal with.”

“What nosense are you saying ah.”

Very soon the melodious sweet laughter of the two people could be heard.

Lady Gu couldn"t help shake her head, saying to the old woman beside her, “Go see what the eldest 

young master is doing?”

That old woman rolled her eyes, immediately understanding Lady Gu"s meaning, she said, “This servant will go and see.”

Zhao Jin Yu was seldomly this happy, the two chatted and laughed their way to Gu Fu Ying"s Xiaoxiang residence, it was a very unique small courtyard, a locust tree grew in the middle of the courtyard, water jars containing goldfishes under the eaves, pine trees were placed on both sides of the path, even though it was winter it seemed dark green and lush.

“Look at the goldfishes I keep.” Gu Fu Ying pulled Zhao Jin Yu to the water jars, pointing at a white goldfish inside she said, “This one"s a phoenix tail silver fish, the one that I like the most, isn"t it beautiful?”

Zhao Jin Yu couldn"t help exclaim in admiration, “Beautiful.”

Gu Fu Ying found it hard to cover up how proud she was, saying, “Of course, I wasted a lot of time raising it.”

Zhao Jin Yu teasingly laughed, “I"m afraid that you didn"t raise it, your older brother takes care of these fishes.” Gu Fu Ying had a rather irritable temperament, lacking patience, before it was Gu Fu Ying"s older brother Gu Zhao Cheng who helped her.

Gu Fu Ying laughed guiltily, saying, “Yes, my older brother helped me look after them.”

The two entered the house holding hands, a maid had already received word earlier, having placed a snack box on the table, there were food preserved in honey, melon seeds, flaky pastries, and a plate of perfectly frozen pears.

Zhao Jin Yu pleasantly surprised stepped forward picking up a frozen pear saying, “There really is frozen pears, as expected of the eldest young lady of the Gu prefectural magistrate, everything that should be here is here.”

Gu Fu Ying stepped forward to hit Zhao Jin Yu, lovingly snorted saying, “Aren"t you teasing me? Right now you"re the eldest young lady of the Zhao family, what can"t you eat if you want it? I"m just a young lady of a small prefectural magistrate who can"t compare to even your fingernail.” Gu Fu Ying words were not exaggerated, the Zhao family such a distinguished family really was above a prefectural magistrate.

Zhao Jin Yu stuck out her tongue, picking up the frozen pair she took a bite, immediately a kind of sour and sweet cool refreshing taste poured into her mouth, very much a delightful satisfaction, she showed a happy expression, saying, “My grandmother said this is a cold thing, I can"t eat it.”

Gu Fu Ying said, “Your grandmother is right.”

Zhao Jin Yu nodded, showing a somewhat helpless expression, “I know grandmother is concerned for me, but I"m slightly uncomfortable, as if…”

Gu Fu Ying smiled, “Restricted in every sense right.”

“Yes.” Zhao Jin Yu could not deny the madam was good to her, but sometimes this sort of good became a burden, making her feel somewhat unable to breath. “My const.i.tution is good, let alone eating a frozen pear in winter, I would even be fine eating an ice cube.” Before in the capital city 

Zhao Jin Yu and her older brother would eat shaved ice.

“Your older brother spoiled you, truthfully your mother didn"t allow you to eat it either, your older brother sneakily took you…” Gu Fu Ying spoke up to here then suddenly stopped, a formerly blissful family had now fallen apart.

Zhao Jin Yu"s expression saddened, saying, “Yes, older brother truly loved me.” But did he really love her? Then why would he abandon her at a time when she needed him the most?

The atmosphere in the house suddenly became worryingly rather gloomy, Gu Fu Ying somewhat guiltily said, “It"s my fault, you"re living very well currently, I had to just bring up the past.”

“No, I actually got over it long ago.” Zhao Jin Yu smiled encouragingly, saying, “Let"s not talk about that, let"s talk about some happy things, when is your wedding with your older cousin?” Zhao Jin Yu knew Gu Fu Ying and her older cousin had concluded a marriage, moreover the two were childhood sweethearts deeply affectionate.

Two clouds of red appeared on Gu Fu Ying"s face, setting off in contrast even more her surpa.s.sing beauty, she said, “It"s decided for the spring of next year, my mother said she wants me to stay at home for one more year, and older brother needs to take part in the exams.”

“A wedding night after getting top marks in the imperial examinations?”

“Pei! Anything can come out of that mouth of yours.” Gu Fu Ying angrily jumped up pulling on Zhao Jin Yu"s arm, feigning to pinch her arm, Zhao Jin Yu cried out in exaggeration, “Aiya, the eldest young lady of the prefectural magistrate is. .h.i.tting someone.”

Who knew at that moment a person came hurriedly in from outside the door, urgently yelling, “Younger sister, are you bullying Jin Yu again?”

This person wasn"t an outsider but Gu Fu Ying"s older brother Gu Zhao Cheng, he was around twenty years old, wearing a lake green gown embroidered with decorative designs, delicate features, outstandingly handsome.

When Zhao Jin Yu saw it was Gu Zhao Cheng she tidied her hair, pushing down the messy corners of her skirt, she walked over greeting him, charmingly saying, “Older brother Zhao Cheng.”

Before the four of them spent all their time playing together, they could be considered childhood friends, if Gu Zhao Cheng had not had an arranged marriage long ago, Lady Gu had once considered to have Zhao Jin Yu marry into the family.

Gu Zhao Cheng smiled gently, saying, “Quickly get up, I haven"t seen you in a few years, you"re already so big.”

Gu Fu Ying covered her mouth laughing, she said, “Older brother, your words are really old and proper, not like my older brother, rather like the old man who teaches me.”

Gu Zhao Cheng"s complexion swiftly turned red, stuttering slightly he said, “What rubbish are you saying? Master Xu is a great scholar, a person of virtue and prestige, you can"t use the master as a joke.”

Gu Fu Ying"s mouth twitched, towards Zhao Jin Yu she showed a helpless expression, like she was saying…, it"s been so many years, my older brother is still like this.

Zhao Jin Yu couldn"t hold back and also smiled, Gu Fu Ying used to envy her older brother, because 

Zhao Jin Yu"s older brother Zhao Zhuang Qing would endlessly tolerate Zhao Jin Yu, so long as Zhao Jin Yu wanted to he would think of every possible way to obtain it, he would encourage her to accomplish it, that"s why the two of them growing up had never had been red in the face, Gu Fu Ying and her older brother Gu Zhao Cheng however were different, because Gu Zhao Cheng had a strict character, and it just happened that Gu Fu Ying was lively and energetic, daring, that"s why he frequently lectures Gu Fu Ying, the two of them had argued since they were young.

The three of them ate snacks and spoke of the past, Gu Zhao Cheng took advantage of Gu Fu Ying speaking of going to the palace he asked, “Jin Yu, older brother wants to ask you a question about something.”

Zhao Jin Yu having seen Gu Zhao Cheng"s rather hesitant manner knew he wanted to say something to her, she hurriedly said, “Older brother Zhao Cheng, if you have something to say just say it.”

Gu Zhao Cheng saw Zhao Jin Yu act as usual towards him, without any distance, his heart was rather moved, he felt both happy, and again some sadness…, he said, “I heard you and the third young master of the Bai family are arranging a marriage?”

Zhao Jin Yu with quite a headache, said, “It"s not decided yet, it"s just been mentioned.” These few days the madam had seized every moment to ask her for her opinion, pushing her almost unbearably.

Hearing these words Gu Zhao Cheng showed quite a relieved expression, he said, “I shouldn"t say such words…, but I watched you grow up since I was young, you"re like a younger sister to me.”

Zhao Jin Yu recalled everything that had happened before and was quite moved, she said, “Older brother Zhao Cheng, I also regard you as an older brother.”

“Yes.” Gu Zhao Cheng hearing this couldn"t help smile warmly, he continued saying, “That young master Bai San and I are acquaintances.” Hangzhou was huge, many offspring of influential families all knew each other, Gu Zhao Cheng muttered irresolutely, “The person your grandmother chose is really good, his moral standing and family background are compatible with you, only there"s just one thing…, when he went to the capital last year for the exams he brought back a woman.”

Zhao Jin Yu was shocked, she said, “In other words he has a concubine?”

Gu Zhao Cheng nodded, “Yes, he actually has a concubine, or maybe a maid in name but a concubine in reality, this isn"t a huge matter in our kind of families, the main problem is that concubine is extremely pretty, I"m afraid if you went…” Gu Zhao Cheng had seen that maid concubine, gracious in every movement, simply wasn"t someone who can be supressed by a girl like Zhao Jin Yu who grew up in an influential family.

Zhao Jin Yu was calm without speaking, she had always thought young master Bai San was innocent, who would have imagined he would have such a large stain.

Gu Zhao Cheng said, “I can tell young master Bai San likes that concubine a lot, you ought to consider this marriage a bit more…” Gu Zhao Cheng now also remembered, once young master Bai San had deliberately gone to the temple to ask for a peace charm, that was because the concubine had fallen ill, wasn"t she just a concubine, how could young master Bai San do such a thing? What sort of relationship is this?

Zhao Jin Yu muddleheadedly got into her palanquin, Gu Zhao Cheng"s words for the entire journey…, did grandmother actually know of this? She leaned on the palanquin closing her eyes out of exhaustion.

When they had seen Zhao Jin Yu off, Lady Gu called Gu Fu Ying"s personal maid Liu Lu over, asking, “What did the eldest young master and young lady say to young lady Zhao?”

The maid Liu Lu had been waiting in the house all along, naturally she knew everything.

After a while, Lady Gu waved her hand saying, “Withdraw.”

The old maid standing at the side smiled saying, “The eldest young master isn"t completely unthoughtful, otherwise he wouldn"t have told young lady Zhao about young master Bai San.”

Lady Gu lowered her head not speaking, the sunlight from outside shone on her peaceful face, a kind of tranquil beauty.

The old maid once again continued saying, “Because the former wife of the young master pa.s.sed away so quickly…, she had just married into the family for three days before she pa.s.sed away from illness, that family even said we had treated her severely, causing a cacophony, that"s why these few years the issue of marriage for the eldest young master had been delayed, madam has truly had her heart broken because of this matter.” The old maid beamed, speaking with resolve she said, “Now it"s fine, madam has watched the young lady Zhao grow up, know her from top to bottom, and was born from the Zhao family, if the marriage is concluded, it would be the most envied wedding in the entire Hangzhou, it"ll make those who look down on us to see how amazing we are.”

Lady Gu nodded, saying, “Honestly if the Zhao family wasn"t facing so many difficulties nowadays, our Gu Zhao Cheng may not have a chance, but since there is a possibility, I will definitely try, rather than let girl Jin Yu marry into the Bai family, it"ll be better for her to marry into our family, I won"t ever treat her unfairly.”

“Exactly the reason, this old servant thinks the eldest young master might also like it.”

A person knows their son best…, Lady Gu thought, her own introverted son, if he didn"t have the slightly inclination why else would he go and tell Zhao Jin Yu about this matter.

“Of course he will like it.”

When Zhao Jin Yu reached the Zhao residence it was already night, she didn"t do anything else, she directly went to the madam"s room.

“Grandmother, did you know young master Bai San has a concubine?”

The madam was just drinking tea, hearing Zhao Jin Yu"s words she almost dropped the teacup onto the floor, a trace of displeasure flashed on her face, she said, “Who told you this?”

Zhao Jin Yu"s heard thudded, she said, “It"s true?”

“Jin Yu, go wash and change your clothes first, when you come back grandmother will speak to you.” The madam"s steadied her mind, she said with a gentle voice.

Zhao Jin Yu heart felt like it was burning, where was she still in the mood to wash and change clothes, standing unwilling to move, she said, “Grandmother, tell me, is it true or not?”

The madam got angry seeing Zhao Jin Yu"s stubborn appearance, she said, “Are you acting this way towards your grandmother? Not acting in accordance to the rules at all.”

Dangling head ornament

From anger.

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