My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 55

When the eldest old master saw Zhao Jin Yu she had already “come to”, with a deathly pale face she sat leaning on the bed allowing the maid Zhen Zhu to feed her thick cow"s milk, the madam had especially ordered someone to find this for Zhao Jin Yu a few days ago, seeing this he couldn"t help sigh…, it was clear they loved this child very much, why did things become like this?

In just a quarter of an hour he was clear about what happened from start to end, truthfully in his opinion the two people were not wrong, the only wrong was the lack of frankness.

If Zhao Jin Yu had been raised by his wife"s side from young, with deep feelings between them, even if Zhao Jin Yu was not content she would forgive and tolerate on account of respect, after all she was her own grandmother, but she unfortunately was raised outside, she was even more indebted to her adoptive father, that"s why she lacked proper trust and affection for his wife, with just a little doubt she directly expressed it.

Moreover his wife was extremely strong-minded and stubborn, and on top of that she had experienced a lot, frankly it was him being in charge of the house who spoiled her, she simply did not tolerate anyone questioning her decisions, even if that person was his own granddaughter.

Originally the two people had a bad temper, Zhao Jin Yu seemed docile and obedient, but a rebellious nature was hidden inside, his wife seemed reasonable, but in truth was actually very obstinate, she was fine when there was no disagreement, however once there is a disagreement…, it would only bring about contrasting views, so much so that the argument would get out of hand.

Zhao Xing Kun sat by the bed, tenderly asking, “Does your legs still hurt?”

Zhao Jin Yu nevertheless felt very guilty for feigning to be unwell like this, she hastily shook her head, saying, “It"s fine, medicine has already been applied.”

Zhao Xing Kun had also attentively asked the doctor who had taken her pulse, he knew there was nothing greatly wrong with Zhao Jin Yu, he nodded saying, “Jin Yu, you cannot make such a mistake again in the future.”

Zhao Jin Yu lowered her head without speaking, the dim light reflected a kind of indescribable stubbornness on her face.

The more Zhao Xing Kun looked the more he thought…, the offended face of his son Zhao Ying Guan, his heart thudded, he only felt the current scenario overlapped with the previous situation, an anxiety arose in his heart.

“You know your grandmother loves you like the apple of her eye, you however anger her like this, do you think it"s right?” Zhao Xing Kun said ever more cautiously.

Zhao Jin Yu said, “Grandmother is the one who hid the fact young master Bai San has a concubine.”

Zhao Xing Kun saw that Zhao Jin Yu would still express what was on her mind, he released a breath, thinking it was better that she was willing to speak, he said, “Grandfather said to you last time, you are in charge, since you don"t want to marry him just tell grandfather, no matter how difficult it may be grandfather will support you, but you can"t impulsively go question your grandmother in public? 

Doesn"t that put her in an awkward position?”

Zhao Jin Yu bowed her head not speaking.

Zhao Xing Kun again said, “You ought to trust in your grandmother.”

Zhao Jin Yu said, “Trust grandmother? If I spoke to her about it would she listen?” To be honest Zhao Jin Yu had long ago noticed the madam was a very overbearing person, but because she never met her bottom line before, and thinking that although she had decided and acted on her behalf too much, it was however in her interest, that"s why she had not argued, but such a major issue as marriage she nevertheless felt very angry.

Zhao Xing Kun was speechless for a while, thinking about his wife"s temper, and her nature of not listening, if she decides on something she would not easily change her mind.

Seeing Zhao Xing Kun"s face Zhao Jin Yu knew what she said was right, she kept a taut face not speaking, her heart nevertheless thought of a lot of things…, she liked a slightly spicy taste in food, but grandmother actually said eating spicy food would easily cause spots, very graceless, not allowing to eat again, the heaven"s know spots were based on one"s const.i.tution…, she was used to eating spicy food since a child and simply did not get spots, and there were also many other things, grandmother controlled her basic needs to her manners and actions, making her feel completely restrained.

Zhao Xing Kun searched for words for quite a while, finally he helplessly said, “Take care of yourself, it"s fine if you don"t want to marry that boy from the Bai family, I"ll go over now to talk about you.” After he affectionately stroked the hairs on her temple, love filled his eyes.

After Zhao Xing Kun had left Zhao Jin Yu sat there thinking bewildered about her own future, she felt like in front of her was a dense fog, she simply could not see clearly the path to follow… she had thought young master Bai San was a person of trustworthy nature, who knew he surprisingly has a beautiful and cherished concubine hidden in his house…, Gu Zhao Cheng"s words still rang in her ears, he had said young master Bai San treated that girl very unusually, truthfully the so called arrangement was for her to marry over then bring her back again right?

To be honest if it was someone else Zhao Jin Yu might not necessarily have reacted badly, the main thing was she originally was not set on young master Bai San, and the issue of concubines was the last straw, it simply made a not very st.u.r.dy wall ever more dilapidated, with just a light push it collapsed.

Where was her way out?

Does she have to enter the palace? Even if she had said would enter the palace to the stone inside the ancestral hall, but in fact having calmed down she discovered she had jested, the stone was a stone spirit with the wisdom of a child, again how could he be sure the emperor would like her? It was truly too risky.

What would adoptive father"s future be like? Zhao Jin Yu only needed to think of Zhao Chang Chun"s all skin and bone appearance before she left the capital city and she teared up. She felt things were getting more and more chaotic, the frustration felt like a stone was pushing down her chest.

When Zhao Xing Kun left Zhao Jin Yu"s courtyard he directly went to the madam"s residence…, but standing at the door for an hour he still did not see his wife.

After this event the Zhao residence was ever more stifling, the maids and servants were solemn, even though spring was approaching, being able to change into lighter clothes did not bring a smile to their faces, instead there was a lifeless oppressiveness.

Zhao Jin Yu and the madam Mao Shi were in a cold war, neither one was willing to give in first, the eldest old master Zhao Xing Kun was also in a very difficult position stuck between the two…, Zhao Jin Yu was willing to see him, but was not willing to talk about this matter, and the madam didn"t even agree to see him, gradually the issue of marriage with the Bai family was also delayed.

The issue of the imperial concubine selection was still a deadlock matter, Zhao Xing Kun in every case felt the situation was somewhat odd…, his second and fifth brothers seemed to have colluded together in advance, persistent in Zhao Jin Yu entering the palace, he naturally did not agree, so thinking about it the one who was actually suffering the most was the eldest old master Zhao Xing Kun.

It was still unbearably gloomy and cold a few days ago, suddenly it started getting warmer flowers blooming, the sun shone brightly, Zhao Jin Yu stayed indoors for a long time, at last she decided to go out.

Zhao Jin Yu and Gu Fu Ying arranged to go to the Kurong temple in the outskirts to offer joss sticks.

When Zhao Jin Yu had dressed neatly and left the second gate did she then discover the madam Mao Shi was actually also there, she silently stood…, nanny Li standing to one side rushed over, saying, “Eldest young lady, why aren"t you greeting the madam?”

Only then did Zhao Jin Yu walk over bowing she said, “Grandmother.”

The madam hmphed, turning to get in her carriage, coldly saying, “So she still knows she has a grandmother.”

Nanny Li awkwardly smiled, helping the madam into the carriage…, Zhao Jin Yu held back her anger and turned to get into another carriage.

That day the weather was very good, lovely spring sunshine, nice and warm shining on the body, the madam wore bamboo coloured lined gown, her hear was neatly and tidily styled, wearing a jade embedded epa, looking both poised and graceful…, when the madam looked displeased it was awfully solemn, but Zhao Jin Yu knew when she smiled at her it was actually filled with tolerance and love.

The numerous times Zhao Jin Yu recalled that scene later on, she thought if only she had not allowed her emotions to affect her decisions.

They set out early morning, arriving in the afternoon, Kurong temple"s head nun had received news earlier, he prepared food as alms, Zhao Jin Yu unavoidably sat next to the madam, on her other side was Zhao Rui Zhi.

After the meal Zhao Rui Zhi was extremely solicitous,; a dignified tender smile on her face, she could take care of the madam and take Zhao Jin Yu into consideration…, Zhao Jin Yu felt if it wasn"t for what happened before, she would actually like this person.

They were staying here overnight.

Zhao Jin Yu waited until the afterglow of the setting sun filled the courtyard yet still did not see the Gu family"s two brother and sister, this gave her a bad feeling, she and Gu Fu Ying had arranged it, did something happen?

At first the two families were coming together, but Gu Fu Ying said she had to wait for her older brother and told her to come here first.

Now Zhao Jin Yu wearing a captivating red brocade jacket, face white as jade, sweet, fair and graceful, standing under the tree shining with the light from the setting sun she gave off a very tranquil and beautiful feeling, like a painting of a beauty drawing people"s attention.

When young master Bai San walked over seeing such a scenery, a somewhat stunned expression filled his eyes, gently with manners he said, “Lady Zhao.”

Zhao Jin Yu seeing the person who had come was young master Bai San quickly looked to her left and right, Zhen Zhu standing at the entrance bowed to her, a rather helpless expression on her face, as if saying this servant also has no choice. Zhao Jin Yu very quickly understood…, she had wondered why her grandmother had suddenly wanted to go to Kurong temple with her, so it"s because she hadn"t given up on wanting to play matchmaking with her and young master Bai San.

At that moment a stifled anger filled Zhao Jin Yu"s heart, it was like she was a puppet, like no matter what grandmother says she has to follow.

Zhao Jin Yu pushed down the rage, her face naturally did not show it, she coldly said, “Young master Bai San, I"m also someone who has read the Scriptures, how can you still come over to greet me knowing I"m here alone? Could it be you don"t know a man and woman together will arouse suspicion?”

Young master Bai San"s face became very unsightly, however he still restrained his anger saying, “Lady Zhao, you misunderstand me to some extent.”

“What misunderstanding?”

“I"ve already sent young lady Yu away.” Young master Bai San said showing a somewhat heartbroken expression. “Lady Zhao, even if you are the eldest young lady of the Zhao family, you however have been raised outside, I"m afraid you have not properly learned of nujie, there are four female virtues, fidelity, physical charm, propriety in speech and efficiency in needle work…, young lady Zhao words are actually not quite appropriate, think whether to speak, choose your words, do not speak maliciously, do not annoy others, the female virtues for speaking, yet Lady Zhao because of a little matter you actually complained to your grandmother, intolerant…”

Zhao Jin Yu all of a sudden felt extremely disgusted, she said, “Sorry to bother young master Bai, however haven"t you heard from my grandmother? I"ve already decided to enter the palace.”

Young master Bai San"s expression immediately turned slightly green, ever more unsightly.

Zhao Jin Yu simply said she was entering the palace half-heartedly, she wanted to anger young master Bai San, because she truly couldn"t stand young master Bai San"s thinking that he was showing respect to her by marrying her, and before even marrying he was talking to her about the Confucian moral injunctions for women, nujie, he honestly was looking down on her, she wanted to see him back out of an awkward situation, and the matter of entering the palace was naturally a good excuse.

Sure enough young master Bai San who had read and re-read the Scriptures until he was familiar with it obviously knew serving the emperor was the greatest honour, afterwards he had to get out of the awkward situation.

Zhao Jin Yu had wanted to find her grandmother and ask, but again thinking of the ice-cold relationship between the two of them, she didn"t want to cause more arguments…, she was forced to restrain her anger and return to the room prepared for her, only the more she thought about it the more furious she was, does grandmother think I"m a puppet, she points to the east, she would have to walk east?

Rather than accepting grandmother"s “good for you” manipulations, she might as well enter the palace.

In any case it wasn"t such a bad thing.

Zhao Jin Yu deliberately ate an extra spicy pak choi tofu in front of grandmother, the madam"s face was red with anger, she said, “I heard from young master Bai San, you are determined to enter the palace?”

Zhao Jin Yu raised her head, unyieldingly she said, “Right.”

“Are you confused? What"s good about entering the palace? Do you know how many people have never seen a glimpse of the emperor for their entire life?” The madam was so angry she firmly put her chopsticks down, “You are doing this to make grandmother angry?”

Zhao Jin Yu said, “Grandmother, you know it"ll be good for me to marry young master Bai San? How can you be so sure?”

“I"ve experienced more than you have eaten rice, don"t tell me you shouldn"t listen to this old woman"s words? Besides, parents have the say in marriage, when is it up to you to decide, I am your grandmother, I want you to marry into the Bai family, then you will marry!”

“Yes.” Zhao Jin Yu saw that the madam wasn"t ashamed at all, instead she was even more unyielding, her heart was ever more disappointed, saying, “Grandmother did you talk to father like this back then? Saying that as a child of an influential family he could not marry a low cla.s.s, woman of the jianghu who walked on the knife"s edge.”

The madam sucked in a cold evening breath.

Zhao Jin Yu sorrowfully said, “Grandmother, you have experienced more than I have eaten rice, but life is like walking in shoes, whether the shoes fit is best known by the wearer, grandmother how did you know father marrying that girl would be happy? Maybe in your eyes, the so-called prestige of an influential family is much more important than father"s happiness? Or maybe grandmother you couldn"t stand the usually obedient father disobey your wishes?”

When Zhao Jin Yu returned to her room, the madam actually was boiling with anger, her mouth foamed, she couldn"t even drink water, over these years no one had ever dared to mention her deceased son to her face, now Zhao Jin Yu actually unexpectedly brought him up, it was as painful and hard to bear like a knife directly piercing her heart.

Zhao Jin Yu tossed and turned unable to sleep, she had in fact guessed the matter with Zhao Ying Guan from grandmother and grandfather"s reaction…, but seeing grandmother"s reaction today, it ought to be true.

But did she take things too far?

At this moment, Zhen Zhu suddenly rushed in looking deathly pale, she yelled out in fear, “Eldest young lady, it"s not good.”


“A group of people have surrounded the temple.”

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